
Developer: Hexage Ltd
Variation: 2..two
Calls for Android: 2.2 and up (Rooted)
Category: Arcade &amp Action
Size: 10 MB
Price tag: Totally free
Regular Ranking: four.4 / five.

Thousands and thousands of aliens will die!

Radiant Protection is a tower defense game set in a vivid universe invaded by many alien hordes.

Construct your space fortress any way you want, established up vast variety of weapons and traps and let the invasions get started!


Tower Defense set in the Radiant Universe

Develop your very own route for incoming waves of enemies!

Far more than 300 waves of aliens throughout twelve missions

9 upgradable weapons to eliminate the aliens with design

three superweapons of mass defense

Online hall of fame - your scores can only grow

Signature soundtrack by Kubatko

Set up INSTRUCTION (Wants Root Obtain)

Install APK.

Extract the ZIP file and duplicate the two information to /sdcard/TitaniumBackup.

Open up Titanium Backup &gt Uncover this match in the checklist &gt Restore &gt Data Only.


For more information, visit Radiant Defense on Google Engage in.

Password: axa

APK File

SD Knowledge

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