The birth of a child brings a lot of changes in your life. As new parents, you’ll find yourself saying hello to diaper changes, being on call 24/7 for everything the baby needs, from hungry cries that really have no respect for time to taking that little bundle of joy for a walk outside or a much needed bath. Sleep will be a fond, distant memory that you will revisit from time to time, while you rock that baby to sleep in your arms—and hope that someday, you too can know how it feels to sleep an entire day away.
All this is hard enough for a couple. Throw in chores, the fact that one must work while the other takes care of the baby. Not to mention the other fact—that a mother who has just given birth isn’t in any condition to take on all this stress on her own.
So what do you do to save your sanity? Simple. Hire a good confinement lady to help you and your family out.
Not too keen on the idea? Here are few reasons that might change your mind:
1. You need all the help you can get.
You do. Caring for a baby takes a lot. No matter how committed the two of you are to the experience, you will need someone to help you out. There are still bills to pay, chores to do, and you and your spouse won’t be able to do all that yourself—and really, when reliable assistance is available, there’s no reason why you should.
2. You need to cut down on the stress.
Post-partum depression is a condition that affects many young mothers every year. Pregnancy sends a woman’s hormones haywire and this is one unfortunate side-effect of the process. So if you see the signs in you or your partner, consult a doctor. Don’t try to deal with it yourself.
Stress might also aggravate the condition. Having a good confinement lady around will do heaps to lessen those worries, helping you get more rest and sleep, which are sure to improve your condition. After all, nothing saps our energy more than lack of sleep and having someone to help you out, to give you time to rest, can make the difference between happy young parents and tired, stressed, irritated ones.
3. You need time for yourself.
A baby brings a family closer together. But you also need some time to process everything, to come to terms with the reality that you are now wholly responsible for the life of another human being—one who will grow up with a different belief system, a different face, a different heart. With a nanny to help you out, you have more time to deal with the changes as they come. Just make sure to hire one from a trustworthy confinement nanny agency and you’re good to go.