The Cedar County Board of Commissioners will meet at 8:30 a.m., Tuesday, July 26, 2016, in the Commissioners’ Room in the Cedar County Courthouse.
Agenda is available in the County Clerk’s office.
June 27, 2016
The Hartington City Council met for their regular meeting on June 27, 2016 at the city hall beginning at 7:00 P.M. Notice of time and place of the meeting was given in the advance notice by posting. Notice of time and place of the meeting was communicated in the advance notice to the mayor and council.
Present were Mayor Peitz; Councilpersons Addison, Kruse, Christensen, and Bartling; Legal Adviser Pier, City Clerk ~ Treasurer Lenzen, and Deputy Clerk Schaecher.
Mayor Peitz called the meeting to order followed by all present reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. He announced that the open meeting law poster was on the back wall of the council room and reminded all present to silence their cell phones.
A motion to approve the minutes of the June 13, 2016 with a correction suggested by Councilman Kruse that the freon should be reeplaced in the air conditioner instead of air compressor, was made by Addison and seconded by Kruse. A roll call vote was taken. Addison – yes, Kruse – yes, Bartling – yes, and Christensen – yes. Motion carried.
A building permit was submitted and reviewed from Wilfred and Dolores Sorenson for a garage.
Chris and Cathy Kathol were concerned if the proper setback to the property line was in compliance.
Zoning Official Hansen confirmed that the garage would be nine feet from the property line. A motion to approve the permit was made by Addison and seconded by Kruse. A roll call vote was taken. Addison – yes, Kruse – yes, Bartling – yes, and Christensen – yes. Motion carried.
Ordinance No. 842 – annexation was introduced by Councilman Kruse. This was the second reading of the ordinance.
Mayor Peitz appointed Chris Miller to the CRA Board for a five year term.
Michael Johnson, Coach for the Cedar Catholic Boys Golf team accepted a check in the amount of $250.00 from Public Alliance for Community Energy for the golf team distributing the ACE door gas selection campaign flyers.
In July 2011 the Hartington Economic Development Corporation received a CDBG reuse revolving five year loan in the amount of $15,200.00 to develop land in the industrial site and to create and retain a minimum of one low to moderate income job. The loan was to be forgiven provided the land was developed and the job creation and retention was met. July of 2016 is when the five years would be up and it is being questioned if the loan obligations have been met.
Chris Miller, Chairman of the Hartington Economic Development Corporation, explained that instead of land being developed, Tower Road was built. Tower Road was built by the Cedar County Road Department for an exchange of dirt from the industrial site that the county had a need for. The $15,200.00 is in a Hartington Economic Development account and Mr. Miller says there are plans for it. Mr. Miller stated that documentation would be provided to the city council of the plans to do Tower Road, financial statements as to where the $15,200.00 is being held, and letters of support from Creamer, Heimes, Janssen Auctioneers, Folker’s Brothers Garage, and Northeast Pipe and Panel stating the benefits of Tower Road and business expansions.
The city council will need to make the decision if the loan is to be forgiven.
Clerk Lenzen gave a report of the finance conference that she attended. Sessions attended were budget updates, laws passed effecting municipalities, dealing with nuisance and abandoned properties, sales tax reporting, collection of past due utility bills, open meeting law – closed sessions, and internal control.
The following department reports were given.
PARK/POOL – Councilwoman Addison: Received a request to trim trees at Felber Park baseball Field.
COMPLEX/AUDITORIUM – Councilman Kruse: None
FIRE/AMBULANCE – Councilman Christensen: None
GENERAL – May Peitz: None
The city received a contract from Municipal Power Pool for interface software for the radio read project. Clerk Lenzen inquired from Roger Protzman, JEO if this could be reimbursed from the DEQ loan.
Public Comments: Rob Dump made the suggestion that according to the open meeting law, the council should not discuss any city business after adjourning.
The following bills were presented for payment.
GENERAL: Aflac 544.68, and Bomgaars 72.31.
STREETS: Bomgaars 138.93, Liese Concrete 1,807.00 and Source Gas 108.28.
WATER: Bomgaars 89.03, Hawkins 123.00, HHSLab 120.00 and Municipal Pipe 3,800.00.
SEWER: Bomgaars 10.78, Mike’s Electric 544.54, and Source Gas 68.06.
FIRE: Danko 105.00, Robertson Implement 1,574.98, and Source Gas 16.52.
AMBULANCE: Bomgaars 10.99, Hartelco 104.93, and Source Gas 16.51.
RECREATION: G. Dickes, reimb. Softball expenses 495.00, and J. Jueden – reimb softball expense 61.10.
POOL: Brody chemical 419.68, B. Shommer – refund 20.00, and Source Gas 652.65.
PARK: Bomgaars 119.06, and Diane’s Greenhouse 80.00.
COMPLEX: Bomgaars 119.05, and X-Pert Lawn 1,375.00.
LIBRARY: Demco 354.93, Fax Gilbert Programs 250.00, Hometown Leasing 44.13, Ingram 688.17, Maintenance Engineering 411.38, Midwest Tape 87.11, Oriental 356.71, Source Gas 34.09, and X-Pert Lawn 873.50.
CITY HALL: Premier Lawn 114.50, Source Gas 34.11, C. Lenzen, reimb 272.27, and Yankton Computer 1,941.85.
AUDITORIUM: Source Gas 169.20
TRANSFER STATION: Bomgaars 49.94.
A motion to pay the bills was made by Addison and seconded by Christensen. A roll call vote was taken. Addison – yes, Christensen –yes, Kruse – yes, and Bartling – yes. Motion carried.
A motion to adjourn was made by Christensen and seconded by Kruse. A roll call vote was taken. Christensen – yes, Kruse – yes, Bartling – yes, and Addison – yes. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 P.M. The next scheduled meeting is for July 11, 2016.
Respectfully submitted,
Crystal Lenzen
City Clerk ~ Treasurer
Meeting Minutes
Monday, July 11, 2016
The Board of Education legally convened for the regular July meeting at 6:00 p.m. at Newcastle. Members present: Jason Dendinger, Dana Rosener, Brenda Steiner, Dale Blatchford Jr., Bryan Gotch, Gerri Jueden, Doug Miller. Absent: Colin Kathol, Ron Pearson. Others present: Superintendent A.J. Johnson, High School Principal Corey Uldrich, Elementary Principal Sarah Edwards, and Business Manager Tina Opfer.
Notice and meeting was given by publication in the Cedar County News on July 6, 2016, and the Board of Education acknowledged by receipt and agenda. Publication and notice indicated the meeting place, date and time.
President Dendinger called the regular July Board Meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
President Dendinger informed all present of the Open Meetings Law and pointed out the copy of the Open Meetings Law Chapter 84 Article 14 poster on the Board Room wall.
Motion by Jueden, seconded Gotch, to approve the consent agenda that includes #2 June 13, 2016, board meeting minutes, #3 Report on School Finances, #4 Approval of Bills (including those covered by the provisions of LB 734), and #5 Recognition of Visitors. Members voting aye: Blatchford, Rosener, Miller, Jueden, Gotch, Steiner, Dendinger. Members voting nay: none. Absent: Ron Pearson, Colin Kathol. Carried: 7-0-2 absent.
Synchrony Bank/Amazon, 421.07; Avera Sacred Heart Medical Clinic, 175; Sheila Becker, 166.54; Beyond Play, LLC, 26.9; Blick Art Materials, 1528.92; BMI Educational Services, Inc., 217.43; Bomgaars Supply, Inc., 385.5; BP Business Solutions, 94.46; Butch’s Propane, Inc., 128.85; Cardmember Service, 732.34; Carhart Lumber Co., 9.98; Century Business Products, , 2325.75; Cerebellum, 39.91; City of Hartington, 1110.64; Classroom Direct., 41.91; Constructive Playthings, 40.94; Demco, 151.62; Didax Educational Resources, 103.6; Dixon County Clerk, 180.9; ESU #1, 89635.37; ESU #8, 646.43; Fairfield Inn & Suites, 178; Farmers Union Co-op Gas & Oil, 11.1; Feilmeier Electric, 572.09; Fisher Scientific Co LLC, 256.63; Flaghouse, 56.78; Flinn Scientific, Inc., 730.76; Folkers Brothers Garage Inc, 2136.36; Kristi L. Folkers, 2581.31; Follett School Solutions, Inc, 853.9; Gill Hauling, Inc., 65; Goodheart-Wilcox Publisher, 810; Angela Hansen, 31.75; Hartelco, 462.47; Alecia Heimes, 257.54; Hireright, LLC, 29.4; Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 1284.78; Jerrys Service, 884.22; A.J. Johnson, 60.48; J.W. Pepper & Son, Inc., 66.94; Keith’s Package Liquor, 500.84; Kruse True Value, 302.56; Lakeshore Learning Materials, 1340.93; McGraw-Hill Education, 811.23; Menards-Yankton, 247.44; Midwest Tree Moving, 2475; Miller Painting & Decorating, Inc., 180; NASB, 75; Nasco, 397.12; Nebraska Link, 11122.4; Northeast Nebraska News Company, 141.41; Northeast Nebraska Telephone Company, 226.63; Northeast Nebraska Public Power District, 1879.76; Network and Computing Solutions, 885; NPPD, 1863.51; Olson’s Pest Technicians, 80; Parallax, 414.54; Payflex, 103.95; Pearson Motor Co, 348.8; Peitz Service, Inc., 664.64; James Peitz, 60; Perfection Learning Corp., 120.75; Positive Promotions, Inc., 273.45; Primary Concepts, Inc., 492.18; Pro-Ed, Inc., 142.89; Pyramid School Products, 2897.15; Quill Corporation, 25.97; Read Naturally, 599; Really Good Stuff Inc, 996.15; Schlessinger Media, 86.85; School Health Corporation, 679.41; School Mate, 134.95; School Outfitters, 338.1; School Specialty, Inc., 860.1; School Specialty, 5246.28; SimplexGrinnell, 926.82; S&S Worldwide, 31.16; Staples Advantage, 243; Wendy Sudbeck, 91.93; Supreme School Supply Co., 233.47; Teacher’s Discovery, 121.49; Teacher Direct, 114.64; TEK-HUT, 5000; U.S. Cellular, 83.41; Vermillion Ace Hardware, 15.99; Virco, Inc., 3330.4; Wieser Educational, 538.34; William H. Sadlier, Inc., 593.72; Ron Pearson arrived.
Motion by Steiner, seconded by Pearson, to designate Superintendent Johnson as Federal Programs Director. Members voting aye: Blatchford, Pearson, Rosener, Gotch, Miller, Jueden, Steiner, Dendinger.
Members voting nay: none. Absent: Kathol. Carried: 8-0-1 absent.
Motion by Gotch, seconded by Miller, to decrease the number of days for long term sub to get paid regular teacher wage from 20 consecutive days to 10 days. Members voting aye: Gotch, Jueden, Miller, Pearson, Blatchford, Rosener, Steiner, Dendinger. Members voting nay: none. Absent: Kathol. Carried: 8-0-1 absent.
Next meeting Monday, August 8th at 6:00 p.m.
Motion by Gotch, seconded by Jueden, to adjourn at 6:25 p.m. Members voting aye: Miller, Jueden, Gotch, Steiner, Rosener, Blatchford, Pearson, Dendinger. Members voting nay: none. Absent: Kathol. Carried: 8-0-1 absent.
Brenda Steiner, Secretary
July 12, 2016
The Board of Education, Wynot Public Schools, Dist. 101, Parent Involvement Policy Hearing was called to order by the President, Neal Hochstein, on July 12, 2016 at 8:04 p.m. The public is advised a copy of the Open Meetings Act is available on the table in the Board Room at Wynot Public School. Roll call showed the following board members present: Neal Hochstein, Alison Lange, Kenny Wieseler, Dean Heine, Laurie Schulte and Danny Wieseler. Also present were Superintendent Jeffrey Messersmith, Principal Richard Higgins and Business Manager Nancy Sydow.
Hochstein stated that the meeting was properly advertised.
The hearing was opened to the public to review, discuss, consider, receive input and hear support or opposition regarding the District’s Parent Involvement Policy. Hearing no suggestions for amending the policy, the Parent Involvement Policy Hearing adjourned at 8:05 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Kenneth G. Wieseler, Secretary
July 12, 2016
The Board of Education, Wynot Public Schools, Dist. 101, Children’s Internet Protection Policy Hearing was called to order by the President, Neal Hochstein, on July 12, 2016 at 8:06 p.m. The public is advised a copy of the Open Meetings Act is available on the table in the Board Room at Wynot Public School. Roll call showed the following board members present: Neal Hochstein, Alison Lange, Kenny Wieseler, Dean Heine, Laurie Schulte and Danny Wieseler. Also present were Superintendent Jeffrey Messersmith, Principal Richard Higgins and Business Manager Nancy Sydow.
Hochstein stated that the meeting was properly advertised.
The hearing was opened to the public to review, discuss, consider, receive input and hear support or opposition regarding the District’s Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) Policy. Hearing no suggestions for amending the policy, the Children’s Internet Protection Policy Hearing adjourned at 8:08 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Kenneth G. Wieseler, Secretary
July 12, 2016
The Board of Education, Wynot Public Schools, Dist. 101, Student Fees Policy and 15-16 Report Hearing was called to order by the President, Neal Hochstein, on July 12, 2016 at 8:09 p.m. The public is advised a copy of the Open Meetings Act is available on the table in the Board Room at Wynot Public School. Roll call showed the following board members present: Neal Hochstein, Alison Lange, Kenny Wieseler, Dean Heine, Laurie Schulte and Danny Wieseler. Also present were Superintendent Jeffrey Messersmith, Principal Richard Higgins and Business Manager Nancy Sydow.
Hochstein stated that the meeting was properly advertised.
The hearing was opened to the public to review the amount of money collected from students pursuant to the Student Fee Policy requirements for the 2015-16 school year and to discuss, consider, receive input on the District’s Student Fee Policy and district waiver forms for the 2016-17 school year. Hearing no suggestions for amending the policy, the Student Fees Policy and 2015-16 Report Hearing adjourned at 8:09 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Kenneth G. Wieseler, Secretary
July 12, 2016
The Board of Education, Wynot Public Schools, Dist. 101, School Wellness Policy Hearing was called to order by the President, Neal Hochstein, on July 12, 2016 at 8:10 p.m. The public is advised a copy of the Open Meetings Act is available on the table in the Board Room at Wynot Public School. Roll call showed the following board members present: Neal Hochstein, Alison Lange, Kenny Wieseler, Dean Heine, Laurie Schulte and Danny Wieseler. Also present were Superintendent Jeffrey Messersmith, Principal Richard Higgins and Business Manager Nancy Sydow.
Hochstein stated that the meeting was properly advertised.
The hearing, required under the Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Act of 2004, was opened to the public to review, discuss, consider, receive input and hear support or opposition regarding the District’s School Wellness Policy for the 2016-17 school year. Hearing no suggestions for amending the policy, the School Wellness Policy Hearing adjourned at 8:11 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Kenneth G. Wieseler, Secretary
June 12, 2016
A regular meeting of the Board of Education, Wynot Public Schools, Dist. 101, was called to order by the President, Neal Hochstein, on June 12, 2016 at 8:11 p.m. The public was advised a copy of the Open Meetings Act was available on the table in the Board Room at Wynot Public Schools and that the meeting was properly posted at the following places; Cedar Security Bank lobby in Wynot, Wynot Public School front entrance, and United State Post Office in Wynot. The meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll call showed the following board members present: Neal Hochstein, Alison Lange, Kenny Wieseler, Dean Heine, Laurie Schulte and Danny Wieseler. Also present were Superintendent Jeffrey Messersmith, Principal Richard Higgins and Business Manager Nancy Sydow.
Motion by D. Wieseler and seconded by D. Heine to certify the meeting was properly advertised and adopt the agenda as presented. Carried 6-0 MCU
The Superintendent’s, Principal’s and Board Committee reports were presented.
Motion by A. Lange and seconded by L. Schulte to approve the Consent Agenda, items including minutes of the June 14, 2016 regular meeting, June 14, 2016 Strategic Planning Workshop and the June 20, 2016 Community Meeting; the Treasurer’s Report; the General Fund bills in the amount of $237,280.76 which includes payroll, the School Food Fund bills in the amount of $105.10 which includes payroll. Carried 6-0 MCU
GENERAL FUND: Airgas $28.00; Art Kathol Appliance $771.98; Auto Hospital $609.10; CCNews $378.25; Chase $3,618.20; Cedar-Knox PPD $1,206.82; ESU #1 $330.00; Fordyce Coop $1,147.16; Higgins Construction $1,433.58; HireRight Solutions $250.00; Shar Hochstein $ 108.00; Holiday Inn-Kearney $177.90; Kruse Hardware $258.36; Leaf $246.00; MARCO Inc. $337.64; McGraw Hill $3,017.70; Nicole Mehlhaff $167.40; J. Messersmith $102.60; National Art & School Supply $237.81; NE/DOL/Boiler $18.00; NRCSA $850.00; Olsen Pest Control $72.75; PayFlex $100.00; NCS Pearson $2,800.00; Pearson Education $21,808.96; Pearson Motor Co. $225.19; Perma-Bound $195.26; PowerSchool $3,050.52; Pyramid School Supply $1,147.21; Quill $138.89; Rolfes Mowing $210.00; Jessica Schapmann $418.91; School Tech Supply $13,796.00; Seton $983.07; Katie Steffen $305.64; Sudbeck Heating & Cooling $20,000.00; Tek-Hut $5,000.00; Village of Wynot $271.84; WPS-Petty Cash $250.00; WPS-School Food $962.55; Wynot Oil $255.42; Yankton Daily Press $438.03.
Agenda items discussed with no official action taken were:
Board/Administration Budget Workshop Date: Aug. 29, 2016 at 8:00 p.m.
Discuss the 2015-16 Budget
Discuss Results of Bond Election
Motion by K. Wieseler and seconded by A. Lange to take appropriate action to begin the Building Project as Outlined in the Bond Election Documents. Carried 6-0 MCU
Motion by D. Wieseler and seconded by D. Heine to approve the Breakfast and Lunch Price for the 2016-17 school year. Carried 6-0 MCU
Motion by K. Wieseler and seconded by L. Schulte to appoint Jeffrey Messersmith as District Representative for local, state, and federal programs for the 2016-17 school year. Carried 6-0 MCU
Motion by D. Heine and seconded by K. Wieseler to approve the Elementary, Middle School, High School, and Athletic Handbooks for the 2016-17 school year. Carried 6-0 MCU
Motion by D. Wieseler and seconded by A. Lange to approve the Teacher Handbooks for the 2016-17 school year. Carried 6-0 MCU
Motion by L. Schulte and seconded by D. Wieseler to approve NRCSA Membership for the 2016-17 school year. Carried 6-0 MCU
Motion by K. Wieseler and seconded by D. Wieseler approve the 2015-16 District Census Report as presented. Carried 6-0 MCU
President, Neal Hochstein, adjourned the meeting at 9:08 p.m.
The next regular board meeting has been set for August 15, 2016 at 8:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Kenneth G. Wieseler, Secretary
Pursuant to Neb. Rev. Stat. § 46-718, the Lewis and Clark Natural Resources District (District) and the Nebraska Department of Natural Resources (Department) hereby provide notice that the District and the Department shall hold a public hearing on July 28, 2016 at 6:45 p.m., at the District office, 608 N Robinson Avenue, Hartington, NE 68739. As required by Neb. Rev. Stat. § 46-718(1), the purpose of the hearing is to take testimony on the proposed District/Department integrated management plan (IMP) and the proposed controls. The geographic area for the proposed IMP and proposed controls encompasses the entire land area that is within the District boundary. A general description of the contents of the chapters of the proposed IMP is: 1) authority and effective date, 2) purpose, 3) integrated water management framework, 4) background, 5) voluntary IMP development process, 6) geographic area of IMP, 7) goals, objectives, action items and long-term studies, 8) regulatory action items, 9) monitoring plan, 10) funding options, 11) information considered in preparing this IMP, and 12) review process and modifications to the integrated management plan. In Chapter 10, the proposed IMP also lists potential funding sources that may be employed by the District or Department, including a possible occupation tax, or funds competitively acquired through the Water Sustainability Fund or the Nebraska Environmental Trust.
The proposed groundwater regulatory action item (control) for the District is set forth in Chapter 8 of the IMP and consists of the following action: the District will have education requirements for new industrial and agricultural groundwater permits. The following proposed surface water action item (control) is also set forth in Chapter 8: the Department will have education requirements for new industrial and agricultural surface water permits.
Any interested person may appear at the hearing and present written or oral testimony concerning the proposed IMP and proposed controls. Individuals with disabilities may request auxiliary aids and service necessary for participation by contacting Annette Sudbeck with the District ( or 402-254-6758), or Melissa Mosier with the Department ( or 402-471-3948) by July 21, 2016. Testimony or other evidence relevant to the purposes of the hearing may also be submitted in writing to Lewis and Clark Natural Resources District, 608 N Robinson Avenue, P.O. Box 518, Hartington, NE 68739-0518, or to the Department of Natural Resources, 301 Centennial Mall South, P.O. Box 94676, Lincoln, NE 68509-4676, or by electronic mail to the District at or to the Department at by 5:00 pm, July 26th, 2016.
For further information regarding the proposed IMP and proposed controls or for the full text of the proposed IMP and proposed controls, refer to the District website at or the Department’s website at or contact the District or the Department at the addresses listed above or contact the District at (402) 254-6758 or the Department at (402) 471-2363.
Following the public hearing on the proposed IMP and proposed controls, the District and the Department will make a joint decision within 60 days of whether to implement the proposed IMP with or without modifications and whether to adopt and implement the groundwater and surface water controls proposed in the IMP.
The Lewis and Clark Natural Resources District (District) will hold a public hearing at its regular board meeting on July 28, 2016 at 6:30 P.M. The hearing will take place at 608 North Robinson Avenue, Hartington, Nebraska. The purpose of the hearing is to take public comment on adoption of proposed amendments to the District’s Sediment and Erosion Control Program. The proposed amendments address changes made by the legislature to Section 2-4605, R.R.S 1948.
Significant changes made are:
1. includes sediment from ephemeral gully erosion as a problem to be addressed by this program,
2. includes degradation of water quality due to chemical damage carried by sediment as a problem to be addressed by this program, and
3. removes the requirement that violators be offered 90% cost share when ordered to install conservation practices.
The full text of the proposed rule is available at the District office located at 608 North Robinson Avenue, Hartington, Nebraska as well as on the District’s website at
Any interested person may appear at the hearing and present written or oral testimony concerning this matter. Individuals with disabilities may request auxiliary aids and service necessary for participation by contacting the District by July 27, 2016. Testimony relevant to the purposes of the hearing may also be submitted in writing prior to the close of the hearing to the Lewis and Clark Natural Resources District, PO Box 518, 608 North Robinson Avenue, Hartington, NE 68739.
Relating to the Lewis and Clark Natural Resources District Rules and Regulations for Conduct of Formal Public Hearings, for Conduct of Informal, Non-Adjudicatory Public Hearings and for Rules and Regulations for Enforcement
Pursuant to Neb. Rev. Stat. §2-3228, the Lewis and Clark Natural Resources District (District) hereby provides notice that the District shall hold a public hearing at its regular board meeting on July 28, 2016 at 6:30 P.M., at the Lewis and Clark Natural Resources District Office, 608 North Robinson Avenue, Hartington, Nebraska. The purpose of the hearing is to take testimony on the proposed District Rules and Regulations for Conduct of Formal Public Hearings, for Conduct of Informal, Non-Adjudicatory Public Hearings, and for Rules and Regulations for Enforcement.
A general description of the content of the Rule for Conduct of Formal Hearings is 1) Calling Public Hearings, 2) Hearing Examiner, How Chosen, 3) Notice, 4) Related Proceedings, 5) Continuance, 6) Pre-Hearing Conference, 7) Hearing Examiner’s Powers, 8) Oral Arguments, 9) Submission of Briefs, 10) Official Record of Hearing, 11) Hearings, when held, Decisions Made, 12) Orders, 13) Motion for Rehearing, 14) Board’s Power to Make Investigations and Call Hearings, 15) Evidence and Exhibits, 16) Failure of Party to Appear, and 17) Qualified Representation.A general description of the content of the Rule for Conduct of Informal, Non-Ajudicatory Public Hearings is 1) Calling Public Hearings, 2) Notice, 3) Presiding Officer or Hearing Examiner, 4) Powers of Officer or Examiner, 5) Oath Not Required, 6) Receipt of Evidence, 7) Presentation of Evidence, 8) Propriety of Evidence, 9) Staff Evidence, 10) Record Made, and 11) Record Held Open.
A general description of the content of the Rules and Regulations for Enforcement is 1) General Provisions and Procedures for Enforcement, 2) Inspections, 3) Submission of Inspection Report Alleging Violation, 4) Schedule of Compliance, 5) Voluntary Compliance, 6) Formal Hearing, 7) Action of Ground Water User, Landowner, or Operator Following Issuance of a Cease and Desist Order, 8) Board Authorization to Initiate Court Action, and 9) Cease and Desist Order; Violation; Penalty.
The full text of the proposed rules is available at the District office located at 608 North Robinson Avenue, Hartington, Nebraska as well as on the District’s website at
Any interested person may appear at the hearing and present written or oral testimony concerning this matter. Individuals with disabilities may request auxiliary aids and service necessary for participation by contacting the District by July 27, 2016. Testimony relevant to the purposes of the hearing may also be submitted in writing prior to the close of the hearing to the Lewis and Clark Natural Resources District, PO Box 518, 608 North Robinson Avenue, Hartington, NE 68739.
Case No. 16-26
Notice is hereby given that on the 9th day of May, 2016, a petition was filed in the District Court of Cedar County, Nebraska, the object and prayer of which is for the change of the petitioner’s name from Alice M. Jaeger to Alice M. Klug.
A hearing will be had on said petition before the Honorable Paul J. Vaughn, Cedar County District Court Judge, in the Courtroom of the Cedar County Courthouse, thereafter as will be convenient for the Court and that unless sufficient cause is shown to the contrary, the petitioner’s name will be changed from that of Alice M. Jaeger to Alice M. Klug.
Dated this 29th day of June, 2016
Archbold Law office, LLP
Amy M. Eisenhauer, #23605
201 N. Broadway —
P.O Box 707
Bloomfield, NE 68718
Phone: (402) 373-4240
/fax (402) 373-2890
Attorney for the Petitioner
Sealed bids will be received by the Board of Commissioners of Cedar County, Nebraska, at the office of the County Clerk at Hartington, Nebraska, until 10:00 a.m., Tuesday, July 26, 2016, at which time they will be publicly opened in the County Board of Commissioners Room for furnishing:
One New 50 Ton Self-Lifting Detachable Lowboy Trailer
Specifications and bid forms may be obtained at the office of the County Highway Superintendent, Hartington, Nebraska.
Bidders are to submit descriptive literature and detailed specifications for each unit bid. Separate bids are requested for each unit.
The Board of Commissioner of Cedar County, Nebraska, reserves the right to reject any and all bids.
Published by Order of the Board of Commissioners of Cedar County, Nebraska.
Cedar County Board –
District One
Terry Pinkelman,
Estate of Laura M. Martindale
Estate No. PR15-2
Notice is hereby given that a final account and report of administration and a Petition for complete settlement, probate of Will, and determination of heirs, and determination of inheritance tax have been filed and are set for hearing in the County Court of Cedar County, Nebraska, located at Hartington, Nebraska, on Aug. 17th, 2016, at or after 8:30 o’clock a.m.
Jill K. Martindale
4710 N. Paseo Aquimuri
Tucson, AZ 85750
Lance C. Carlson, #20674
Carlson Law Office
P.O. Box 458
Randolph, NE 68771
Attorney for Personal