
As exciting and fresh as January can be, this time of the year is also prime for the dreaded post-holiday blues. After more than a month of celebrating with family and friends, taking vacation and time off from work, and shopping, eating and caroling our way through the season, we are now being thrust back into reality with jobs, below freezing temperatures, snow storms, early morning wake up calls, and of course, responsibilities.

It’s true, winter can definitely be the most depressing season of the year, but being aware of this also means we can have the upper hand! It is easy to wish away our lives until the warm air of spring reappears, but instead I plan on making these cold days as enjoyable as possible.  Here are a few ideas I have for making this winter a little less harsh:

Invest in a Warm Coat.

I know this is sort of a duh tip, but in all honesty, having a super warm winter coat can make a world of difference! This year I finally invested in a long belted down puffer coat from J. Crew Factory and it’s amazing how much easier it makes braving the cold. Although the J. Crew version is a better quality, it is also much pricier. I figured for $100 I can afford to buy another new one next year and still save money! Plus, I have been wearing it to work, to the grocery, and even when walking Tebow. As basic as it may sound, having an extra warm coat will definitely encourage me to get moving outside in the fresh air and to give Tebow more walks as well.

Take a Coffee Break.

After battling the snow yesterday on my drive to work, I have decided that snowy mornings will also equal Starbucks mornings. I am definitely a person who thrives on motivation, and I can’t think of a better incentive than a Grande nonfat two pump light whip mocha on a freezing winter morning. It may seem like a little thing, but I hope that knowing I have a little treat waiting on me will make rolling out of my warm bed just a little easier. Plus, if I am already on the road anyways, what’s a little detour for a hot cup o’ Joe?

Exercise at Home.

As many of you already know, with my new job I have had to change from being a morning to an evening exerciser. This may not sound like too much of an adjustment, and maybe in the warmer months with longer days it won’t be, but I am not going to lie, working out after work has been a tough change for me so far. Plus I think with winter now here, the transition will be even less of a walk in the park. Enter home exercise!

I have a gym membership and I love it, but by the time I get home from work to my nice warm home, the thought of venturing back out into the cold can sound pretty awful. Unless of course you have a nice warm coat and a sweet dog to walk, please see exhibit a above! Instead of dreading my workout or simply skipping it altogether, I am going to try and work out at home at least a few times a week and then save the gym for another couple of days or for the weekends. I have found some really great at-home workouts on sites like FitSugar, Dashing Dish and Pinterest that don’t require any weights, and I also have an elliptical at home so I may do that for a little cardio while catching up on Netflix. All this great exercise and I don’t even have to leave my house!

Take Care of Yourself.

Along with my Coffee Break resolution above, I think there are so many ways to take care of your emotional and physical well being and the definition of doing so varies for each individual. I received a couple of spa gift cards for Christmas and I already have a pedicure and hot stone massage booked for later this month! I also was given a gift card to my salon that I’ve already put to good use. Having a fresh haircut can make a world of difference in how you feel on a gloomy day! I also plan on getting at least 7-9 hours of sleep each night and taking the time to watch a movie or read a book when I need a break. Again, these are things that work for me that may not speak to you. Think about what you enjoy doing and what helps you to relax and make sure to take care of yourself this winter!

Eat Healthy.

I know, I know, you aren’t alone in craving comfort food during the winter. However, also know that all of these heavy, fatty, salty (and yes tasty!) dishes can zap away what already little is left of your energy during the cold season. Choosing to eat healthy will help keep you from getting sick and will boost your immune system during a time when we need it the most. I know that I would much rather stick to a diet filled with plenty of fruits and veggies than to be miserable with the flu. Also, drinking hot tea in the afternoon is a great way to warm up while getting in extra fluids during the day. Make sure to eat enough though; you don’t want your body to be weakened due to too little calories. Don’t worry, you can still indulge, just make sure it’s not at every meal every day, and try to make those splurges worth it! You may decide that generic donuts in the break room at work may not be worth it, but a chocolate chip Pizookie from BJ’s Brewhouse may would definitely be worth every sugary bite!

Conversation Time.

What are ways that you help ease the transition into winter? Do you have any tips for making this season a little more enjoyable?

What are ways that you take care of your overall well being? Are you a spa-loving girl like me, or do you prefer a different kind of pampering?

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