
So I've just realised (maybe the horse has well bolted but still) that for 100% map completion, you need to do the WvW zones too... at least I think that's right?

This seems like such a stupid idea, and is on the verge of ruining my experiences, unless I can find a good way around.

The issue is that I hate going into WvW. I don't like waiting for things to be unlocked just to access them at the best of times, let alone when it's open world pvp... I cannot be reliant on being with other people to do content like that (part of my personality) and I have enjoyed the map completion aspects being really great to do solo.

So just how am I supposed to go across all 4 of the maps, completing random vistas/skill challenges and exploring, when I constantly have to look over my shoulder, then die and have to run all the way back... spending a shed load on repairs. (Of course I'm bad at pvp and I don't consider being forced into it fun).

The maps aren't even in the world, they're based in the mists, so shouldn't even be considered as part of the map completion... there should be separate achievements for completion in the WvW zones.

So, besides being forced into a WvW group/guild specifically to get the map completion, which would make me entirely stressed out... what other options do I have, or is this simply another fail move. forcing people into content they don't want to do?

BTW; I'm aware I don't "have" to get 100%, but when that, along with the story and later on some dungeons, is the entire reason I play any MMO, but most specifically this one, then it's a pretty big gap in the game. I don't care what lengths I have to go to in PvE to achieve PvE things, but this just reminds me of Aion; having to tolerate ganking and world PvP to get PvE stuff done

Please, anyone got any suggestions/comfort?

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