
Meeting Notice

The Cedar County Board of Commissioners will meet at 8:30 a.m., Wednesday, Dec. 23, 2014, in the Commissioners’ Room in the Cedar County Courthouse.

Agenda is available in the County Clerk’s office.




Hartington City Council


November 24, 2014

On November 24, 2014 the Hartington City Council met for their regular meeting at the city hall beginning at 7:00 P.M. Notice of time and place of the meeting was given in the advance notice by posting. Notice of time and place of the meeting was communicated in the advance notice to the mayor and council.

Present were Mayor Peitz; Councilpersons Kruse, Addison, and Bartling, Legal Adviser Pier; and City Clerk ~ Treasurer Lenzen. Absent was Councilman Christensen. Mayor Peitz called the meeting to order followed by all present reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Peitz announced that the open meeting law poster was on the back wall of the council room. He also reminded all present to silence their cell phones.

A motion was made by Bartling and seconded by Addison to approve the minutes of the November 10, 2014 meeting and the October 2014 treasurers report. A roll call vote was taken. Bartling – yes, Addison –yes, and Kruse – yes. Motion carried.

A building permit was resubmitted from Paul Steffen for an addition. The addition needed to be moved after Source Gas had located the gas line. A motion to approve the resubmitted building permit was made by Addison and seconded by Kruse. A roll call vote was taken. Addison – yes, Kruse – yes, and Bartling – yes. Motion carried.

The State of Nebraska Department Roads maintenance agreement was reviewed. A motion to approve the agreement was made by Kruse and seconded by Bartling. A roll call vote was taken. Kruse – yes, Bartling – yes, and Addison – yes. Motion carried.

Drawdown No. 7 for TrailManor was the next agenda item. A motion to approve the drawdown in the amount of $156,146.11 was made by Kruse and seconded by Bartling. A roll call vote was taken. Kruse – yes, Bartling – yes, and Addison – yes. Motion carried.

Dan Kathol gave an update on the water quality/flood control project. The reservoir and flood pool area/grading is approximately 85% complete and is sufficient to hold/contain any normal rain fall or snow melt. Work has been suspended because of cold weather and finishing the project will continue next spring. A good/reliable borrow area for clay exists behind Prince Hydraulics on land owned by the Hartington Community Development Corp. The water quality measures project – the expanded detention pond just below the reservoir drainage tube is completed. The downstream drainage area between Hwy 57 and the tunnel entrance is completed with the exception of the seeding. All other upstream and downstream water quality measures will be completed in the spring of 2015.

The SRF loan pay request No. 3 was presented. A motion to approve the pay request in the amount of $276,950.70 was made by Addison and seconded by Kruse. A roll call vote was taken. Addison – yes, Kruse –yes, and Bartling – yes. Motion carried.

Pay request No. 2 for the 319 grant was reviewed in the amount of $24,856.00. A motion to approve the pay request was made by Addison and seconded by Bartling. A roll call vote was taken. Addison –yes, Bartling – yes, and Kruse – yes. Motion carried.

A report on the Hwy 57 tree planting project was given by Dan Kathol. The Hartington Tree Board applied for and received a $6,000.00 tree grant from the Nebraska Statewide Arboretum and a $3,000.00 grant from the Lewis & Clark Natural Resource District for the purpose of planting trees and shrubs along both side of Hwy 57. A total of 24 businesses/landowners participated in the project along with the City of Hartington.

The council discussed deposits for city utilities for rental properties. Legal Adviser Pier will research this matter.

Department Reports:

Park/Pool – Councilwoman Addison: The Hartington Chamber of Commerce would like to store their float in the former ambulance garage. Information regarding an estimate from Pinkelman Sales for a building near the track at the complex for the amount of $9,883.00 for a 33X40X10 building was discussed. An additional charge for the door would be $500.00.

Complex – Councilman Kruse: Is obtaining price quotes from companies for work on the track.

Fire/Ambulance – Councilman Christensen: None

General – Mayor Peitz: The fire department has moved to the new fire hall. The ambulance plans to move in a couple weeks.

The following bills were presented for payment.

General: Aflac 272.50, Foodtown 16.42, CoOpportunity 4,521.80, EMC 8,370.05, Fremont National Bank – bond payment 156,298.75, Kennedy, Pier, Knoff & Loftus 500.00,

Koch-Tramp 107.48, Ohio Natioal 585.18, Olsson & Asso. 2,848.09, and P & E 319 grant


Streets: Source Gas 164.32.

Water: Cedar Knox Public Power 1,090.27, and HHSLab 263.00.

Sewer: DEQ loan 22,132.16, and Source Gas 69.03.

Sanitation: Stop N Go 320.89.

Fire: Foodtown 295.00, Dearborn Life 106.34, Source Gas 105.27, Wiechelman 17,572.50, And Yankton Janitorial 104.00.

Ambulance: Avera 105.40, Battery Exchange 29.95, EMP 97.34, Garvin CB Shop 36.55, and Matheson 83.99.

Recreation: Foodtown 49.04, and Stop N Go 42.71.

Pool: Source Gas 25.61.

Parks: Hartington Tree 5,239.80.

Complex: Yankton Janitorial 44.00.

Library: D & J 88.97, Follett 850.00, Ingram 744.49, Koch-Tramp 2,124.00, Midwest Tape 117.20, Oriental 41.15, Nebraska Life 24.00, Source Gas 155.31, Sherry’s Window Cleaning 250.00, X-Pert Lawn 621.00 and Yankton P & D 139.14.

City Hall: D & J 91.88, Patty Guy 135.00, NE Municipal Power Pool 100.00, Source Gas 86.87, Staybridge 125.99, and Tri-State Turf 51.00.

Auditorium: Source Gas 190.38, and Wiechelman 6,506.00.

Ec. Dev.: Carla Becker 300.00.

Transfer Station: Cedar Knox Public Power District 165.89, Deere Credit, Inc. 521.34, and Pomps 89.00.

A motion to pay the bills was made by Kruse and seconded by Bartling. A roll call vote was taken. Kruse – yes, Bartling – yes, and Addison – yes. Motion carried.

A motion to adjourn was made by Kruse and seconded by Bartling. A roll call vote was taken. Kruse –yes, Bartling – yes, and Addison – yes. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 8:10 P.M. The next meeting is scheduled for December 8, 2014.

Respectfully submitted,

Crystal Lenzen

City Clerk ~ Treasurer




Village of St. Helena


November 10, 2014

The Regular meeting of the Chairman and Board of Trustees of the Village of St. Helena, Nebraska was held on November 10, 2014 at 6:30 P.M. the St. Helena Village Hall. Notice of the meeting was given in advance by posting in three public places within the Village of St. Helena.

Present were Chairman Victor Paltz, Trustees Jody Albrecht, Jen Miller, Loren Bender and Clerk Paula Pinkelman Clair Wieseler was absent.

Minutes of the October 13, 2014 meeting were read and approved with a motion by Victor Paltz and seconded by Jody Albrecht with all in favor.

A motion was made by Jen Miller and seconded by Victor Paltz to approve the financial report as read with all in favor.

The following claims were submitted for payment for the month of November: General Fund:

Cedar-Knox PPD $298.31, Northeast Nebraska News Company $45.22, Paula Pinkelman $323.22, Nicholas Paltz $63.99, Zachary Paltz $30.75, Victor Paltz $20.70, Arland Paltz $75.00, EMC Insurance Companies $855.96. Water Fund: Cedar-Knox PPD $20.29, Butch’s Propane $137.66, Victor Paltz $26.50. Sewer Fund: Village of Wynot $780.00, Cedar-Knox PPD $15.50, Victor Paltz $17.00.

A motion was made by Loren Bender and seconded by Jen Miller to pay the bills for this month with all in favor.

A propane tank was delivered to the water tower and filled with propane which will be used to power the generator that has been installed at the water tower. Victor Paltz will work with Mike’s Electric on getting the mixer installed.

Victor Paltz will call Mark’s Machinery to see if they still have the mower that he previously received an estimate on.

Clair Wieseler, Jody Albrecht and Rod Boeckman were the top write-in candidates in the election. Clair Wieseler and Jody Albrecht have stated they will remain as Trustees on the Village Board. Victor Paltz has talked to Rod Boeckman in regards to filling a seat as a Trustee on the Village Board. Rod Boeckman will notify Victor Paltz of his decision to accept or decline the position.

Jody Albrecht made a motion to appoint Keith L. Gilmore of Gilmore & Associates as the Village of St. Helena’s Street Superintendent for the year 2015. Loren Bender seconded the motion with all in favor.

The next meeting will be December 8, 2014 at 6:30 P.M. With no further business to discuss Loren Bender made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:10 P.M. and Jen Miller seconded the motion with all in favor.




Hartington-Newcastle Public Schools Board Workshop


December 4, 2014

The Board of Education met for the Board Workshop at 6:30 p.m. in the Board Room.

Members present: Jason Dendinger, Colin Kathol, Gerri Jueden, Doug Miller, Dale Blatchford Jr., Bryan Gotch, Dana Rosener. Absent: Ron Pearson. Excused: Brenda Steiner.

Notice of meeting was given by publication in the Cedar County News on November 26, 2014, and the Board of Education acknowledged by receipt and agenda. Publication and notice indicated the meeting place, date and time.

President Dendinger called the December 4 Board Workshop to order.

Pearson arrived at 6:35 p.m.

Motion by Kathol, seconded by Blatchford, to approve the consent agenda. Members voting aye: Miller, Gotch, Rosener, Blatchford, Kathol, Jueden, Pearson, Dendinger. Members voting nay: none. Excused: Steiner. Carried: 8-0-1 excused.

No actions were taken nor any motions made.

Motion by Jueden, seconded by Blatchford, to adjourn. Members voting aye: Blatchford, Gotch, Jueden, Kathol, Miller, Pearson, Rosener, Dendinger. Members voting nay: none. Excused: Steiner. Carried: 8-0-1 excused. The workshop adjourned at 9:45 p.m.

Brenda Steiner, Secretary




Hartington-Newcastle Public Schools Board Meeting

December 10, 2014

Motion by Miller, seconded by Gotch, for the Board of Education to legally convene for the regular December 10, 2014 board meeting at 6:30 p.m. Members present: Jason Dendinger, Colin Kathol, Brenda Steiner, Bryan Gotch, Doug Miller, and Dana Rosener. Absent: Dale Blatchford Jr. and Ron Pearson. Excused: Gerri Jueden. Others present: Supt. Anderson, Elementary Principal Edwards, Business Manager Tina Opfer. Excused: A.J. Johnson. Carried: 6 – 2 absent – 1 excused.

Notice of meeting was given by publication in the Cedar County News on November 26, 2014, and the Board of Education acknowledged by receipt and agenda. Publication and notice indicated the meeting place, date and time.

President Dendinger called the regular December 10 Board Meeting to order at

6:30 p.m.

President Dendinger informed all present of the Open Meetings Law and pointed out the copy of the Open Meetings Law Chapter 84 Article 14 poster on the Board Room wall.

Motion by Miller, seconded by Gotch, to approve the consent agenda that includes items #2 November 17 , 2014, board meeting minutes, #3 Report on School Finances, #4 Approval of Bills (including those covered by the provisions of LB 734), and #5 Recognition of Visitors. Members voting aye: Miller, Steiner, Gotch, Rosener, Kathol, Dendinger. Members voting nay: none. Absent: Blatchford and Pearson. Excused: Jueden. Carried: 6 – 2 absent – 1 excused.

AdvancED, $240.00; Amsan, $1,128.12; Randy Anderson, $36.00; Appeara, $108.15; LeAnn Attema, $21.27; Avera Clinic Hartington, $300.00; Angie Bennett, $73.92; BMI Educational Services, Inc., $232.56; Bomgaars, $304.52; Butch’s Propane, Inc., $329.78; Cedar County Clerk, $992.15; Century Business Products, $190.78; Chase Pest Service, $35.00; Crofton Community School, $26,974.50; D & J Variety, $500.77; Dollar General, $39.32; ESU #1, $15.00; ESU #8, $137.18; Farmers Union Co-op Gas & Oil, $1,299.00; Folkers Brothers Garage Inc, $311.68; Kristi Folkers, $1,093.80; Follett School Solutions, Inc, $218.09; Jackie Freeman, $34.70; Hartelco, $278.77; Leigh Haselhorst, $50.40; Houghton Mifflin, $410.75; HPS Activity Fund, $88.58; HPS School Food Fund, $177.80; Jerrys Service, $1,344.45; JJ Benji, $51.00; Kaiser Heating & Cooling, $232.59; Blair Kalin, $65.00; Keith’s Package Liquor, $786.97; Koch Tramp Plumbing & Heating, $118.00; Lakeshore Learning Materials, $350.78; Marron Service, $1,195.42; Matheson Trigas, $64.65; Mike’s Electric, $166.12; NASB, $3,433.00; NCSA, $100.00; Nebraska Link, $1,897.63; Northeast Nebraska Telephone Company, $155.05; Northeast Nebraska Public Power District, $3,835.88; NPPD, $1,022.12; Olson’s Pest Technicians, $80.00; Payflex, $118.80; Pearson Motor Co, $29.66; Rita Pedersen, $184.80; Physio-Control, $208.00; Quill Corporation, $1,057.87; Really Good Stuff Inc, $65.54; School Specialty, $634.25; Sourcegas, $1,092.56; Stop-N-Go, $2,251.62; Tri-State Turf & Irrigation, $85.00; U.S. Cellular, $83.78; United States Postal Service, $332.00; Vermillion Ace Hardware, $37.53; Voss Lighting, $226.76; Western Office Supply, $297.00; Kevin Whelchel, $37.53; Beth Wood, $12.25; Wynot Public Schools, $3,141.07; Leslie Ziska, $560.00; Appeara, $288.97; Burnell’s Foodtown, Inc, $256.78; Peitz GMC, $3,998.96; SKC Communication Products, LLC, $14,571.57

Dale Blatchford Jr. arrived at 6:47 p.m.

Motion by Steiner, seconded by Gotch, to approve 2015 – 2016 Negotiated Agreement with the HNEA. Members voting aye: Kathol, Blatchford, Miller, Rosener, Gotch, Steiner, Dendinger. Absent: Pearson. Excused: Jueden. Carried: 7 – 1 absent – 1 excused.

Motion by Gotch, seconded by Blatchford, to advertise the open position of Superintendent in the Argus Leader for two Sundays. Members voting aye: Miller, Steiner, Kathol, Blatchford, Gotch, Rosener, Dendinger. Absent: Pearson. Excused: Jueden. Carried: 7 – 1 absent – 1 excused.

Next meeting Monday, January 19th at 6:30 p.m.

Motion by Steiner, seconded by Miller, to adjourn at 7:56 p.m. Members voting aye: Kathol, Blatchford, Rosener, Gotch, Steiner, Miller, Dendinger. Absent: Pearson. Excused: Jueden. Carried: 7 – 1 absent – 1 excused.

Brenda Steiner, Secretary





The Cedar County Board of Commissioners will hold a hearing on Tuesday, January 27, 2015, at 10:15 a.m., for the purpose of considering the vacation of a county road described as follows:

That portion of 568th Avenue, a County Road in Cedar County, Nebraska, contained in Section 27 of Precinct 5, Township 32 North, Range 2 East of the 6th P.M., Cedar County, Nebraska.

Any interested party may appear and be heard on the question of vacation of this road.










A Body Politic and Corporate,)



Cause of Action:)

LESLIE LORENZ, a single person; RANDOLPH)

EQUIPMENT & REPAIR, INC., an Inactive Nebraska)

Domestic Corporation; JOHN DOE and JANE DOE,)

husband and wife, tenants in possession, real names)

unknown; Lot One (1) and the East Half (E ½) of Lot)

Two (2), Block Twelve (12), Original City of)

Randolph, Cedar County, Nebraska; CITY OF)

RANDOLPH, a Victim Due Restitution in Prosecution;)

CREDIT BUREAU SERVICES, a Judgment Creditor;)

and all persons having or claiming any interest in and)

to said real estate, real names unknown;)

et al.,)


LESLIE LORENZ, a single person; RANDOLPH EQUIPMENT & REPAIR, INC., an Inactive Nebraska Domestic Corporation; JOHN and JANE DOE, husband and wife, tenants in possession, real names unknown; Lot One (1) and the East Half (E ½) of Lot Two (2), Block Twelve (12), Original City of Randolph, Cedar County, Nebraska; CITY OF RANDOLPH, a Victim Due Restitution in Prosecution;

CREDIT BUREAU SERVICES, a Judgment Creditor; and all persons having or claiming any interest in and to said real estate, real names unknown; DEFENDANTS IN PLAINTIFF’S CAUSE OF ACTION.

You and each of you are hereby notified that on the 29th day of September, 2014, Cedar County, Nebraska, filed it’s Petition in the District Court of Cedar County, Nebraska, against each of you, and others, the object and prayer of which is to foreclose County Treasurer’s Certificate of Tax Sales, sold to the Plaintiff on April 1, 2011, covering real estate taxes for 2008 and 2009, and to foreclose subsequent tax liens and special assessments on the real estate above specifically described; Plaintiff prays for an accounting of the aggregate amount due against each of the said parcels of real estate, for a foreclosure of the liens, and sale of said property in satisfaction on the amount so found due.

You and each of you are required to answer said Petition before the 23rd day of February, 2015.


A Body Politic and Corporate, Plaintiff

By: George L. Hirschbach #11861

Cedar County Attorney

Attorney for Plaintiff








A Body Politic and Corporate,)



Cause of Action:)

LESLIE LORENZ, a single person; RANDOLPH)

EQUIPMENT & REPAIR, INC., an Inactive Nebraska)

Domestic Corporation; JOHN DOE and JANE DOE,)

husband and wife, tenants in possession, real names)

unknown; Lots Seventeen (17) and Eighteen (18), )

Block Five (5), Original Town of Randolph, Cedar)

County, Nebraska; CITY OF RANDOLPH, a Victim

Due Restitution in Prosecution; CREDIT BUREAU)

SERVICES, a Judgment Creditor; and all persons)

having or claiming any interest in and to said real)

estate, real names unknown; )

et al., )


LESLIE LORENZ, a single person; RANDOLPH EQUIPMENT & REPAIR, INC., an Inactive Nebraska Domestic Corporation; JOHN DOE and JANE DOE, husband and wife, tenants in possession, real names unknown; Lots Seventeen (17) and Eighteen (18), Block Five (5), Original Town of Randolph, Cedar County, Nebraska; CITY OF RANDOLPH, a Victim Due Restitution in Prosecution; CREDIT BUREAU SERVICES, a Judgment Creditor; and all persons having or claiming any interest in and to said real estate, real names unknown; DEFENDANTS IN PLAINTIFF’S CAUSE OF ACTION.

You and each of you are hereby notified that on the 29th day of September, 2014, Cedar County, Nebraska, filed it’s Petition in the District Court of Cedar County, Nebraska, against each of you, and others, the object and prayer of which is to foreclose County Treasurer’s Certificate of Tax Sales, sold to the Plaintiff on April 1, 2011, covering real estate taxes for 2008 and 2009, and to foreclose subsequent tax liens and special assessments on the real estate above specifically described; Plaintiff prays for an accounting of the aggregate amount due against each of the said parcels of real estate, for a foreclosure of the liens, and sale of said property in satisfaction on the amount so found due.

You and each of you are required to answer said Petition before the 23rd day of February, 2015.


A Body Politic and Corporate, Plaintiff

By: George L. Hirschbach #11861

Cedar County Attorney

Attorney for Plaintiff




Notice of Trustee’s Sale

The following described property will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder on 01/12/2015, at 10:00 a.m. at the West door of the Cedar County Courthouse, 101 South Broadway Avenue, Hartington, NE 68739:


All subject to any and all: (1) real estate taxes, (2) special assessments, (3) easements, covenants, restrictions, ordinances, and resolutions of record which affect the property, and (4) unpaid water bills, (5) prior mortgages and trust deed of record and (6) ground leases of record. The purchaser is responsible for all fees or taxes. This sale is made without any warranties as to title or condition of the property.

By: Eric Lemp, Trustee, NSBA# 24096

Kozeny & McCubbin, LC

2400 Olive Blvd., Suite 555

St. Louis, MO 63141

(314) 991-0255

First Publication 12/03/2014, final 12/31/2014

Published in the Hartington Cedar Co. News

K&M Filename: BECJENO3




The post Public Notices 12-17-14 appeared first on Cedar County News.

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