

The Cedar County Board of Commissioners will meet at 8:30 a.m., Tuesday, May 24, 2016, in the Commissioners’ Room in the Cedar County Courthouse.

Agenda is available in the County Clerk’s office.








May 11, 2016,

7:00 P.M.

The regular monthly meeting of the Village Board of Wynot was called to order at the Wynot Town Hall on Wednesday, May 11, 2016, at 7:00 p.m. by Chairperson John Eskins Jr. Notice of the meeting was posted in three (3) public places on Tues, April. 15, 2016, namely the Wynot Town Hall, Wynot Post Office, and the Cedar Security Bank. Roll call indicated members present: John Eskins, Charles Jones, Ron Rolfes, Kathy Promes and Maurice Ketter. Also present were Rose Rolfes, Village Clerk/Treasurer and Dave Koch/Maintenance. Charles Jones made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda including the following: Minutes of the April 13, 2016, Regular Village Board Meeting; Village of Wynot’s Treasurer’s Report for April 2016; and the Claims attached hereto, Ronald Rolfes seconded the motion. Motion Carried.

Concession Stand

Motion was made by Ron Rolfes to accept Terry Pinkelman’s bid for $510 for the old concession stand. Kathy Promes seconded it. Motion carried. Proceeds will go toward the construction of the new facility.

Fire Department

Discussion was held on the new fire hall and old building.


Discussion was held on sewer problems near Wynot Oil.

Ron Lauer

Motion was made by Maurice Ketter to pick up garbage at the Ron Lauer residence. Charles Jones seconded it.


Maurice Ketter made a motion to adjourn at 8 p.m. Charles Jones seconded the motion; motion carried.

Respectfully Submitted By:

Rose M. Rolfes, Village Clerk/Treasurer





Board Meeting


May 9, 2016

Motion by Kathol, seconded by Jueden, for the Board of Education to legally convene for the regular May 9, 2016 board meeting at 6:00 p.m. Members present: Dendinger, Rosener, Steiner, Blatchford, Gotch, Jueden, Kathol, Miller, Pearson. Others present: Superintendent Johnson, Elementary Principal Edwards, Business Manager Tina Opfer.

Notice of meeting was given by publication in the Cedar County News on May 4, 2016, and the Board of Education acknowledged by receipt and agenda. Publication and notice indicated the meeting place, date and time.

President Dendinger called the regular May 9, 2016 Board Meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.

President Dendinger informed all present of the Open Meetings Law and pointed out the copy of the Open Meetings Law Chapter 84 Article 14 poster on the Board Room wall.

Motion by Kathol, seconded by Jueden, to approve the consent agenda that includes items #2, April 11, 2016 board meeting minutes, #3 Report on School Finances, #4 Approval of Bills (including those covered by the provisions of LB 734), and #5 Recognition of Visitors. Members voting aye: Kathol, Jueden, Steiner, Rosener, Blatchford, Gotch, Pearson, Miller, Dendinger. Members voting nay: none. Carried: 9-0.

Doyle Anderson, 77.97; Susan Anderson, 293; Appeara, 289.25; Barnhill Piano Service, 1015; Sheila Becker, 228.47; Jennifer Bensen, 50; Bomgaars Supply, Inc., 853.01; Barbara Bowers, 121.5; Burnell’s Foodtown, 76.98; Butch’s Propane, Inc., 154.71; Campbell Supply, 13.95; Cardmember Service, 1494.82; Carhart Lumber Co., 215.41; Chase Pest Service, 35; D & J Variety, 320.03; Dollar General, 158.42; Ebberson Farms, LLC, 40; Farmers Union Co-op Gas & Oil, 961.55; Folkers Brothers Garage Inc, 2605.07; Follett School Solutions, Inc, 1391.78; Gill Hauling, Inc., 129.8; Grossenburg Implement, 62.47; Hartelco, 547.61; Hartington Gravel, 440.52; Hartington Tree LLC, 750; April Heimes, 289.22; Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 799.35; HNPS Activity Fund, 2645; IXL Learning, 2813; Jerry’s Service, 847.77; Jostens, 330.26; Jostens-JMB Recognition, 153.1; Keith’s Package Liquor, 379.01; La Donna Kneifl, 39.65; Kruse True Value, 32.76; Sharon Lammers, 66.36; Marron Service, 881.91; Matheson Trigas, 1063.29; McGraw-Hill Education, 1861.82; Menards-Yankton, 27.98; Menford Electric, 1366.8; Mercy Medical Services, 100; Nebraska Link, 6063; Northeast Nebraska News Company, 91.32; Northeast Nebraska Telephone Company, 294.11; Northeast Nebraska Public Power District, 3193.76; Network and Computing Solutions, 5731.5; Niobrara Public School, 3177.52; NPPD, 2467.06; Olson’s Pest Technicians, 80; Tina Opfer, 55.62; Oriental Trading Co., Inc., 41.49; Payflex, 207.9; Pearson Motor Co, 115.26; Peitz Service, Inc., 2831.92; Dave Rehnstrom, 22.68; Renaissance Learning, Inc., 12.25; Katie Schutt, 21.53; SimplexGrinnell, 795.8; Sourcegas, 2038.97; Stop-N-Go, 1433.56; Wendy Sudbeck, 42.09; Supplyworks, 421.98; Two Little Hands Productions, 164.98; U.S. Cellular, 83.41; Wiechelman Repair, 364.29; X-Pert Lawn & Landscaping, 175.5;

Motion by Pearson, seconded by Miller, to approve extended contracts. Members voting aye: Miller, Kathol, Jueden, Pearson, Gotch, Blatchford, Rosener, Steiner, Dendinger. Members voting nay: none. Carried: 9-0.

Motion by Steiner, seconded by Jueden, to request to State Board for Retirement Exclusion. Members voting aye: Blatchford, Gotch, Pearson, Miller, Kathol, Jueden, Steiner, Rosener, Dendinger. Members voting nay: none. Carried: 9-0.

Motion by Jueden, seconded by Gotch, to approve contracts for Megan Goeden and Heather Fuelberth. Members voting aye: Kathol, Jueden, Miller, Pearson, Steiner, Gotch, Blatchford, Rosener, Dendinger. Members voting nay: none. Carried: 9-0.

Motion by Gotch, seconded by Blatchford, to approve Newcastle three year old preschool requirements. Members voting aye: Blatchford, Rosener, Steiner, Jueden, Kathol, Miller, Pearson, Gotch, Dendinger. Members voting nay: none. Carried: 9-0.

Motion by Steiner, seconded by Gotch, to move to closed session to discuss contracts for elementary and secondary principal contracts at 6:15 p.m. Members voting aye: Miller, Pearson, Gotch, Blatchford, Rosener, Steiner, Jueden, Kathol, Dendinger. Members voting nay: none. Carried: 9-0.

Motion by Jueden, seconded by Gotch, to move to open session at 6:32 p.m. where elementary and principal contracts were discussed. Members voting aye: Miller, Pearson, Gotch, Blatchford, Rosener, Steiner, Jueden, Kathol, Dendinger. Members voting nay: none. Carried: 9-0.

Motion by Rosener, seconded by Jueden, to approve the elementary and secondary principal’s contracts. Members voting aye: Miller, Jueden, Blatchford, Pearson, Kathol, Gotch, Rosener, Steiner, Dendinger. Members voting nay: none. Carried: 9-0.

Next meeting Monday, June 13, 2016 at 6:00 p.m.

Motion by Steiner, seconded by Gotch, to adjourn at 6:35 p.m. Members voting aye: Miller, Pearson, Gotch, Blatchford, Rosener, Steiner, Jueden, Kathol, Dendinger. Members voting nay. Carried: 9-0.

Brenda Steiner, Secretary








May 12, 2016

A regular meeting of the Board of Education, Wynot Public Schools, Dist. 101, was called to order by the President, Neal Hochstein, on May 12, 2016 at 6:34 P.M. The public was advised a copy of the Open Meetings Act was available on the table in the Board Room at Wynot Public Schools and that the meeting was properly posted at the following places; Cedar Security Bank lobby in Wynot, Wynot Public School front entrance, and United State Post Office in Wynot. The meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll call showed the following board members present: Neal Hochstein, Dean Heine, Alison Lange, Kenny Wieseler and Danny Wieseler. Also present were Superintendent Jeffrey Messersmith, Principal Richard Higgins and Business Manager Nancy Sydow.

Motion by A. Lange and seconded by K. Wieseler to excuse Laurie Schulte for her absence. Carried 5-0-1

Motion by D. Heine and seconded by D. Wieseler to certify the meeting was properly advertised and adopt the agenda with the addition of Item I: Contingent to a successful bond issue we approve the original bid from Radec Construction of $2,219,900 and further approve change order #1 in the amount of a credit of $78,433. Carried 5-0-1

BVH Architects discussed the building design revisions: exterior, locker rooms and concession layout. Radec Construction discussed possible options with value engineering and the cost impact.

Jay Spearman with Ameritas Investment Corp. confirmed the bond amount, construction total and contingency.

Motion was made by D. Heine and seconded by A. Lange adopting a resolution calling for a special bond election to be held July 12, 2016 for the purpose of financing the costs of: constructing additions to its existing school building to include classrooms, a wellness center, a library, pre-kindergarten facilities, special education facilities, art facilities, band facilities, locker rooms and restrooms; renovating portions of the existing school building to create a commons area and to improve heating-ventilation-air conditioning throughout; acquiring and installing necessary furniture, equipment and apparatus for such building and additions; and constructing various site improvements related to such building and additions. Carried 5-0-1

The Superintendent’s, Principal’s and Board Committee reports were presented.

Motion by D Wieseler and seconded by K. Wieseler to approve the Consent Agenda, items including minutes of the April 14, 2016 regular meeting; the Treasurer’s Report; the General Fund bills in the amount of $218,001.71 which includes payroll, the School Food Fund bills in the amount of $11,056.07 which includes payroll. Carried 5-0-1

GENERAL FUND: Airgas $28.00; Appeara $78.40; Art Kathol Appliances $1,105.27; Auto Hospital $105.00; Avera $150.00; Butch’s Propane $728.20; BVH Architects $6,920.23; CCNews $89.09; CDW Government $62.74; Chase $1,413.59; Chesterman’s $56.00; Cedar-Knox PPD $2,033.27; Comfort Inn $201.90; ESU #1 $12,288.25; Exempler, Inc. $858.00;

Arlyce Hochstein $20.00; Josten’s $21.90; Josten’s-Chicago $116.08; KBS School Law $2,305.00; Deb Kruse $22.50; Leaf $246.00; MARCO Inc. $694.00; Menford Hardware $8.04; Jeff Messersmith $244.08; Mohawk Factoring LLC. $3,070.74; NE Council of School Admin. $820.00; NEFF Co. $ 150.21; Olsen Pest Control $72.75; PayFlex $100.00; Quill $1,450.82; Rodeway Inn $74.95; Sargent Welch $56.97; School Specialty $717.31; Staples Advantage $398.06; SupplyWorks $1,147.45; Carol Tramp $12.18; Tri-State Windshield $100.00; Village of Wynot $347.86; Voya-ReliStar Insur. $722.00; Walmart $41.01; WPS $15.00; WPS-Petty Cash $371.70; WPS-School Food $252.60; Wynot Oil $2,156.24, Pietz GMC $4,998.30.

Agenda items discussed with no official action taken were:

Discuss Staffing/Program considerations for the 2016-17 school year.

College Credit Update

Updates progress on Freezer

Elementary Playground

Motion by D. Wieseler and seconded by D. Heine to approve the 2016-17 Classified Staff Contracts as presented. Carried 5-0-1

Motion by K. Wieseler and seconded by A. Lange to approve the 2016-17 Extra Duty Assignments as recommended. Carried 5-0-1

Motion by D. Wieseler and seconded by K. Wieseler to approve the bid for the Sprinkler System in the Elementary and Gymnasium. Carried 5-0-1

No action was taken of the bids for the Lighting in the Office and Library.

Motion by K. Wieseler and seconded by D. Wieseler to approve the Vehicle Use for Summer Programs. Carried 5-0-1

Motion by D. Heine and seconded by K. Wieseler to approve the bid for the 1996 International-15 passenger bus in the amount of $400. Carried 5-0-1

Motion by D. Wieseler and seconded by A. Lange to approve the bid for the 2000 Chevrolet-9 passenger bus in the amount of $300. Carried 5-0-1

Motion by K. Wieseler and seconded by D. Heine to accept contingent to a successful Bond Issue the Original Bid from Radec Construction of $2,219,900 and further approve Change Order #1 in the amount of a credit of $78,433. Carried 5-0-1

President, Neal Hochstein, adjourned the meeting at 9:44 P.M.

The next regular board meeting has been set for June 14, 2016 at 6:00 P.M. Donna’s Diner, immediately following the Board Retreat

Respectfully submitted,

Kenny Wieseler, Secretary







GUBBELS, Deceased

Estate No. PRE16-16

Notice is hereby given that on April 28th, 2016, in the County Court of Cedar County, Nebraska, the Registrar issued a written statement of Informal Probate of the Will of said Decedent and that Sharlene A. Ludwig, whose address is 4444 South 174th Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68135, was informally appointed by the Registrar as Personal Representative of the Estate.

Creditors of this Estate must file their claims with this Court on or before July 5th, 2016 or be forever barred.

Diane L. Sudbeck

Clerk of the County Court

101 S. Broadway Avenue

Hartington, NE 68739

Lawrence K. Sheehan, #18859

Ellick Jones Buelt Blazek & Longo, LLP

9290 West Dodge Road, Suite 303

Omaha, Nebraska, 68114-3320

(402) 390-0390





Separate sealed proposals will be received at the office of the County Clerk of Cedar County, Nebraska, until 10:00 a.m. local time, May 24, 2016, for the furnishing of all labor, materials, use of Contractor’s equipment and plant, and all else necessary to properly construct RCB Culvert Replacement – 560th Ave Near 871st Road, Cedar County.

At which hour, or as soon as possible thereafter, the County in the Board of Commissioners room located in the Cedar County Courthouse in Hartington, Nebraska will proceed to publicly open in the presence of bidders and consider the bids received for the furnishing of said labor, materials, and equipment necessary for the proper construction of the improvements.

The Work for said project includes the major construction item listed below and other related and preparatory work and appurtenances: 125.0 CY of Class 47B-4000 Concrete for Box Culvert, 20261 LBS of Reinforcing Steel for Box Culvert, 93 Tons of Crushed Rock for Base Course, 138 Tons of Type B Rock Riprap, as well as excavation, seeding, gravel surface course, traffic control and removal of the existing structure.

All work called for in the plans and specifications shall be furnished in strict accordance with the plans and specifications prepared by Kirkham Michael and now on file in the office of the County Clerk, Courthouse, Hartington, Nebraska and, bids will be received only upon the proposal forms furnished through Kirkham Michael.

The proposals shall be made on a form furnished by Kirkham Michael, and must be accompanied by a certified check on a bank whose deposits are insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or a bid bond in the amount of 5% of bid made payable to Cedar County, Nebraska, which shall be considered as liquidated damages and shall be forfeited to Cedar County, Nebraska, if said proposal or bid is accepted and the bidder fails to execute the contract and file the required bonds and insurance certificate as provided in the Contract Documents within ten days from award.

The successful bidder will be required to furnish a Performance Bond and a Labor and Material Payment Bond on the form included in the Contract Documents and each in an amount equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the contract price, said bonds to be executed by a responsible corporate surety approved by Cedar County, Nebraska, and shall guarantee the faithful performance of the contract and the terms and conditions therein contained and shall guarantee payment for all labor and materials used in connection with the work.

Contract Documents may be examined at the office of the County Clerk, Cedar County, Nebraska, and may be procured from the office of the Engineer, Kirkham Michael, 12700 West Dodge Road, Omaha, Nebraska 68154, upon the payment of $40.00 of which none will be refunded.

Cedar County, Nebraska, reserves the right to waive informalities and to reject any or all bids.

Dated this 4th day of May 2016.


By Dave McGregor, Chairman


David Dowling, County Clerk






Estate of CLARENCE F. HOESING, Deceased

Estate No. PR 16-18

Notice is hereby given that on May 6, 2016, in the County Court of Cedar County, Nebraska, the Registrar issued a written statement of Informal Probate of the Will of said Decedent and that Lori J. Hoebelheinrich at 89361 557 Ave., Fordyce, NE 68736, Neal J. Hoesing at 7174 North 82nd Plaza, Omaha, NE 68122 and Jane L. Kathol at 21020 Timeberlane Drive, Elkhorn, NE 68022, were informally appointed by the Registrar as Co-Personal Representatives of the Estate.

Creditors of this Estate must file their claims with this Court on or before July 11, 2016, or be forever barred.

Diane L. Sudbeck

County Court of


P.O. Box 695,

Hartington, NE 68739

Steven L. Archbold (Bar I.D. #15007)

Archbold Law Office, L.L.P.

P.O Box 707

201 N. Broadway

Bloomfield, NE 68718

Tel: (402) 373-4240

Fax: (402) 373-2890

E-mail: steve@archboldlawoffice.com









Notice is hereby given that on May 9, 2016, in the County Court of Cedar County, Nebraska, the Registrar issued a written statement of informal probate of the Will of Decedent and that Joseph R. Kuchta, whose address is P.O. Box 43, Wynot, NE 68792, was informally appointed by the Registrar as Personal Representative of the Estate.

Creditors of this Estate must file their claims with this Court on or before July 15, 2016, or be forever barred

Diane L. Sudbeck,

Clerk Magistrate

Cedar County Court

P.O. Box 695

Hartington, NE 68739

Dennis R. Hurley, Attorney #16275


1029 West 21st Street, P.O. Box 8

South Sioux City, NE 68776

Phone (402) 494-4276






You are hereby notified that the following described property will be sold by Bradley C. Easland, Successor Trustee, at public auction, to the highest bidder at the West Door of the Main Entrance, Cedar County Courthouse, Hartington, Nebraska, on June 16, 2016, at 9:00 a.m.:

The West 50 feet of the North Half of Lot Three (3), Block Three (3), First Addition to Coleridge, Cedar County, Nebraska.

The highest bidder will deposit with the Trustee, at the time of the sale, a personal or cashier’s check in the amount of $5,000.00 with the full purchase price, in certified funds, to be received by the Trustee by 5:00 p.m. on the day of the sale, except this requirement is waived when the highest bidder is the beneficiary. (the purchaser shall be responsible for all prior liens, all applicable fees, and all taxes, including the documentary stamp tax. This property is sold “as is” and this sale is made without any warranties as to title or condition of the property.

Bradley C. Easland,

Successor Trustee

Morland, Easland &

Lohrberg, P.C.

1310 North 13th Street, Suite 2

P.O. Box 691

Norfolk, NE 68702-0691





NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that HIGHLAND COUNTRY FARMSTEAD, LLC, A Nebraska Limited Liability Company, is organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska, with its registered office at 56976 883rd Road, Hartington, Nebraska 68739. The general nature of its business is to engage in and to do any lawful act concerning any and all lawful business, other than banking or insurance, for which a limited liability company may be organized under the laws of Nebraska; and for all other purposes authorized by law, to the same extent as natural persons might or could do. The limited liability company was formed on May 2, 2016, and has perpetual existence. Its affairs shall be conducted by the Members pursuant to the Operating Agreement duly adopted by the Company.


Attorney for Members

Krotter Law Group PC, LLO

P.O. Box 398

313 E. U.S. Hwy. 20

O’Neill, NE 68763

(402) 336-2141





TO: Defendant the Estate of Velma Meyer, the heirs, legatees, devisees, personal representative, and all other persons interested in the Estate of Velma Meyer, real names unknown, the Estate of Robert H. Meyer, the heirs, legatees, devisees, personal representative, and all other persons interested in the Estate of Robert H. Meyer, real names unknown, and John Doe and Jane Doe, real names and marital status unknown.

Notice is hereby given that on the 14th day of April, 2016, CIT Bank, N.A., as the plaintiff, filed its Complaint in the District Court of Cedar County, Nebraska, Case No. CI 16-17, against the Estate of Velma Meyer; the heirs, legatees, devisees, personal representative, and all other persons interested in the Estate of Velma Meyer, real names unknown; the Estate of Robert H. Meyer; the heirs, legatees, devisees, personal representative, and all other persons interested in the Estate of Robert H. Meyer, real names unknown; Vandy Meyer, Personal Representative of the Estate of Robert H. Meyer, deceased; Commercial State Bank, Trustee; and United States of America, by and through the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, Beneficiary, and John Doe and Jane Doe, real names and marital status unknown, the object and prayer of which is to foreclose a certain deed of trust in the principal amount equal to the sum of all loan advances made under a Home Equity Conversion Loan Agreement on the property described as:


which was executed on August 25, 2005, by Robert H. Meyer and Velma Meyer, husband and wife and delivered to Financial Freedom Senior Funding Corporation, a subsidiary of IndyMac Bank, F.S.B., Beneficiary, and which was duly recorded on September 15, 2005 in Book 245 at Page 701 of the Mortgage Records in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Cedar County, Nebraska. Such deed of trust was given to secure the payment of a certain promissory note in writing dated August 25, 2005.

The plaintiff alleges in its Complaint that there is now due the plaintiff on said note the principal sum of $152,763.57, together with interest thereon. The plaintiff is the owner of the beneficial interest under such deed of trust, and is the holder of the indebtedness secured thereby.

The plaintiff prays that in default of payment by the defendants of the amount due the plaintiff as aforesaid, such mortgaged premises be decreed to be sold according to law to satisfy the sums found due the plaintiff, with interest and costs of suit, and that such defendants be forever barred and foreclosed of all right, title, lien, equity of redemption or other interest in, to and upon such mortgaged premises.

You are required to answer such Complaint on or before the 1st day of July, 2016.

CIT BANK, N.A., Plaintiff,



ROAD, #260



(402) 829-0400

Its Attorney




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