The Internet of Things (IoT) is a novel paradigm that is rapidly gaining ground in the scenario of modern wireless telecommunications. The IoT enables large numbers of previously unconnected devices to communicate and exchange data and deal with services that span areas from healthcare to transportation and much more, with the potential for significant benefits to people and quality of life. The IoT would also enable a range of new capabilities and services far beyond today’s offerings, which will radically change the lifestyles of future human generation. In recent years, Internet has become increasingly pervasive. Besides allowing people to connect anytime and everywhere to achieve pervasiveness and allow mobility, the Internet is evolving into the communication medium for objects that are embedded in the real world. The coupling among mobile technology, embedded smart objects and a worldwide pervasive communication infrastructure constitutes the Mobile and Pervasive Internet of Things. The mobile and pervasive IoT enables a detailed characterization of the real physical applications, as well as a rich set of pervasive interactions with the physical world. As such, it has the potential to revolutionize future pervasive applications and influence the real world entities to achieve better quality of life for future generation of mankind. We invite original research contributions that advance the state of the art posing a new direction or present a controversial point of view. PerIoT will be held in conjunction with IEEE PerCom 2017.
This workshop (PerIoT) solicits high-quality papers presenting original research results on the overlapping area of IoT applications facilitating the vision of mobile and pervasive computing. We aim to focus on general research problems arising from the pervasive interaction and communication of mobile and IoT devices in physical world. Some of these research challenges may include: conflicting standards, suitable networks protocols, bandwidth scarcity, device fragmentation (servers to TVs, phones to sensors), content organization, security, data privacy, testing automation and etc. Thus, the aim of this workshop is to bring together practitioners and researchers from both academia and industry in order to have a forum for discussion and technical presentations on the recent advances in the area of mobile and pervasive IoT. It furthermore serves as a forum for the research community to discuss open issues, novel solutions and the future development of mobile and pervasive IoT applications.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
System architectures for IoT targeted to pervasive scenarios and mobile applications
Middleware and platforms for IoT based mobile and pervasive applications
Security and privacy in mobile and pervasive IoT scenarios
Interoperability of protocols for IoT, mobile and pervasive systems
Context awareness in the mobile and pervasive IoT
Mobility management in the communication protocols of pervasive IoT
Experiences in building mobile and pervasive IoT platforms
Mobile and pervasive applications built on top of IoT
Enabling technologies and standards for IoT
Routing protocol for low power and lossy networks (RPL) in IoT
Power consumption and optimization in IoT
IoT platforms for BigData and Data analytics on mobile and pervasive environments
Fault-tolerance and reliability in mobile and pervasive IoT applications