It appears as though Google run YouTube is targeting popular channels that promote freedom and liberty by deleting them and all their content off it´s servers. Less than a month ago Mark Dice’s Youtube channel was deleted without explanation, Stefan Molyneux’s freedom-minded channel (FreeDomain Radio) has just now been removed from YouTube. So far Stefan had this to say about the incident: “Hi everyone, not sure what’s going on with the FDR YouTube channel, hang tight, we’ve sent them a message, I’m sure it will be resolved soon. If anyone has any good contacts at Google, PM us here please. Thanks!” In the past we have seen this happen to Russia Today a very popular english speaking news channel having their youtube channel cancelled twice and a Ron Paul promoting channel also deleted. Screenshot of Stefan Molyneux’s taken down channel People can visit Stefan Molyneux´s website here at FreeDomain Radio to access his other content and facebook page here. SEE ALSO: – Reddit censoring words like: NSA, Tesla, Bitcoin, net neutrality – Mainstream media to remove comments section on articles – Graham Hancock calls out TED’s blatant censorship – ACLU and media challenge censorship of 9/11 trial – Former reporter Amber Lyon exposes massive censorship at CNN