Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Cedar County Zoning Planning Commission will meet on August 10, 2015, at 8:00 p.m., in the Cedar County Courthouse Annex Basement. This meeting is open to the Public.
David Sudbeck
Cedar County
Zoning Administrator
June 22, 2015
The Hartington City Council met for their regular meeting on June 22, 2015 at the city hall beginning at 7:00 P.M. Notice of time and place of the meeting was given in the advance notice by posting. Notice of time and place of the meeting was communicated in the advance notice to the mayor and council.
Present were Mayor Peitz; Councilpersons Addison, Christensen, and Bartling; Legal Adviser Pier; and City Clerk – Treasurer Lenzen. Absent was Councilman Kruse.
Mayor Peitz presented the public notice pertaining to the city filing an application to USDA Rural Development for grant assistance in the amount of $27,500.00 for the preliminary engineering review for water system improvements. There was no question or concerns regarding the application.
Mayor Peitz called the meeting to order followed by all present reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. He announced that the open meeting law poster was on the back wall of the council room and reminded everyone to silence their cell phones.
A motion to approve the minutes of the June 8, 2015 meeting was made by Addison and seconded by Bartling. A roll call vote was taken. Addison – yes, Bartling – yes and Christensen – yes. Motion carried.
Pay request No. 5 for the 319 grant was presented by Dan Kathol in the amount of $39,363.30. The pay request was for work done by Plumbing and Electric. A motion was made by Bartling and seconded by Christensen to approve the pay request in the amount of $39,363.30 for the 319 grant. A roll call vote was taken. Bartling – yes, Christensen – yes, and Addison – yes. Motion carried.
The Cedar County Sheriff law enforcement renewal contract was the next agenda item. A motion to renew the three year contract was made by Addison and seconded by Christensen including the additional wording as suggested by Legal Adviser Pier. A roll call vote was taken. Addison – yes, Christensen – yes and Bartling – yes. Motion carried.
Resolution No. 2015622 – USDA application for funds was introduced by Councilwoman Addison. A motion to adopt Resolution 2015622 was made by Addison and seconded by Christensen. A roll call vote was taken. Addison – yes, Christensen – yes and Bartling – yes. Motion carried.
The following department reports were given.
PARK/POOL: Councilwoman Addison: Roof and framing is complete for the building at the complex. The electrical box project at the park needs to be completed. A citizen had brought to her attention that some stones at the public cemetery need to be replaced and repaired. Perhaps this could be done by volunteers.
COMPLEX/AUDITORIUM: Mayor Peitz reported for Councilman Kruse that the company doing the gym floor project scheduled had the work the end of August but will be here the end of July. The basketball hoops will need to be removed.
FIRE/AMBULANCE: Councilman Christensen: None
GENERAL: Mayor Peitz: None
Clerk Lenzen: Any councilperson interest in attending the NENEDD annual meeting should let her know so reservations can be made.
There were no public comments.
The following bills were presented for payment.
GENERAL: Aflac 272.50, BC/BS 7,920.14, Cedar County News 219.60, Fremont National Bank 187.50, and Ohio Life 585.18.
STREETS: NPPD 3,516.00, Pomp’s 34.38, Source Gas 146.82, and Stop N Go 33.87.
WATER: Cedar Knox Public Power 1,335.85, and NPPD 29.07.
SEWER: NPPD 2,725.81, Pomp’s 12.50, and Source Gas 55.85.
SANITATION: L.P. Gill 4,070.04, Pomp’s 236.00, and Stop N Go 400.75.
FIRE: NPPD 166.37, Source Gas 18.57, and Stop N Go 43.90.
AMBULANCE: EMP 157.22, NPPD 77.93, Source Gas 18.58, and Yankton County EMS 200.00.
CEMETERY: Cedar Knox Rural Water 36.00.
RECREATION: Hartington Gravel 740.00, and NPPD 44.22.
POOL: Art Kathol Appliance 2,178.10, Cedar County News 114.80, NPPD 27.37, and Source Gas 1,281.27.
PARK: NPPD 984.43, and Yankton Janitorial 70.63.
COMPLEX: Gary Backhaus Gravel 461.00, NPPD 452.66, Tri State 565.90, and Yankton Janitorial 70.63.
LIBRARY: Ingram 689.02, MidAmerican Books 118.47, Midwest Tape 170.01, NPPD 177.39, Oriental 229.35, Source Gas 53.44, and X-Pert Lawn 701.00.
CITY HALL: Eakes 57.48, NPPD 109.04, Premier Lawn 90.00, and Source Gas 40.82.
AUDITORIUM: NPPD 66.56, and Source Gas 137.04.
TRANSFER STATION: Cedar Knox Public Power 140.15, and Gill Hauling 782.70.
A motion to pay the bills was made by Bartling and seconded by Christensen. A roll call vote was taken. Bartling – yes, Christensen – yes, and Addison – yes. Motion carried.
A motion to adjourn was made by Addison and seconded by Christensen. A roll call vote was taken. Addison – yes, Christensen – yes and Bartling – yes. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 P.M. The next meeting is scheduled for July 13, 2915.
Respectively submitted,
Crystal Lenzen
City Clerk – Treasurer
July 13, 2015
Motion by Jueden, seconded by Miller, for the Board of Education to legally convene for the regular July 13, 2015 board meeting at 6:30 p.m. Members present: Jason Dendinger, Brenda Steiner, Gerri Jueden, Doug Miller, Rosener. Excused: Dale Blatchford Jr., Bryan Gotch, Colin Kathol, Ron Pearson. Others present: Superintendent Johnson, High School Principal Uldrich, Elementary Principal Edwards, Business Manager Tina Opfer.
Notice of meeting was given by publication in the Cedar County News on July 8, 2015, and the Board of Education acknowledged by receipt and agenda. Publication and notice indicated the meeting place, date and time.
President Dendinger called the regular July 13 Board Meeting to order at
6:30 p.m.
President Dendinger informed all present of the Open Meetings Law and pointed out the copy of the Open Meetings Law Chapter 84 Article 14 poster on the Board Room wall.
Motion by Jueden, seconded by Miller, to approve the consent agenda that includes items #2 June 15, 2015, board meeting minutes, #3 Report on School Finances, #4 Approval of Bills (including those covered by the provisions of LB 734), and #5 Recognition of Visitors. Members voting aye: Jueden, Miller, Steiner, Rosener, Dendinger. Members voting nay: none. Excused: Blatchford, Gotch, Kathol, Pearson. Carried: 5-0-4 Excused.
Supplyworks, 1201.78; Randy Anderson, 103.5
Art Kathol Appliance, 1915.87; Avera Clinic Hartington, 250
Bomgaars, 274.74; Butch’s Propane, Inc., 259.74
Century Business Products, 2500.93; Chase Pest Service, 35; City of Hartington, 809.52; Crofton Community School, 26974.5; Ear, Nose & Throat, 140; Amber Endres, 30.01; ESU #1, 1810; ESU #7, 1500; ESU #8, 2098.88; ESU Coordinating Council, 60; Fairfield Inn & Suites, 387.8; Farmers Union Co-op Gas & Oil, 199.25; Karen Flamig, 50; Floral Designs, 4.5; Folkers Brothers Garage Inc, 324.75; Jason Folkers, 60.71; Gill Hauling, Inc., 129.8; Grossenburg Implement, 52.3; Hartelco, 194.33; Hartington Shopper, 118.8; Holiday Inn, 171.9; Integration Partners, 2392.52; Jerrys Service, 625.27; Kaiser Heating & Cooling, 288; Keith’s Package Liquor, 624.62; Kruse True Value, 188.81; Marco, Inc., 75.71; Menards-Yankton, 72.92; NASB, 255; NE DOL/Boiler Inspection Program, 18; Nebraska Link, 1897.63; Northeast Nebraska News Company, 78.27; Northeast Nebraska Telephone Company, 294.16; Northeast Nebraska Public Power District, 908.76; Network and Computing Solutions, 2925; Norfolk Daily News, 27.97; NPPD, 2112.37; Olson’s Pest Technicians, 80; Pearson Motor Co, 718.45; Peitz Service, Inc., 703.58; R & B Landtiling & Construction, 85; Shiffler, 10.02; SimplexGrinnell, 453.51; U.S. Cellular, 83.37; Wayne State College, 6; Western Office Supply, 85.98
Motion by Steiner, seconded by Jueden, to designate Mr. Johnson as Federal Programs Director. Members voting aye: Miller, Rosener, Jueden, Steiner, Dendinger. Members voting nay: none. Excused: Blatchford, Gotch, Kathol, Pearson. Carried: 5-0-4 Excused.
Motion by Jueden, seconded by Rosener, to approve disposal of surplus property. Members voting aye: Steiner, Miller, Jueden, Rosener, Dendinger. Members voting nay: none. Excused: Blatchford, Gotch, Kathol, Pearson. Carried: 5-0-4 Excused.
Motion by Steiner, seconded by Miller, to utilize the board room as a preschool room. Members voting aye: Jueden, Rosener, Steiner, Miller, Dendinger. Members voting nay: none. Excused: Blatchford, Gotch, Kathol, Pearson. Carried: 5-0-4 Excused.
Motion by Rosener, seconded by Steiner, to approve the request for a preschool age requirements waiver. Members voting aye: Steiner, Miller, Jueden, Rosener, Dendinger. Members voting nay: none. Excused: Blatchford, Gotch, Kathol, Pearson. Carried: 5-0-4 Excused.
Motion by Miller, seconded by Jueden, to approve request for voluntary termination expenditure exclusion. Members voting aye: Jueden, Rosener, Steiner, Miller, Dendinger. Members voting nay: none. Excused: Blatchford, Gotch, Kathol, Pearson. Carried: 5-0-4 Excused.
Next meeting Monday, August 10, 2015 at 6:30 p.m.
Motion by Steiner, seconded by Jueden, to adjourn at 7:18 p.m. Members voting aye: Miller, Steiner, Rosener, Jueden, Dendinger. Members voting nay: none. Excused: Blatchford, Gotch, Kathol, Pearson. Carried: 5-0-4 Excused.
Brenda Steiner, Secretary
Co., Inc.
Statement of
This institution is an equal
opportunity provider and employer.
If you wish to file a Civil Rights program complaint of discrimination, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form, found online at, or at any USDA office, or call (866) 632-9992 to request the form. You may also write a letter containing all of the information requested in the form. Send your completed complaint form or letter to us by mail at U.S. Department of Agriculture, Director, Office of Adjudication, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20250-9410, by fax (202) 690-7442 or email at
Estate of Bernice B.
Buschelman, Deceased
Estate No. PR15-24
Notice is hereby given that on June 30, 2015, in the County Court of Cedar County, Nebraska, the Registrar issued a written statement of Informal Probate of the Will of said Decedent and that Mark A. Buschelman, whose address is 55728 888 Road, Fordyce, NE 68736, was informally appointed by the Registrar as Personal Representative of the Estate.
Creditors of this Estate must file their claims with this Court on or before September 7, 2015, or be forever barred.
Clerk of the County Court
Diane L. Sudbeck
Cedar County Magistrate
PO Box 695
Hartington, NE 68739
Daniel L Hendrix
Bar No. 24840
PO Box 39
Crofton, Nebraska 68730
(402) 388-4363
Estate of LAURA I. KRAMER, a/k/a ISABELLE KRAMER, Deceased
Estate No. PR 15-11
Notice is hereby given that on May 15, 2015, in the County Court of Cedar County, Nebraska, Timoth N. Kuchta, whose address is P.O. Box 697, Hartington, NE 68739, was appointed by the Court as Personal Representative of the estate.
Creditors of this Estate must file their claims with this Court on or before September 14, 2015, or be forever barred.
Diane L. Sudbeck
Clerk of the County Court
PO Box 695
Hartington, NE 68739
Scott A. Gray #20706
Brogan Gray, P.C., L.L.O.
Attorneys at Law
110 North 16th Street, Suite 22
Norfolk, NE 68701
(402) 644-7242
The following described property will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder on 08/17/2015, at 10:00 a.m. at the West door of the Cedar County Courthouse, 101 South Broadway Avenue, Hartington, NE 68739:
All subject to any and all: (1) real estate taxes, (2) special assessments, (3) easements, covenants, restrictions, ordinances, and resolutions of record which affect the property, and (4) unpaid water bills, (5) prior mortgages and trust deed of record and (6) ground leases of record. The purchaser is responsible for all fees or taxes. This sale is made without any warranties as to title or condition of the property.
By: Kerry Feld, Trustee, NSBA# 24614
Kozeny & McCubbin, LC
12400 Olive Blvd.,
Suite 555
St. Louis, MO 63141
(314) 991-0255
First Publication 07/08/2015, final 08/05/2015
Published in the
Hartington Cedar Co. News
K&M Filename: PEALYNOR
By virtue of an Order of Sale issued by the Clerk of District Court of Cedar County, Nebraska, in Case No. CI14-65 wherein the COUNTY OF CEDAR, NEBRASKA, a Body Politic and Corporate, is Plaintiff, and LESLIE LORENZ, a single person; RANDOLPH EQUIPMENT & REPAIR INC, an Inactive Nebraska Domestic Corporation; JOHN DOE and JANE DOE, husband and wife, tenants in possession, real names unknown; Lot One (1) and the East Half (E ½) of Lot Two (2), Block Twelve (12), Original City of Randolph, Cedar County, Nebraska; CITY OF RANDOLPH, a Victim Due Restitution in Prosecution; CREDIT BUREAU SERVIES, a Judgment Creditor; and all persons having or claiming any interest in and to said real estate, real names unknown; et al., are Defendants, for the foreclosure of Certificates of Tax Sale, and subsequent taxes upon the real estate hereinafter described as follows:
That there was due the Plaintiff on its Cause of Action upon Certificate of Tax Sale No. 6384, and for subsequent taxes, advertising, and redemption fees, together with interest at fourteen percent (14%) per annum to date, in the amount of $324.16, a first lien upon a piece of land in Lot One (1) and the East Half (E ½) of Lot Two (2), Block Twelve (12), Original City of Randolph, Cedar County, Nebraska.
I will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, at the front entrance of the Cedar County Courthouse in Hartington, Nebraska, on the 18th day of August, 2015, at 9:00 a.m. to satisfy the Order for Sale, Case No. CI14-65 from the Cedar County District Court.
Dated this 17th day of July, 2015.
Larry D. Koranda
Cedar County Sheriff
By virtue of an Order of Sale issued by the Clerk of District Court of Cedar County, Nebraska, in Case No. CI14-66 wherein the COUNTY OF CEDAR, NEBRASKA, a Body Politic and Corporate, is Plaintiff, and LESLIE LORENZ, a single person; RANDOLPH EQUIPMENT & REPAIR INC, an Inactive Nebraska Domestic Corporation; JOHN DOE and JANE DOE, husband and wife, tenants in possession, real names unknown; Lots Seventeen (17) and Eighteen (18), Block Five (5), Original Town of Randolph, Cedar County, Nebraska; CITY OF RANDOLPH, a Victim Due Restitution in Prosecution; CREDIT BUREAU SERVIES, a Judgment Creditor; and all persons having or claiming any interest in and to said real estate, real names unknown; et al., are Defendants, for the foreclosure of Certificates of Tax Sale, and subsequent taxes upon the real estate hereinafter described as follows:
That there was due the Plaintiff on its Cause of Action upon Certificate of Tax Sale No. 6381, and for subsequent taxes, advertising, and redemption fees, together with interest at fourteen percent (14%) per annum to date, in the amount of $2,625.56, a first lien upon a piece of land in Lots Seventeen (17) and Eighteen (18), Block Five (5), Original Town of Randolph, Cedar County, Nebraska.
I will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, at the front entrance of the Cedar County Courthouse in Hartington, Nebraska, on the 18th day of August, 2015, at 9:00 a.m. to satisfy the Order for Sale, Case No. CI14-66 from the Cedar County District Court.
Dated this 17th day of July, 2015.
Larry D. Koranda
Cedar County Sheriff
The post Public Notices 07-22-2015 appeared first on Cedar County News.