Learning to decipher the language of hands is like learning any language.
We can figure out a lot intuitively when we know the meaning of some words and if we make constant attempts to keep practicing and get feedback. However we can speed up our fluency and really master the language when we actively learn the grammar.
Here’s an example from personal experience. About 15 years ago, when I first started learning German, I made the mistake of learning a large vocabulary of nouns without learning the associated article (die, der, das) because English has only one article, namely “the”, I didn’t think it was that important.
Result: I made mastery of the language an impossible task. German is incredibly precise. I couldn’t figure out how mother tongue German speakers instinctively knew which article to use. It was only when I learnt the Swiss nickname for a toy doll which is “Babelli” and then heard the kids saying s’Babelli I realized that, even in the colloquial dialects, Swiss kids were always learning the article “das” shortened to “s’-” as part of the word. To learn one without the other (like I did) is like learning only half of each word. Naturally you are never going to be fluent no matter how huge your vocabulary.
Why am I telling you this?
The same applies to hand analysis. Richard Unger always reminds his students to look for the “delicious dilemmas” in a hand. (Abbreviated here to DD.) As soon as you find the DD you have the key to understanding the hand and the person.
What are delicious dilemmas?
These are opposite strengths or inclinations indicating in what way a person feels torn or conflicted.
The beauty and power of hand analysis is that these inner DDs are clearly visible in the hand and pointing them out gives you a clearer understanding of yourself thereby enabling you to make conscious healthy choices about which strength to play instead of unconscious “not-always-in-one’s-best-interest” choices.
What I am suggesting is that, just like articles in any language, you learn the DDs a marker relates to, right up front, each time you learn the meaning of a new marker. This could shave decades off your learning curve in fluency and proficiency.
Here is a list of delicious dilemmas that have come up during our Earth School classes with Richard over the last 5 years:
(As you can see, unlike English with one article or German with 3-5 articles, hand analysis is more like some African languages that have 13 or more noun classes.)
So now your homework . Go through all the markers you already know and see if you can categorize them.
For example, heart line types that are “me orientated” vs heart line types that are “you orientated”.
(Heart lines ending under the middle finger (reserved types and also passionate fiery types (Gina)) are more “me orientated” and those with a longer heart line, ending under the index finger ( big hearted nurturer types and also rational and romantic idealists) are more “you orientated”.
As Richard points out, sometimes hand shape types have within them a built in DD or multiple DDs and so too with some fingerprint combinations. (Eg The Fire + Saturn hand shape type has the DD action vs introspection and extrovert vs introvert…)
Do this exercise for all markers, shapes and fingerprint combinations in future. And look at your own hands and see if you can identify all the (DD’s). (where conflicting characteristics are present)
Notice how this brings clarity to your readings and also your own personal understanding of yourself through recognition of your own DDs.
Here’s the list of “Delicious Dilemmas” to look for. Usually one, but sometimes more, dominates each hand.
Me vs. You orientated
Do vs. Be (work/outer world orientated vs inner world orientated; introspection vs action; process orientated vs outcome orientated)
Hide vs. Be Seen (For example, Sensitivity to criticism vs Need to be seen)
Freedom vs. Control (numerous variations, for example, strategic/concerned about outcomes vs. impulsive)
Extrovert vs. Introvert
Superficial vs. Depth
Family orientated vs. Independent
Creative vs. Conservative
Abstract vs. Concrete (e.g. Philosopher / Large Knuckles / Big Uppers vs Earthy, etc.)
Analytic vs intuitive
objective vs subjective
Energetic vs. Lethargic (e.g. soft hands vs wow marker or Simian line)
Grounded vs. Flighty
Structured vs. Scattered
Timid vs. Courageous
Ambitious vs. Not Ambitious
Existential Dilemmas according to school/fingerprint type
Whorls: Personal desire / ego vs. Spiritual Service, Ego-lessness
Loops: Connect to Self / Connect to Others
Tented Arches: Observe, Play it Safe / Be at Stake
Arches: Meaninglessness / Too Much Meaning
Let me know if you can think of any others left out here.
Where to get more info on this?
If you would like to know more about this subject you can read another post here and get a class on delicious dilemmas from a few years ago. There’s also a more basic class on Delicious Dilemmas in my foundation classes.
In order to master the language of hands, take a professional course in hand analysis. The next 3 day pro intensive is in London in 3 weeks time.