
Two Notes Audio Engineering have already made a huge impact on the guitar industry with their cabinet emulation hardware and software such as their flagship product the Torpedo Studio. However at MusikMesse 2015 Two Notes will be unveiling four all-new tube-based preamp pedals; Le Clean, Le Crunch, Le Lead and Le Bass.

Here are Two Notes’ explanations of each pedal:

Le Clean lets you experience classic, Southern California tube amps in all shades of Brown, Black and Silver. Channel A is pure and ultra clean. Channel B lets you take a classic, sweet overdrive with you as you cruise down Highway 61.

Le Crunch lets you combine all of the classic British amps that defined rock n’ roll in the ’60s. Channel A has a clean, throaty voice that takes you to plexi heaven. Channel B pushes that tone even further, putting on a schoolboy outfit and screaming “let there be rock”!

Le Lead takes you from the the 70s rock tones and into fusion and metal territory. Channel A can go from clean breakup to slight crunch for you neck pickup-based blues. Channel B releases modern, super tight metal tones.

Le Bass is the ultimate bass guitar preamp for the modern age. Channel A is for ultra-fast, responsive and clean playing. Channel B tips its hat to the very foundation of bass guitar tones with solid punch and sweet break up. With Cold and Hot Fusion, you can take the stage with a classic bass tone or cover synth-like tones at the touch of a button.

All pedals have advanced routing capabilities, and players of all levels

will find exactly what they need, with no fuss or hassle:

True Bypass with unbalanced 1/4″ input/output

Balanced DI output with Ground Lift

Headphone output

Post EQ FX Loop

Thru Output to feed a secondary amplifier

MIDI In/Out to use pedal as a controller (for example with our C.A.B. pedal) or to be

controlled by another device

If you are going to Frankfurt for MusikMesse 2015 make sure you stop by Booth 4.0E20 to see these great looking Two Notes pedals.

The post MusikMesse 2015: Two Notes Announce New Preamplifier Pedals appeared first on Guitar Noize.

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