


The 36th IASTED International Conference on

Modelling, Identification and Control

~MIC 2017~

February 20 – 22, 2017

Innsbruck, Austria


IASTED’s 36th International Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control (MIC 2017) will serve as a forum for researchers, academics and the industry to exchange ideas, and to report the developments in the field of Modelling, Identification and Control. MIC 2017 aims to enable new networking and to reinforce existing relationships between professionals in this field.


The topics of interest to be covered by MIC 2017 include, but are not limited to:


3-Dimensional modelling

Agent-based modelling

Discrete event systems

Finite element methods




Stochastic modelling

Time series analysis


Digital signal processing


Feature extraction


Image processing

Neural networks

Pattern Recognition

Statistical analysis

System identification


Adaptive control

Autonomous systems

Computational intelligence

Distributed parameter control systems

Fuzzy control

Hybrid systems

Intelligent control

Networked control systems


Robust control


Stochastic control

Virtual reality


Agriculture and food industry

Assistive technology


Biomedical engineering

Environmental modelling and control

Finance and economics



Nano systems

Power and energy systems

Process control


Smart cities

Smart grid


Innsbruck is nestled in the valley of the Inn River and tucked between the Austrian Alps and the Tuxer mountain range. It has twice hosted the Winter Olympics and is surrounded by the eight ski regions of the Olympic Ski World, including the Stubai Glacier, which offers skiing year round. Climbing the 14th century Stadtturm on Herzog Friedrich Strasse provides a stunning view of the town and the breathtaking scenery that surrounds it. Concerts at Ambras Castle provide listening pleasure in a beautiful renaissance setting. The sturdy medieval houses and sidewalk cafés of Old Town Innsbruck beckon you to sit for a while and watch people stroll by. Innsbruck, with its unique blend of historical, intellectual, and recreational pursuits, offers something for every visitor. MIC 2017 will be held at the world-famous Congress Innsbruck, located in the heart of the city near the historical quarter.


Submit your paper via our website at: www.iasted.org/conferences/submit-848.html. All submissions should be in Adobe Acrobat (.PDF) format.

The IASTED Secretariat must receive your paper by November 20, 2016. Receipt of paper submission will be confirmed by email.

Authors submitting their papers early will normally receive notification at an earlier date.

Initial Paper Requirements

All papers submitted to IASTED conferences must be previously unpublished and may not be considered for publication elsewhere at any time during IASTED\’s review period. Authors are limited to a maximum of three paper submissions.

Initial paper submissions can be full papers or short papers. Papers of up to 8 pages in length are included in the conference registration fee. An extra charge will apply for every additional page for papers longer than 8 pages. Authors are responsible for having their papers checked for style and grammar before submitting to IASTED. Papers may be rejected if the language is not satisfactory.

Short papers should follow the rules of full papers initial submission formatting (must contain abstract, keywords, introduction, discussion/results, conclusion and references). The maximum length of short papers should not exceed 4 pages.

When submitting a paper, complete the online initial paper submission form, designating an author who will attend the conference, and provide four key words to indicate the subject area of your paper. At least one of the key words must be taken from the list of topics provided under Scope, above.

Formatting instructions for initial papers are available at www.iasted.org/formatting-initial-page.html.


All papers submitted to this conference will be double-blind peer reviewed by at least two members of the International Program Committee and related technical committees. Acceptance will be based primarily on originality, significance, technical soundness, presentation, and references.

Acceptance and Registration

Notification of acceptance will be sent via email by December 12, 2016. Final manuscripts are due by January 10, 2017. Registration and final payment are due by January 10, 2017. Late registration fees or paper submissions will result in the papers being excluded from the conference proceedings.

Only one paper of up to eight pages is included in the regular registration fee. There will be an added charge for extra pages and additional papers.

Final Paper Requirements

The final paper must be correctly formatted and submitted online at http://pdfportal.iasted.org.

The formatting instructions can be found at: www.iasted.org/formatting-final-page.html and must be strictly followed. The page limit for final papers is eight pages for full papers, and is four pages for short papers. They are all needed to be single-spaced in 10 point Times New Roman font.



Proposals for three-hour tutorials must be submitted online by November 20, 2016. Submit tutorial proposals via the following web site address:


Proposal Format

A tutorial proposal should clearly indicate:

The topic.

Background knowledge expected of the participants.


Time allocations for the major course topics.

The qualifications of the instructor(s).


Special session proposals must be emailed to calgary@iasted.org by November 20, 2016. Proposals should include a session title, a list of the topics covered, and the qualifications and brief biography of the session organizer(s).

Papers submitted to the special session must be received by November 20, 2016, unless otherwise stipulated by the Special Session Organizer. A minimum of five papers must be registered and fully paid in order for this session to be included in the conference program.

More information on special sessions is available at www.iasted.org/conferences/specialsession-848.html.


Papers submitted to this conference that have been subsequently revised/expanded may be considered for possible publication in a number of journals including, a special issue of Control and Intelligent Systems (http://www.actapress.com/). Additional information about other journals will be provided at a later date.


The proceedings will be sent for indexing in the following:

EI Compendex


Google Scholar



Concurrent Conferences

MIC 2017 will be held in conjunction with the IASTED International Conferences on:

Biomedical Engineering (BioMed 2017)


For more information, or to be placed on the mailing list, please contact:

MIC 2017 Secretary: Danko

Email: Zurich@iasted.org

IASTED Secretariat

B6, Suite 101, 2509 Dieppe Avenue SW

Calgary, AB, Canada T3E 7J9

Tel: +1 403-288-1195

Fax: +1 403-247-6851

Email: calgary@iasted.org

Web site: www.iasted.org

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