Biocapillation – A New Hair Loss Prevention Treatment based on Trichology
Beautiful hair is healthy hair. While certain products and treatments may enhance the appearance of your hair today, in the long run they may be masking an underlying condition leading to hair loss.
There are many factors that negatively affect the health of our scalp and hair. These range from genetics, diseases, the foods we eat, the products we use, the environmental toxins we absorb, and the stressors in our lives.
Biocapillation™ is a highly specific treatment regime designed to optimize the health of the scalp and hair by removing as many of these negative factors as possible. By optimizing the health of the scalp and hair in a completely natural way, you get the healthiest, fullest, shiniest, thickest, most beautiful hair possible
The Origins of Biocapillation™: Trichology
Biocapillation™ has evolved from the European discipline of Trichology and bridges what we know about the medical causes and treatment of hair loss with other important aspects of hair care. While Biocapillation™ focuses on the living, vital structures of the hair follicle and scalp, it also looks at the important non vital components of the hair itself which ultimately gives our hair it’s shape, body, fullness and beauty. While Trichology has been around for over 100 years, Biocapillation™ is emerging as a new and highly effective approach to the treatment of hair loss.
The traditional approach to hair loss in theU.S.focuses on just one cause of hair loss: Genetic Hair Loss, or otherwise known as Male and Female Pattern Hair Loss. While this is the largest cause of balding in both men (and perhaps women), it’s not the only. In short, if you’re not suffering from Male or Female Pattern hair loss, chances are the traditional medical approach will be of little use to you.
Because Male Pattern Hair Loss is fairly well understood, the pharmaceutical industry has responded with a drugs designed to both arrest Male Pattern Loss and regrow some hair. (e.g., Finasteride, trade name: Propecia, and Minoxidil, trade name: Rogaine). In fact, at the time of this writing, there are over 100 ongoing hair loss medical clinical trials testing various treatment options for Male and Female Pattern Hair Loss
How Does Biocapillation™ Work?
Biocapillation™ begins with an in-depth diagnosis by a Biocapillarist.
Rather than just assuming that you have Pattern Hair loss, a Biocapillarist will evaluate your hair loss problem in a comprehensive fashion; including your medical and hair loss history, your family history of hair loss, what remedies you have tried and how you are currently cleansing and treating your scalp. They will then examine and photograph your hair, your roots and your scalp. And, while Trichology has been around since at least the early part of the 20th Century, perhaps the most powerful diagnostic tool in the Biocapillationist’s toolbox is the microscope. Microscopic analysis is absolutely required to identify your particular form of hair loss.
The advantage of seeing a Biocapillarist is that he or she can quickly determine the true cause of your hair loss and not just assume that you are suffering from Pattern Loss. They will also be alert to other medical conditions as the potential cause of your hair loss.
The goal of this in-depth diagnoses is to get a clear and detailed picture of why you’re losing your hair. The clearer and more detailed this picture, the more effectively they can treat your hair loss and the more successful treatment is likely to be.
Your treatment may consist of deep cleansing scalp treatment and scalp therapy customized for your particular hair loss problem. Additionally, your Biocapillarist may recommend nutritional and lifestyle changes since what you eat and how you treat your body affects your hair and scalp.
Causes of Hair Loss That Can be Treated with Biocapillation™
A Biocapillation™ examination will first try to determine if your hair loss is reversible or permanent. Any disease or injury that kills hair follicles will result in permanent hair loss, and in that case, surgical hair restoration is usually the only possible treatment option.
However, many causes of hair loss are not due to hair follicle death. Health issues, medications diet, scalp inflammation, stress and certain hair styling techniques (e.g., tight braids, over drying, harmful or improperly used chemicals) can stress your hair, follicles and scalp and impair proper functioning. However, none of these necessarily results in permanent hair loss and Biocapillation™ can successfully address and correct most of these types of hair loss.
Even if you suffer from Male or Female Pattern Hair Loss, your hair and scalp may still be suffering from these other types of stressors making Pattern Hair Loss even worse. In this case, Biocapillation™ can work with existing medications, e.g., Minoxidil, possibly even replacing them. Biocapillation can enhance and support surgical hair restoration both before and after the operation.
Biocapillation™ designs a hair treatment regimen that brings your hair to an optimal level of functioning by removing any biological or environmental stressors that can impair scalp and hair follicle function. This elevates your hair, your follicles and your scalp to a healthy and fully functioning level of growth, just the way mother nature intended it.
© 2012, John Frank, M.D.
More About Biocapillation™:
The Process & Application of Biocapillation™
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Hair loss can be reversed, either through better hair care, better nutrition or, in the case of permanent hair loss, through surgical techniques (i.e., hair transplant). Hair transplant technology has evolved to point where even hair care and hair stylying professionals have a difficult time detecting whether or not someone has has a hair transplant. However, if you’re suffering from hair loss, surgical hair transplantation may not be the only or even the best solution for you.
I have been a hair restoration specalists for over 15 years, and I’m now located in New York City. It has been my great passion and privilege to help 1000′s of men and women improve their appearance. Please contact me today. I look forward to hearing from you.