
LGBT ppl: (some of whom are ace themselves) Cisgender heteroromantic asexuals and cisgender aromantic heterosexuals are straight IN ADDITION TO being asexual or aromantic and thus not queer/LGBT. They shouldn’t use the q slur nor should they take advantage of the resources our community provides.

Asexual/Aromantic people do in fact face stigma/prejudice that is unique to them but the LGBT community was built is a coalition of communities brought together by overlaping oppression that is completely separate from what asexuals/aromantic face and have faced historically. Instead of invading safe spaces that keep LGBT people alive, they should focus their efforts on making their own community and providing resources for themselves.

Ace tumblr (after having a collective conniption fit): LOOK AT THESE ACEPHOBES!!1!1#!1 And then…

Joke about bringing [guns to pride parades]

Say [this homophobic crap] related to the orlando shooting

Claim [it’s a privilege] to even have night clubs

Compare ace discourse [to a homophobic mass shooting]

Say they are glad [a few more aphobic gays are dead]

Claim the shooters actions [weren’t driven by homophobia] on the basis that asexual people MIGHT have been present at the club

[Make a list] of “aphobes” (LGBT people) the same day as the Orlando shooting

Say we should [thank aces for donating blood] in light of news that LGBT people can’t donate to help their sibilings

Say they’re glad that the events of the shooting are [weeding out “aphobes”]

[“At least you all have nightclubs”]

[“We’ll see how their gatekeeping stands up after a couple of more massacres”]

[“Gayer than thou”]

[Mock] the AIDS crisis

Say [this] blatant serophobic bull

Say more [serophobic nonsense]

Once again say something [disgustingly serophobic]

Even [more serophobia]

Insinuate “allosexuals” [get cancer from sex]

Compare [gay people to Ronald Reagan] for not wanting cishets in the LGBT community

Demand LGBT people [”help” them make their own community] (because we need to extend our emotional labor to cishets)

Say [this] ahistoric nonsense

Say [this] ableist crap

Outright say they [hate lesbians]

Say all the shit [in these screenshots]

Make this [victim blaming post]

Express desire to [“kill al lallosexuals”]

Claim “allosexuals” have been [raping them for centuries]

Claim rape is [less unpleasant for allos]

Demonise allosexuals and hypersexual people [once again]

Claim asexuals were [victims of the holocaust]

Compare “acephobia” [to the holocaust]

[Deny the inherit antisemitism] with one of the community’s symbols

Even more [denial and antisemitism]

Deny that being [disgusted by lesbians is lesbophobic] all while reducing them to sexual beings

Same person as above, says they want “aphobes” [to shoot themselves], [doesn’t care] that they said they want LGBT people to commit mass suicide and then goes on to insinuate that all LGBT people [deserve the treatment] for hate aro/ace people

Claim [“ace gays don’t exist while being lesbophobic”]

Write fanfiction [demeaning LGBT people]

Say this [homophobic] [revolting] crap

Want to coin terms [to further alienate LGBT] people and claim we’re oppressing them

[Make fun of] the societal oppression LGBT people faced

Say that all [ace people are bi]

Claim cishet people [aren’t cishet]

Claim lesbians are [predatory towards asexuals]

Insinuate cishet aces are [more oppressed than lesbians]

Say SGA (same/similar gender attraction) is [“compulsory homosexuality”]

Lowkey say they’re [more deserving] of being in the community than closeted LGBT people

Claim they’re even [more queer than LGBT people] and use slurs to refer to us

Fucking [call themselves fags] and then claim that [straight people can reclaim the slur]

Same person above (who is a ace non-sga “bi” person in a straight relationship) [justifies ace tumblr sending rape and death threats] to a rape survivor for saying that cishet aces are not queer

Say this [homophobic shit]

Claim that calling people straight [is homophobic]

Blatantly say they want to [kill “aphobes”]

Blatantly say they want to [kill all allosexuals]

Blatantly say they want LGBT people to [kill ourselves]

Blatantly say that [gay people suck]

Compare using the ace pride flag [to cultural appropriation]

Compare “aphobes” (many of whom are trans) [to fucking TWERFs]

Compare [lesbians to TWERFS]

Call LGBT people to [”queer truscum”]

Call LGBT people [“sex-crazed psychos”]

Call LGBT people [”trashcan queers”]

Call LGBT people [“deviants”]

Call LGBT people [“deviants”] again

Call LGBT people [“weak”] because we experience sexual attraction

Call LGBT people “fascists”

Say thay have no problem with LGBT people [committing suicide]

Claim we, a bunch of “shitty cocksuckers” are upset that 1% of the population [doesn’t want to fuck us]

Call the LGBT community [a stupid gay pride club]

Call the LGBT community a [fandom]

Call the LGBT community [“full of drugs, STDs and alcoholics”]

Claim they can reclaim [homophobic and transphobic slurs]

Claim sex ed is a means to get people to [stop IDing as asexual]

Claim the ace community is cleaner because they don’t have a [“drug and alcohol problem”]

Deny [queer is a slur]

Spew [this vitriol]

[Misgender] the person who popularised the term allosexual in the first place

Celebrate [someone’s death] and when called out [deflected] the issue [while calling her “toxic”]

The above person calls the deceased and her girlfriend [manipulative and violent]

And then called a lesbian woman a violent slur [only to demonise her] for being rightfully upset

Call all alloromantic allosexual people straight

Coin homophobic shit like [”alloculture”]

Claim that “allosexuals” purposely [stay in abusive relationships]

Claim that “allosexuals” are [unfaithful in relationships]

Say that LGBT who are survivors of corrective rape don’t care about rape survivors when they criticise ace people for constantly bringing it up

Say [it’s a privilege] to be hypervisible in countries where being LGBT is illegal and punishable by death

And then claiming that if it’s so bad [we should just move]

Claim they’re [more oppressed than bi people]

Compare “aphobes” (i.e. people who think that cishets aren’t LGBT) to [the fucking KKK]

Compare “aphobes” to [the crackers who committed genocide] against America’s Indigenous population with smallpox blankets

Say this [antiblack nonsense] calling for the ace community (a cesspool of saltines and mayo) to be the “aroace MLK”

Say that LGBT ppl are [more likely to be rapists]

Think that [this] is the appropriate way to respond to a poz gay man talking about his experiences

Put trans women and trans minors [on the same list as TWERFS and radfems]

And then justify the above by [calling trans minors abusive]

Show how [antisemtic] they are

Literally use [someone dying] to further their disgusting rhetoric

BLATANTLY say they hate LGBT people

Express desire [to assault] against LGBT ppl

[Express disdain] with the fact that same-gender marriage is legal throughout the entire U.S.

Deny that they are [invading LGBT safe spaces irl]

Outright say they find LGBP expressing affection publicly (e.g holding hands) disgusting and repulsive

And so much more…

LGBT ppl: Wow fuck these people -spam tags with easily blockable posts-

You: This makes me suicidal!!!

If being told to stay in your fucking lane makes you suicidal, then you have a grandiose sense of entitlement that you need to work on. Instead of sending guilt-tripping, manipulative asks about killing yourself to someone, why not LISTEN to what LGBT people are saying. LGBT aces are still LGBT and thus have a place in the community.
It’s cishet aces and aros that don’t.

But you and others like you are so hellbent on defending straight people that you completely ignore this. Lmk how kissing the asses of my oppressors works out for you.  Actually, don’t. The next time you want to send an ask like this to a suicidal person, fuck off instead you gross creepy s.o.b.

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