
Blowing the lid on the whole Hampstead satanic ritual child abuse scandal which was 100% covered up by the demonically-controlled mass media gutter press and the 100% satanically-controlled corrupt police, judiciary and the maniacally psychopathic Mad-Houses of Parliament and not forgetting Her Infernal Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

Straight from the mother's mouth, we finally hear the full story behind the Hampstead kids satanic ritual abuse scandal.

Sweeping away any doubt that the kids are lying, Ella Draper's testament covers every pertinent event from first discovering the horrific abuse her kids suffered, to the heart-breaking moment the kids were taken away and their stories retracted.

For the first time ever, we hear the true story of what happened to the Hampstead kids and what really goes on behind the closed doors of the Hampstead community.

Lets jump straight in and hear from Ella herself, about how she first found herself in England.

"I came to London having married Mr. Draper in Russia and being pregnant with his son James. James first lived with me and since our divorce with his father."

So this is obviously where Ella gets her surname from...

What about Ricky Dearman? Lets jump back into Ella's narrative and find out...

"During my relationship with Mr Dearman, there had been five Police call outs and three reports between 2006 and 2010. On the worst occasion, he tried to crack my skull with his knee on my head when I was on the bathroom floor. He only stopped, for my older son James called the Police who came quickly. I felt, unfortunately, too terrorized and intimidated to press charges at the time."

Wow; Ricky Dearman appears to be a nasty piece of work. A hundred miles away from the innocent victim as portrayed by Victoria Derbyshire and the BBC.

Ella continues, "Mr. Dearman's frequent outbursts of rage and violence, consistent emotional pressure, abuse, humiliating attitude became unbearable. In one instance he threw a chopping board with knife towards me but missed. In another, he broke my glasses and threw all my clothes into a ditch in front of the house."

The Past of an Abuser as Father

"Mr. Dearman has never provided financially for the children, except £10 per child per month taken off his benefits during the last 3-4 years. He hardly ever spent any quality time with them at home. He would never read a book or play games with them. The only game he seemed to play was the "tickling game". I wasn't happy about this since it always led to some kind of abuse. For example, Mr. Dearman wouldn't stop tickling children even though they would scream for him to stop. Besides, he would normally start this odd game late in the evening when the children would already have taken a bath and be ready for bed. This would send them hyper and those situations would almost always end up in arguments since I wanted to protect the children. Furthermore, all of a sudden James started to dislike Mr. Dearman. Mr. Dearman responded with humiliating remarks and attempted to discipline James in strange ways. For example, he would lock him up, while I was at work or shopping, and he would give him a bucket to pee and poo. This would almost always also result in arguments."

The word 'sadistic' springs to mind.

"He also harassed me sexually, pressuring me to have anal sex with him. He then bought a gigantic artificial penis suggesting for me to use. On many occasions he attempted to get me to watch online pornography. I objected to his perverted sexual attempts, threw the sex toy in the bin and asked Mr. Dearman to pick his stuff he had in my house and not to come there again."

This happened in 2007. Its sad when any loving relationship comes to an end, but by the sounds of this one, I expect it was a tremendous relief to get rid of the pervert. But of-course; as with everything in life, it isn't always smooth sailing. As Ella continues, "However, he came to school to "surprise" the children and often stalked us, showing up from nowhere: in the park, or on the way to school and in shops. I warned him on many occasions to stop doing this, but he requested to see the children. Many times he came and knocked on my door without prior notice and several times he broke in through the garden door. On one of such occasions he was violent and humiliated my mother by screaming and hitting her. He ran away before I dialed the police."

The Past of Family Court Proceedings over Access to the Children

"Since the stalking continued, I applied for an Emergency Court Order, and a Non-Molestation Order was granted for a month initially and then extended for 8 months while proceedings for contact were going on. I sent Alisa to Russia to stay with my parents. Unfortunately her passport ran out and she ended up staying slightly longer than anticipated.

A week after my application, his solicitors applied for a 'Prohibited Steps Order' since he claimed that I was trying to take the children out of the country. This was dismissed and there is currently no such Order in place. Mr. Dearman also made an application for contact. This was eventually granted in spite of my concerns for the children's safety. He started to see them regularly: every Saturday from 10am to 6pm.

However, contacts were not going well at all. Mr. Dearman was consistently returning the children late. He rejected my advice regarding their diet and was returning packed lunches of home prepared food.

Alisa and Gabriel were frequently getting sick during contact. Many times they vomited while in his care or after they came back home. Sometimes they developed headaches and stomach aches. I blamed this on food that Mr. Dearman was feeding them with.

My solicitors and I have sent numerous reminders, requesting not to feed the children with processed, sugary snacks. On one occasion Alisa developed high fever and hardly moved. I contacted the emergency doctor's line and almost took her to the emergency room.

Not only were the children returning sick or becoming sick shortly after, each time they were coming back in a terrible emotional and psychological state. A lot of Mondays or first part of the school week were missed as a result and affected the children’s education."

The Past of Sexual Abuse in the Dearman Family

"During holidays in August 2014, the children were confronted by my then partner when they sexually not only touched each other, but also a dog. Our comments triggered major revelations regarding the abuse they had suffered not only from their father but also many other adults.

In fact, it all seems to have started with Mr. Dearman’s brother, sister, his brother’s wife, his mother and 3 associates. The children abused, besides his own, were his nephews and nieces as well as two toddlers who one of the associates was looking after.

According to the children, this seems to have gone on before the children went to school and carried on while they were in school. However, it appears that not only the abuse increased, but also the number of abusers and the schedule of ritual acts."

The Failure by Christchurch School to Protect Children

"According to the children’s accounts, their father has been coming regularly to the school to abuse them and other children there, together with his associates.

Since I have a Residence Order for the children, I had asked the school administration in writing NOT to let their father take them out of school without my consent. However, he did so to sell them like prostitutes for £55 and £50 at a time.

Their father filmed the abuse of his and other children to create child pornography and snuff movies, selling them online."

CSA and Infant Sacrifice in Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA).

"Mr. Dearman is the leader of a satanic cult that practices not only child sexual abuse but also infant sacrifice. Cult members include school staff, parents, solicitors, Social Services, CAFCASS staff, doctors, the school nurse and professionals from many walks of life.

Their meetings are held regularly in schools, church rooms, the East Finchley swimming pool as well as in private places. Details are available in a separate file of abusers with names, addresses, telephone numbers, email addresses and schedules. Notably, these include references to 16 London Police stations."

Reporting Crimes to Barnet Police

"On Thursday 04 September we reported the abuse to Police Officer Mr. Jean Clement of Wood Green Police, but in private, at his home, as he is a member of the family. He filmed and recorded the children's accounts. Subsequently, his laptop was confiscated as part of the investigation.

On Friday 05 September the matter was apparently transferred to the Child Abuse unit of Barnet Police Station and later that evening, my children were first interviewed. Even though I thought that these interviews would be confidential, Mr. Dearman was alerted and complained to my solicitor.

One of the allegations made by the children was that they and other children in the school were given heavy drugs (cocaine, heroine) and were injected with sedative medication. To this day, I have not seen the test results of their hair samples. In spite of numerous enquiries, the police kept quiet about them during the entire time of investigation.

In total, the children were interviewed for about 3 hours each by Police. The medical examination initiated by the Police, confirmed the allegations of sexual and physical abuse, indicating serious injuries on the inside of the rectum area – due to the insertion of plastic objects. Both children were subjected to violence, which resulted in impaired hearing and arrested the development of Gabriel. Mr. Dearman used to hit and shout into the children’s ears and once hit Gabriel so hard that his ear was bleeding."

The Children in Care - in the Best Interests of the Children?

"On 11 September 2014 the children were taken into protective custody. Two weeks later I was told that they retracted all allegations against their abusers.

In spite of very detailed statements that the children provided, despite their medical examinations supporting the allegations, Barnet Police decided to close the case. The justification was that the children retracted their statements and that the investigation disproved their allegations.

The reasons given for retracting the statements were that the children took details of their "made up" story from the film "The Mask Of Zorro"

However, it is hard to believe that the intricate details of teachers' private parts, descriptions of their birth marks, moles, piercing on parents' and the school staff's private parts, descriptions of dancing with skulls, injections of children with sedative medication, infant trafficking and international child pornography movie business came from the innocent adventure PG film.

Plastic willies are used to sexually abuse children in Christchurch primary school in Hampstead, London. I was told that the children are saying that they saw this image on their friend Sarah's iPad.

I believe that the children retracted their allegations either because they got scared or someone threatened them. According to the children, not only school staff and parents are involved in the cult but also social workers, CAFCASS, lawyers as well as Police.

I believe that very serious misconduct by Police has occurred. The Police Officers in charge of the investigation: DI Matt Fernandez, DI Steve Martin and DI Cannon were reluctant to carry on the investigation or even questioning Mr. Dearman and other alleged abusers."

There Ella's testament ends, but her story is far from over. By all accounts Ella is no longer with her boyfriend Abraham Christie, and Ricky Dearman has been spotted in Brighton with his son Gabriel, who's had his hair dyed black.

While gossips are implying Ella was actively involved in Dearman's Satanic cult, others are claiming this is a MI6 sponsored character assassination designed to discredit her story.

What is known for sure is that a police laptop which had the children's testimonies of satanic ritual child abuse on it was never shown as evidence to the court. So, obviously the whole thing was a massive cover-up as the UK Goverment does not want the world to know that Britain is the most depraved filthiest place on earth, especially London.

With the Pizzagate scandal said to explode in the United States, the Hampstead Satanic scandal is building up to do the same in the United Kingdom.

With so many prominent and respected people named, its not surprising that the cover-up has been so complete and comprehensive. The Queen and Country had to pull out all the tricks of the trade to bury this one.

The Hampstead satanic ritual child abuse scandal just goes to prove how massive the evil is which resides at the heart of the British Establishment. Its one of those things in which people would rather look the other way, rather than face the enormity of the problem.

Our nation's leading charities acknowledge children have been victims of satanic abuse, but ask the average man or woman in the street and they'll scratch their head in bewilderment.

Jimmy Savile was said to be indulging in satanic ritual abuse since the early 1970's, and we all know who Savile's best friends were. As this here-in lies the white elephant in the room.

Read more: Charities claim Satanic Abuse is rife


The reason the Hampstead satanic ritual child abuse scandal has been covered up with such resounding success, (that even the Truth Movement doesn't believe the kids,) is that our British Royalty are involved with child-abuse and (with the full resources of the State at their disposal,) have pulled out all the stops to bury this scandal with stunning affect.

Thank you to the Rev Dr Anthony G. Pike for information on this matter, of whom I've cut and pasted certain sentences and paragraphs.

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