The Cedar County Board of Commissioners will meet at 8:30 a.m., Tuesday, Aug. 25, 2015, in the Commissioners’ Room in the Cedar County Courthouse.
Agenda is available in the County Clerk’s office.
July 13, 2015
The Regular meeting of the Chairman and Board of Trustees of the Village of St. Helena, Nebraska was held on July 13, 2015 at 6:00 P.M. the St. Helena Village Hall. Notice of the meeting was given in advance by posting in three public places within the Village of St. Helena.
Present were Chairman Victor Paltz, Trustees Jody Albrecht, Clair Wieseler, Loren Bender, Audrey Pinkelman and Clerk Paula Pinkelman.
Minutes of the June 8, 2015 meeting were read and approved with a motion by Jody Albrecht and seconded by Loren Bender with all in favor.
A motion was made by Loren Bender and seconded by Audrey Pinkelman to approve the financial report as read with all in favor.
The following claims were submitted for payment for the month of July: General Fund: St.. Helena Store $79.24, Cedar-Knox PPD $264.36, Northeast Nebraska News Co. $30.94, One Call Concepts Inc. $5.20, CNA Surety $100.00, Harold Zimmerman Repair $72.10, Wynot Oil Co. $154.43, United States Treasury $314.05, Paula Pinkelman $323.22, EMC Insurance Co. $499.06, Victor Paltz $509.04, Nicholas Paltz $76.64, Zachary Paltz $46.44. Water Fund: Cedar-Knox PPD $38.98, Mike’s Electric $556.45, Victor Paltz $22.31. Sewer Fund: Village of Wynot $780.00, Cedar-Knox PPD $15.50, Nebraska Department of Revenue $122.75, Clemon Analytic and Environmental Laboratory $37.00, Victor Paltz $31.31.
A motion was made by Loren Bender and seconded by Jody Albrecht to pay the bills for this month with all in favor.
Mike’s Electric re-installed the mixer in the water tower and also worked on the beacon light on the water tower. The beacon light is currently working.
The one year inspection on the water tower still needs to be completed by the tank company that constructed the water tower.
Victor Paltz purchased two loads of base course aggregate from Concrete Materials to patch side streets in the village.
The culvert repairs still need to be completed.
It is time to prepare the upcoming budget plan for fiscal year of 2015-2016. There was discussion in regards to what needs to be budgeted into the village’s plan for the upcoming year. There will be upcoming street repairs done, therefore it was decided to budget those into the upcoming budget plan.
The next meeting will be August 10, 2015 at 6:30 P.M. With no further business to discuss Loren Bender made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:00 P.M. and Clair Wiesler seconded the motion with all in favor.
Student Fees Policy JN
August 10, 2015
Motion by Blatchford, seconded by Kathol, for the Board of Education to legally convene for the Student Fees Policy JN hearing at 6:30 p.m. Members present: Jason Dendinger, Dana Rosener, Brenda Steiner, Dale Blatchford, Gerri Jueden, Colin Kathol, Doug Miller. Absent: Bryan Gotch, Ron Pearson. Others present: Supt. Johnson, High School Principal Uldrich, Elementary Principal Edwards, Business Manager Tina Opfer. Members voting aye: Rosener, Steiner, Blatchford, Jueden, Kathol, Miller, Dendinger. Members voting nay: none. Absent: Gotch, Pearson. Carried: 7-0-2 absent.
Notice of meeting was given by publication in the Cedar County News on August 5, 2015, and the Board of Education acknowledged by receipt and agenda. Publication and notice indicated the meeting place, date and time.
President Dendinger called the Student Fees Policy JN hearing to order at 6:30 p.m.
President Dendinger informed all present of the Open Meetings Law and pointed out the copy of the Open Meetings Law Chapter 84 Article 14 poster on the Board Room wall.
Superintendent Johnson offered testimony on policy.
No changes on Student Fees Policy.
Motion by Blatchford, seconded by Kathol, to adjourn at 6:35 p.m. Members voting aye: Jueden, Kathol, Blatchford, Rosener, Steiner, Miller, Dendinger. Members voting nay: none. Absent: Gotch, Pearson.
Brenda Steiner, Secretary
Parental Involvement ABA
August 10, 2015
Motion by Jueden, seconded by Miller, for the Board of Education to legally convene for the Parental Involvement ABA hearing at 6:35 p.m. Members present: Jason Dendinger, Dana Rosener, Brenda Steiner, Dale Blatchford, Gerri Jueden, Colin Kathol, Doug Miller. Members voting nay: none. Absent: Gotch, Pearson. Others present: Supt. Johnson, High School Principal Uldrich, Elementary Principal Edwards, Business Manager Tina Opfer. Members voting aye: Miller, Jueden, Kathol, Steiner, Blatchford, Rosener, Dendinger. Members voting nay: none. Absent: Gotch, Pearson. Carried: 7-0-2 Absent.
Notice of meeting was given by publication in the Cedar County News on August 5, 2015, and the Board of Education acknowledged by receipt and agenda. Publication and notice indicated the meeting place, date and time.
President Dendinger called the Parental Involvement ABA hearing to order at 6:35 p.m.
President Dendinger informed all present of the Open Meetings Law and pointed out the copy of the Open Meetings Law Chapter 84 Article 14 poster on the Board Room wall.
Superintendent Johnson offered testimony on policy.
No changes on Parental Involvement Policy.
Motion by Jueden, seconded by Miller, to adjourn at 6:40 p.m. Members voting aye: Miller, Jueden, Kathol, Steiner, Blatchford, Rosener, Dendinger. Members voting nay: none. Absent: Gotch, Pearson. Carried: 7-0-2 absent.
Brenda Steiner, Secretary
August 10, 2015
Motion by Kathol, seconded by Jueden, for the Board of Education to legally convene for the regular August 10, 2015 board meeting at 6:40 p.m. Members present: Jason Dendinger, Dana Rosener, Brenda Steiner, Dale Blatchford, Gerri Jueden, Colin Kathol, Doug Miller. Members voting nay: none. Absent: Gotch, Pearson. Others present: Superintendent Johnson, High School Principal Uldrich, Elementary Principal Edwards, Business Manager Tina Opfer.
Notice of meeting was given by publication in the Cedar County News on August 5, 2015, and the Board of Education acknowledged by receipt and agenda. Publication and notice indicated the meeting place, date and time.
President Dendinger called the regular August 10 Board Meeting to order at
6:40 p.m.
President Dendinger informed all present of the Open Meetings Law and pointed out the copy of the Open Meetings Law Chapter 84 Article 14 poster on the Board Room wall.
Motion by Kathol, seconded by Jueden, to approve the consent agenda that includes items #2 July 13, 2015, board meeting minutes, #3 Report on School Finances, #4 Approval of Bills (including those covered by the provisions of LB 734), and #5 Recognition of Visitors. Members voting aye: Miller, Steiner, Rosener, Jueden, Kathol, Blatchford, Dendinger. Members voting nay: none. Absent: Gotch, Pearson. Carried: 7-0-2 Absent.
Allied 100, $352.00; All Makes Office Equipment Co., $348.00;, $1,818.19; Supplyworks, $933.49; Attainment Company, Inc, $215.85; Beyond Play, LLC, $41.85; Blick Art Materials, $1,526.44; BMI Educational Services, Inc., $399.19; Bomgaars, $95.74;, $2,295.00; Brown & Saenger, $4,886.22; Jerry Bult, $599.00; Butch’s Propane, Inc., $64.00; Calloway House, Inc., $109.78; Cambium Learning, $173.47; Campbell Supply, $124.97; Cardmember Service, $1,666.98; Carhart Lumber Co., $2.79; Carson-Dellosa Publishing Co, $60.77; Cengage Learning, $8,893.85; Cerebellum, $51.89; City of Hartington, $125.50; Computers Etc., $283.20; Court Floors, $2,600.00; Demco, $159.38; City of Hartington, $1,132.12; Egan Supply Company, $338.34; Amber Endres, $132.18; ESU #1, $30.00; ESU #5, $150.00; ESU #8, $1,271.43; ETA hand2mind, $50.90; Ewell Educational Services, $265.00; Farmers Union Co-op Gas & Oil, $49.53; Feilmeier Electric, $1,633.57; Fischer Feed & Supply, $354.10; Flinn Scientific, Inc., $462.20; Folkers Brothers Garage Inc, $1,016.50; Follett School Solutions, Inc, $550.00; Frey Scientific, $83.47; Gill Hauling, Inc., $129.80; The Glass Cutter, $2,324.95; Global Equipment Company, $799.94; Gopher Sports Equipment, $3,898.73; Grossenburg Implement, $40.84; Handwriting Without Tears, $749.80; Hartelco, $502.52; Jeanie Hinkel, $205.52; Houghton Mifflin, $6,162.91; HNPS Activity Fund, $6,181.15; IXL Learning, $2,720.00; Jerrys Service, $549.80; J.W. Pepper & Son, Inc., $175.59; Blair Kalin, $20.00; Kansas State Bank, $51,813.44; Monica Kathol, $30.00;, $766.98; Keith’s Package Liquor, $566.24; Kruse True Value, $200.99; Lakeshore Learning Materials, $3,049.90; Master’s Transportation, Inc., $2,582.74; Matheson Trigas, $148.25; McGraw-Hill Education, $9,475.87; Menards-Yankton, $266.73; Mike’s Band Instrument Repair, $755.00; Nasco, $231.66; National Art & School Supply, $1,305.64; National Everything Wholesale, $43.83; Nebraska Journal Leader, $587.52; Nebraska Link, $1,897.63; NewzBrain Education, $309.00; Network & Computing, $1,100.00; Norfolk Auto Center, $171.93; Northeast Nebraska News, $798.65; Northeast Nebraska Telephone, $1,651.82; Northeast Nebraska PPD, $1,385.76; NPPD, $2,587.33; NRCSA, $700.00; Olson’s Pest Technicians, $80.00; Oriental Trading Co., Inc., $133.56; Payflex, $217.80; Pearson Education, $1,325.98; Pearson Motor Co, $518.29; Peitz Service, Inc., $4,159.72; James Peitz, $40.00; Perfection Learning Corp., $122.76; Pro-Ed, $60.45; Proquest LLC, $920.00; Pyramid School Products, $1,377.78; Quality Power & Control Electric LLC, $777.00; R & B Landtiling & Construction, $85.00; RaDec Construction, $75,852.50; Read Naturally, $425.70; Really Good Stuff Inc, $813.37; Remedia Publications, $68.98; School Health Corporation, $395.56; Scholastic Inc, $29.36; School Mate, $700.47; School Specialty, Inc., $9,516.21; Shiffler, $235.62; SimplexGrinnell, $2,632.89; Sourcegas, $551.04; Staples Advantage, $365.51; Stop-N-Go, $241.49; St. Louis Park Public School, $918.61; Supreme School Supply Co., $211.58; Nancy Sydow, $500.00; Taylor Music, $2,087.00; Teacher Created Resources, $413.13; Teacher’s Discovery, $279.75; Teacher Direct, $36.72; The President’s Challenge, $331.91; Marilyn Thoene, $7.50; Time For Kids, $98.12; TREND enterprises, Inc., $286.67; Trinity Lutheran Church, $188.20; Troxell Communications, $151.75; U.S. Cellular, $83.35; United States Treasury, $6,420.00; Vermillion Ace Hardware, $129.96; Western Office Supply, $15.90; Kevin Whelchel, $39.10; Wieser Educational, $133.10; William H. Sadlier, Inc., $569.10; Beth Wood, $156.19; Zaner-Bloser, Inc., $42.49
Motion by Jueden, seconded by Miller, to approve the Student Fees Policy JN. Members voting aye: Blatchford, Rosener, Kathol, Miller, Jueden, Steiner, Dendinger. Members voting nay: none. Absent: Gotch, Pearson. Carried: 7-0-2 absent.
Motion by Kathol, seconded by Rosener, to approve the Parental Involvement Policy ABA. Members voting aye: Jueden, Rosener, Miller, Kathol, Blatchford, Steiner, Dendinger. Members voting nay: none. Absent: Gotch, Pearson. Carried: 7-0-2 absent.
Motion by Blatchford, seconded by Steiner, to approve State Standard IFD (Language Arts Standards). Members voting aye: Kathol, Steiner, Miller, Jueden, Rosener, Blatchford, Dendinger. Members voting nay: none. Absent: Gotch, Pearson. Carried: 7-0-2 absent.
Motion by Miller, seconded by Jueden, to approve Bidding Construction Policy DJC. Members voting aye: Rosener, Jueden, Kathol, Blatchford, Miller, Steiner, Dendinger. Members voting nay: none. Absent: Gotch, Pearson. Carried: 7-0-2 absent.
Motion by Steiner, seconded by Kathol, to approve Return to Learn from Cancer Policy IGBG. Members voting aye: Blatchford, Rosener, Steiner, Miller, Jueden, Kathol, Dendinger. Members voting nay: none. Absent: Gotch, Pearson. Carried: 7-0-2 absent.
Motion by Kathol, seconded by Steiner, to approve the school nurse contract for Jackie Freeman. Members voting aye: Kathol, Jueden, Miller, Blatchford, Steiner, Rosener, Dendinger. Members voting nay: none. Absent: Gotch, Pearson. Carried: 7-0-2 absent.
Motion by Blatchford, seconded by Jueden, to approve contracts for non-certified staff: Kathie Dresden and Jamie Walter. Members voting aye: Miller, Jueden, Kathol, Blatchford, Rosener, Steiner, Dendinger. Members voting nay: none. Absent: Gotch, Pearson. Carried: 7-0-2 absent.
Motion by Rosener, seconded by Steiner, to approve Russell Flamig as school vehicle inspector for 2015 – 2016 school year. Members voting aye: Jueden, Blatchford, Miller, Steiner, Rosener, Kathol, Dendinger. Members voting nay: none. Absent: Gotch, Pearson. Carried: 7-0-2 absent.
Motion by Jueden, seconded by Rosener, to approve the transfers of funds as directed by the superintendent: activities fund, lunch fund, depreciation fund. Members voting aye: Blatchford, Rosener, Steiner, Miller, Jueden, Kathol, Dendinger. Members voting nay: none. Absent: Gotch, Pearson. Carried: 7-0-2 absent.
Motion by Jueden, seconded by Steiner, to approve the security camera proposal. Members voting aye: Jueden, Kathol, Miller, Steiner, Blatchford, Rosener, Dendinger. Members voting nay: none. Absent: Gotch, Pearson. Carried: 7-0-2 absent.
Motion by Rosener, seconded by Steiner, to approve UNO Computer books for the elementary with cart. Members voting aye: Blatchford, Kathol, Jueden, Miller, Steiner, Rosener, Dendinger. Members voting nay: none. Absent: Gotch, Pearson. Carried: 7-0-2 absent.
Next meeting Monday, September 14th at 6:15 p.m.
Motion by Steiner, seconded by Jueden, to adjourn at 7:38 p.m. Members voting aye: Rosener, Steiner, Miller, Jueden, Kathol, Blatchford, Dendinger. Members voting nay: none. Absent: Gotch, Pearson. Carried: 7-0-2 absent.
Brenda Steiner, Secretary
August 13, 2015
A regular meeting of the Board of Education, Wynot Public Schools, Dist. 101, was called to order by the President, Neil Hochstein, on August 13, 2015 at 6:45 p.m. The public was advised a copy of the Open Meetings Act was available on the table in the Board Room at Wynot Public Schools and that the meeting was properly posted at the following places; Cedar Security Bank lobby in Wynot, Wynot Public School front entrance, and United State Post Office in Wynot. The meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll call showed the following board members present: Neil Hochstein, Dean Heine, Kenny Wieseler, Laurie Schulte, Alison Lange and Danny Wieseler. Also present were Superintendent Jeffrey Messersmith, Principal Richard Higgins, and Business Manager Nancy Sydow.
Motion by D. Heine and seconded by A. Lange to certify the meeting was properly advertised and adopt the agenda. Carried 6-0
Jim Berg with BVH Architects reviewed a possible project schedule with a short delay until November 1, 2015.
The Superintendent’s Report and the Principal’s Report were presented. There were no Board Committee Reports.
Motion by D. Wieseler and seconded by L. Schulte to approve the Consent Agenda, items including minutes of the July 15, 2015 regular school board meeting, July 15, 2015 Special Hearings; the Treasurer’s Report; the General Fund bills in the amount of $411,272.42 which includes payroll, the School Food Fund bills in the amount of $1,365.69 which includes payroll, and the Depreciation Fund in the amount of $2,509.89. Carried 6-0
GENERAL FUND: Airgas $26.40; Avera Medical $150.00; Brown & Saenger $2,307.19; Carhart Lumber $19.26; CCNews $603.96; Chase $13,642.15; CKPPD $1,220.09; Connecting Point $85.00; Ebsco $829.20 ESU #8 $646.43; Fordyce Farmers Coop $139.08; Haddock Corp. $19,219.00; Harding Glass $210.00; Harris $3,346.40; A Hochstein $20.00; HP Inc. $9,794.70; Hy-Vee $21.19; J.W. Pepper $342.64; Kruse Hardware $420.73; Ed Lange $7.50; Laurel Concord School $448.49; Leaf $246.00; MARCO $604.00; Master’s Transportation $70,167.00; Menford Hardware $125.75; J. Messersmith $342.51; NCSA $185.00; NE Safety Center $150.00 Olsen Pest Control $72.75; PettyCash Account $2,751.00; Popplers Music, Inc. $34.16; Quill Corp. $2,879.33; Ron Rolfes Mowing $170.00; Scholastic Inc. $142.45; Share Corp. $756.79; Nancy Sydow $224.25; TriView Communications $467.00; Village of Wynot $214.90; Wayne State College $25.00; Tammy Wieseler $421.40; WPS- Activity Fund $40,000.00; WPS-Depreciation $75,000.00; WPS-School Food $20,000.00; Wynot Oil $416.86. DEPRECIATION FUND: Cedar Security Bank $716.56; DSFS, USA LLC. $1,793.33.
Agenda items discussed with no official action taken were:
NASB Policy Update Chapter 5
Review 2015-16 Bus Routes
Nebraska Department of Education Accreditation
Motion by D. Heine and seconded by A. Lange appoint Laurie Schulte as the Legislative Relations Network Member for the 2015-16 school year. Carried 6-0
Motion by D. Wieseler and seconded by L. Schulte to approve Board Policies-Chapter 5 as recommended. Carried 6-0
Motion by D. Heine and seconded by D. Wieseler to approve the revised Board Policy 706.03 to increase the dollar amount required for bidding construction projects from $40,000 to $100.000. Carried 6-0
Motion by L. Schulte and seconded by K. Wieseler to approve Staff Extra Duty Assignments for the 2015 -2016 school year. Carried 6-0
Motion by L. Schulte and seconded by A. Lange to approve the bid from Guarantee Roof to replace the roof over the Lunch Room and Industrial Arts room in the amount of $42,274.00 Carried 6-0
Motion by A. Lange and seconded by D. Heine to approve the following transfers:
From the General Fund to the Activity in the amount of $40,000 for expense incurred with state qualifications and extra curricular activities.
From the General Fund to the School Food in the amount of $20,000 for salad bar, counters and other upgrades to the program.
From the General Fund to the Depreciation Fund in the amount of $75,000 for roof repairs, maintenance and transportation expenditures. Carried 6-0
Motion by L. Schulte and seconded by K. Wieseler to approve the Wynot Education Association as the sole collective bargaining agent for the 2015-16 contract year. Carried 6-0
Motion by K. Wiesler and seconded by D. Wieseler to approve moving Janice Koch to a 12- month contract. Carried 6-0
President, Neil Hochstein, adjourned the meeting at 8:48 p.m.
Budget Workshop-August 27, 2015 at 8:00 p.m.
The next regular board meeting has been set for September 17, 2015 at 8:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Kenny Wieseler, Secretary
Central Office Building at 1500 Hwy. 2 in Lincoln, until 1:30 PM on September 03, 2015. At that time the bids will be opened and read for GR CULV SEED GDRL BIT
START DATE: 05/31/2016
WORKING DAYS: 90 PRICE RANGE: $2,000,000.00 to $4,000,000.00
Plans and specifications may be seen beginning August 11, 2015 at the
Lincoln Central Office and August 17, 2015 at the District Engineer’s Office at NORFOLK.
Additional letting information may be found at the Nebraska Department of Roads Web Site at
This project is funded under the Federal-Aid Highway Act, all appropriate Federal requirements will apply.
Estate of PAUL D. HAVEKOST, Deceased
Estate No. PR 15-16
Notice is hereby given that a final account and report of administration and a Petition for complete settlement, probate of Will, determination of heirs, and determination of inheritance tax have been filed and are set for hearing in the County Court of Cedar County, Nebraska, located at P.O. Box 695, Hartington, NE 68739, on Sept. 9, 2015, at or after 8:30 a.m.
Boyd C. Ebberson
87252 Hwy 57
Coleridge, NE 68727
Tel: (402) 283-4662
Personal Representative/Petitioner
Steven L. Archbold (Bar I.D. #15007)
Archbold Law Office, L.L.P.
P.O. Box 707
201 N. Broadway
Bloomfield, NE 68718
Tel: (402) 373-4240
Fax: (402) 373-2890
Personal Representative/Petitioner