
Stop being so negative, it really can’t be that bad.

I think I was having a bad day that was just a bit worst than one of my regular bad days. Or maybe I was simply going through a series of bad moments and I was now waiting for one good sign that the nightmare was about to end. You know how they say that ‘nothing lasts forever’ well, I figured that the bad wouldn’t last either. And I was right; you go out with your friends, your favorite feel-good song is on the radio and suddenly you feel a bit better. It’s all about that tiny bit of smile it leaves on your face. But then I started dreading it like ‘I don’t want to feel that way ever again’ although you know it will happen; until I decided to shift my point of view.

So I went to this magical hole called the Internet and ask my guru Google for solace.

Here’s seven things I figured out about positive thinking.

1. ‘If you can dream it, you can do it.’ (Walt Disney)

One of the first things I learned about positive thinking is that visualization is key. You have your own way of seeing the world; these thoughts are yours before they’re anyone else’s and ultimately, you’re the one in control. It’s more than simply believing that things could be better, it’s actually living as if they really were. It’s a way of life.

e.g.: Ever heard of the glass half-full or half-empty quote? Well, it’s not half-empty neither is it half-full. If you break it down, your glass is filled with half water and half air. Yes, no matter how it looks, technically it’s always full.

2. It’s like having a friend with benefits.

It helps you being a bit less f*cked up mentally AND physically. From a greater resistance to cold to better coping skills during times of stress, the benefits of positive thinking are countless. Icing on the cake, it can even increase your life span. It’s like the first stages of a friend with benefits relationship; great sex, good laughs and no worries (until one falls for the other and complicates everything).

e.g.: Brooding about your problems won’t make them go away. Besides, it will create negative energy that will cause stress. And we all know that stress can cause a heart-attack. Don’t be the one that complicates the relationship; stay cool.

3. It’s all about your entourage

Create an environment for yourself that is positive-thinking friendly. I love spending time on Pinterest chasing heart-warming, truthful and deep thoughts on life. The same way that I enjoy getting drunk with my friends just because we love each other and being together is a moment of pure blast. Surrounding yourself with things, people and energies that help you feel good will help you stay focused when life’s challenging you a bit too hard. That’s the kind of positivity you want to collect in bulks.

e.g.: You just got fired or you’re simply in a feeling-blue kind of day; your mind will automatically filter the ones you know you can call for support and the ones who’ll just make you feel worst with their ‘I told you so.’ Truth is, the latter shouldn’t even be in the picture.

4. Haters will hate, players will play.

The road to mastering the art of positive thinking can be a bumpy one so chances are that all sorts of people will seriously challenge your days of seeing the good in everything. The haters and the pessimist that don’t understand why you of all people should be any happier; the players and the cheaters that could sell their mothers just to meet their ends; the drama queens that will just love to make you feel like the biggest fraud in the universe. Be smarter and don’t participate in the spreading of negative particles; shake them off instead.

e.g.: ‘It’s like I’ve got this music playing in my mind saying it’s gonna be alright.’ Whether you love or loathe Taylor Swift, the girl still made a hit song based on negative comments about her. It’s like farting glitter to the haters face. Guess who’s gonna shake it off now?

5. Fifty (thousands) shades of grey

It’s not all black neither is it all white. The answer can sometimes lie somewhere in-between. Over-generalizing will only leave you with two options: ‘Guys never call me back’ or ‘I always suck at job interviews’. Ultimately, it prevents you from even thinking of other ways out and makes you give up without even trying. So unless you’re a psychic, stop predicting your future based on previous (negative) experiences and putting yourself in a game over mode before the game’s even on.

e.g.: It’s not because the last guy you dated was a complete douchebag that the next one will be one too. He could be a prick and still buy you dinner, something that your last douche didn’t do. And that my friend is progress.

6. If payback’s a bitch maybe gratitude can get the bill.

The universe works like a boomerang. If you send out sh!t, guess what you’ll get back? I know it looks like easier said than done but if you really think about it, it can work. Nobody wants to be nice to someone who’s being rude. No one ever got charged for smiling or saying thank you; you’re sending out a positive vibe and who knows how you’ll get it back. No matter how bad it is you’ll always have something to be thankful for.

e.g.: Your car broke down and that garage bill’s going to cost you at least an arm and a leg. Well, be thankful that you have a car in the first place (and an arm and a leg while you’re at it). And don’t forget to be kind; that smile could get you a discount or even a date.

7. Dance your way through life

I think it’s pretty safe to say that we’ve all been or at least felt like a huge disappointment once in our lives. Maybe was it to someone whose opinion meant a lot to us, or maybe simply to ourselves. We have to take decisions on a daily basis and sometimes it looks like we don’t do it towards the right direction; I guess that’s all part of figuring out life’s learning

process. Well, next time you feel bad because you’ve taken a wrong step, just think of what Robert Brault said:

‘Optimist: Someone who figures that taking a step backward after taking a step forward is not a disaster, it’s a cha-cha.’

e.g.: Next time your parents ask you ‘what the hell are you doing with your life?’, just tell them you’re cha-cha-ing your way up to cha-ching.

The post 7 Reasons Why Positive Thinking Can Literally Save Your Life appeared first on Gulf Elite Magazine.

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