Thanks so much to those who have already stepped forward to contribute to the 2015 PostScript. However, we still need MANY MORE CONTRIBUTORS! If you have ever wanted to see your name in print, this is your chance. WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT.
We are currently looking for stories, and if you have an interest in writing on any of the following issues in particular please let us know:
International Exchange Program – if you’re a Coursework student who has completed an exchange we would love to hear about it!
Student reflections – send us your thoughts on what it’s like being a student. Is there anything that has set your experience apart?
Creative work – drawings/art or written work (SHORT stories 500-750 words, poems)
Hilarious contributions – Cartoons, jokes, anything you can think of that relates to life as a postgrad!
Free things to do in Perth – where do you go and what do you do?
Take photos! #uwapsa on Instagram and we might publish your photos in PostScript!
PostScript is the annual magazine of the UWA PSA. For previous versions please go to: http://issuu.com/uwastudentguild/docs/postscript_issuu or http://www.psa.guild.uwa.edu.au/__data/page/2381/Postscript_2013_electronic_version.pdf.
Contact the PSA Media Officer at psa-media@guild.uwa.edu.au with your contributions! Final contributions by Friday 18 September.
The Council of Australian Postgraduate Associations, of which the PSA is a member, is kicking off a campaign to promote the hard work that postgraduates do in Australia. We would love you to tell us what you are doing of value at UWA and in the wider higher education sector. #Valuepostgrads on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram (and #uwapsa while you’re at it!) any time you talk about your uni work and show us what you’ve been up to! You can also head to the Facebook page to tell your stories https://www.facebook.com/valuepostgrads.
If you really want to get serious about contributing to the campaign, write ‘My research degree will…’ on a piece of paper and follow it with a statement on what your research degree will contribute or why research funding is important. Snap a photo of you holding up the piece of paper and upload it to Twitter with #valuepostgrads, the Facebook page (www.facebook.com/valuepostgrads) or at the CAPA website (www.capa.edu.au/valuepostgrads).
It’s not too late to join the 2015 PSA Committee! We are still looking for an ALVA Faculty Representative.
ALVA Faculty Representative
Information for this position can be found at the PSA website here: http://www.psa.guild.uwa.edu.au/available_2014_committee_positions/position_info
2. PSA Events:
Welcome new postgrad students! We would love to see you come along to the August Connect. This is a casual meet-and-greet event with drinks and nibbles provided. There’s no need to RSVP, just bring your Student Card with Guild Gold sticker attached. We hope to see you there!
DETAILS: Thursday 6 August 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm WaterSports Complex Drinks and nibbles provided FREE attendance Facebook event page: https://www.facebook.com/events/531241640360807/
News from the Protest front!:
“We thought the government would get the message after Fee Deregulation was defeated in the senate for a second time- but they have not!
Join us on the 19th of August to remind this government that 80 per cent of all Australians are opposed to their attacks on accessible and affordable education.”
DETAILS: Wednesday 19 August 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm Forrest Chase Mall Facebook event page: https://www.facebook.com/events/378017155725112/
We’ve got not one but TWO board games nights on this month! Why not enjoy the last month of winter in doors with friends and a board game or two? We have a range of board games including classics such as Monopoly and Scrabble, and new favourites such as Cranium and Games Against Humanity. Bring a sweater and some ugg boots because the evenings are chilly!
DETAILS: Thursdays 13 and 27 August 5:30 pm – 9:00 pm PSA Lounge – first floor of the south wing of the Guild Building, in room 1.05 Bring $5 for pizza on the night! Facebook event page: https://www.facebook.com/events/773315139446387/ and https://www.facebook.com/events/701454939986963/
PSA Family Evening at Scitech
We know that everyone who commits to postgraduate studies incurs some kind of financial cost – whether this is having to pay for expensive tuition fees or having to decline full-time work (and often both at the same time). We know that being a postgraduate means making financial sacrifices. This is particularly the case for those with families – kids can be very expensive! We are therefore delighted to announce that the Scitech evening will be FREE. This is a saving of around $50 for a family of four. Entry is not limited to those with kids though – come and relive your Scitech youth or experience Scitech for the first time!
DETAILS: Saturday 29 August 5:30 pm – 8:30 pm Scitech – conveniently located next to the City West train station and limited free parking is also available. For more information head to the website: http://www.scitech.org.au/ FREE attendance but booking is mandatory – please head to www.trybooking.com/ILWM. Make sure you book a ticket for every member of your party! We invite you to bring a plate of food to share with others
This year we are celebrating every woman (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-hHXsJxYw7M) and the many ways to redefine success as a female in medicine. The event is open to everyone and will be attended by our newly appointed patron, Dr Christobel Saunders in addition to other distinguished female surgeons.
Beneath the marketing spiel for wining, dining, gifts and door prizes, WISS2015 is a sincere advocacy channel for young individuals to seek inspiration from established successful women and to educate aspiring surgeons on the workplace equality that everyone deserves. The symposium is a high tea with speakers sharing advice and their own experiences. WISS2015 will be the biggest in its 5 year history this year with great sponsors and we are really proud to be behind a cause like this.
DETAILS: 15th August 2015 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm Origins restaurant at Pan Pacific Hotel Perth Tickets: $38 from http://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/uwass-presents-the-women-in-surgery-symposium-2015-tickets-17352534899 Please have a look at our Facebook page www.Facebook.com/WISSUWA
Whilst this event has been marketed to medical students, the WISS Committee at UWA Surgical Society would love to have a wider variety of attendees.
Once again it’s time to think about the Combined Biological Sciences Meeting and how you and your lab will participate in 2015!
This year’s annual meeting marks the 25th anniversary of the CBSM. Invited plenary speaker positions for 2015 have now been filled and information about our guests and their presentations will be uploaded shortly on our website and Facebook page. This year’s conference will also feature a number of specialist area symposia in Ecology, Environment and Evolution, Cell Biology, Frontiers in Genetics, Food Security and Microbiology (ASM) with each featuring a prominent keynote speaker and numerous invited local speakers.
DETAILS: Friday 28 August 2015 University Club Tickets: $100 PhD / M Sc Student Registrations are now open. Please visit www.cbsmwa.org.au/registration to book your place Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/CBSMWA
Details of the various awards on offer can be found at www.cbsmwa.org.au/prizes.
The conference focuses on exposing students to research that explores fundamental biological questions on a grander scale such as ‘next-generation’ sequencing, mass spectrometry, lipidomic approaches, and large cohort studies. The symposium is organised by students, for students, and includes both lecture sessions and informal, interactive panel question/answer sessions.
It is the only conference of its kind in Australia, bringing together students from a broad range of disciplines in a collaborative environment.
DETAILS: Wednesday 25th – Friday 27th November Bio21 Institute in Melbourne Registrations are now open and early bird registrations close 31st August 2015. Please visit our website: http://eaps.org.au/ for registrations Find us on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EMBLAphdsymposium and twitter: twitter.com/EMBLAuSymposium
To make the symposium more accessible to interstate students we are subsidising the cost of accommodation. As availability is limited, be sure to register early to avoid disappointment.
Coastal Australia faces a raft of issues which requires a broad historical as well as contemporary understanding of this wide range issues across various spatial and temporal scales that arise from changes in different drivers impacting directly on coastal environments, lifestyles and livelihoods. Some attempt must be made to apply scientific understanding as best one can to the issues facing those who use coastal resources. Decision-making should benefit from that knowledge. This is not always the case.
This lecture will offer some personal examples of where coastal science has been of use, where it has been ignored, and where it could be of value in the future.
DETAILS: Monday 10 September 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm Theatre Auditorium, University Club FREE attendance RSVP at: www.ias.uwa.edu.au/lectures/thom
If you’re the innovator behind a breakthrough in a field such as minerals and energy, agriculture, health or education, you should enter the $65,000 The Australian Innovation Challenge awards. Brought to you by The Australian in association with Shell and with the support of the federal Department of Industry and Science, the awards are helping to push some of the nation’s best ideas to commercialisation or adoption.
Entries close 7 September.
Head to www.theaustralian.com.au/innovationchallenge for more information.
Faculty of Science students can talk to Liz Barbour for assistance: liz.barbour@uwa.edu.au
The Australian National Map Competition is launched! In celebration of the International Cartographic Association’s (ICA) International Map Year 2015-2016, you are invited to demonstrate the power of maps and submit a map to the Australian National Map Competition themed on demonstrating the power of maps. Entries will be evaluated by a panel of experts with a variety of prizes for the best maps.
The competition is a joint venture between the 9th International Symposium on Mobile Mapping Technology (http://www.mmt2015.org/), Mapping Sciences Institute of Australia (MSIA) and the Surveying and Spatial Sciences Institute (SSSI).
If you consider yourself to be a bit handy with map-making tools head to the website for more information: www.sssi.org.au/newsdetails/commission/868/6.html. Entries close 19 October 2015.
AIESEC is an international nonprofit organization that provides young people with leadership opportunities to develop themselves into global leaders with an urge to make a difference in society. As of January 2014, the AIESEC network includes over 100,000 members in 124 countries and territories. It is the largest student-run organization in the world.
If you are looking for a challenge and want to get involved in internship work it might be worth checking out the international exchange program available via AISEC! This includes assistance with the New Colombo Plan for exchanges in Asia.
To find out more, head to internships.aisec.org, email mikhael.zhou@aisec.net to book a time to talk or go to their Facebook page at www.facebook.com/AIESECUWA
Did you know that UWA has its own Podiatry Clinic staffed by UWA students? Competitive rates for services are available, plus you’ll be helping your fellow postgrads with their training. Podiatry students have to complete 1440 clinical hours for their degree – so they could use your help (and your feet)! Head to http://www.podiatry.surgery.uwa.edu.au/clinic for more information.
Have you heard about STUDYSmarter? They help coursework students by making YouTube videos and conducting sessions related to referencing, English language proficiency, basic math concepts, writing technical papers etc. Their resources are quite useful for Research students too.
You can find out more about STUDYSmarter at their website: http://www.student.uwa.edu.au/learning/studysmarter
Aspire UWA is a high school outreach program that works with high school students under represented at the University. Aspire UWA are currently starting up a new initiative for Post Graduate students where they can become involved in outreach work through the Aspire UWA program on a voluntary basis. There is a lot of different ways the postgraduate students can become involved in this initiative both on and off campus and we seek to provide a stronger sense of University community and belonging for those involved.
For more information in regards to discussing this new initiative, please contact Megan Henderson at: megan.henderson@uwa.edu.au.
We are looking for people to join us as part of the editorial collective. There are lots of ways to get involved as part of the collective and we welcome all different levels of involvement, so don’t feel put off if you don’t have a lot of time to commit. You can:
Review Articles
Copy edit
Attend meetings and contribute your thoughts
Get involved in one of our teams (events, social media and marketing, web)
You don’t need editorial experience to be a collective member so come along to one of our meetings if you’re interested. We meet every Wednesday at 1pm at the UWA Arts building room 1.33.
To find out more about the Journal and/or browse our past publications visit http://www.limina.arts.uwa.edu.au . Don’t forget to also check us out on Facebook and Twitter.
Email any questions you may have to our submissions editor, Colleen, at liminajournal@gmail.com.
Calling all urban researchers! The WA chapter of AECURN is established and we’d like to invite you to be part of it.
AECURN is a network of Early Career and PhD Urban Researchers from across Australia and New Zealand which emerged out of the State of Australian Cities PhD Symposium and is based on the AESOP Young Academics Network model in Europe.
AECURN offers a forum for networking and sharing academic expertise and resources, organising training workshops, seminars, guest lectures, etc., and facilitating cross university collaboration within WA, Australia and internationally.
Sign up to the website to receive updates of events, workshops, conferences and publishing opportunities: www.aecurnonline.com or contact mariana.atkins@research.uwa.edu.au or Rebecca.Scherini@curtin.edu.au.
UWA BTW (Bi the Way)
UWA BTW (Bi the Way) offers an informal, safe, supportive, and inclusive space for UWA staff, students, and alumni who identify as bisexual, pansexual, non-monosexual, bi poly, biromantic asexual, or no-label. The group is welcoming of people of all sexes, gender expressions, pronouns, and ages.
We will be holding monthly social events during semester (e.g. casual drinks, dinners, movie outings), and provide positive and light-hearted support within a drama-free environment. Our ultimate aim is to foster a community of like-minded friends.
Join us and keep in touch through our Facebook group (https://www.facebook.com/groups/UWABTW/ ) or our mailing list (uwabtw@gmail.com ).
Note: This is not intended as a hook-up group. Anyone who makes members of the group uncomfortable will be asked to leave. We would like to maintain a safe and supportive environment.
Newsletter content?
Is there anything you would like to see in the newsletter? Just email psa@guild.uwa.edu.au or the media officer direct at Psa-media@guild.uwa.edu.au and let us know! Make sure you keep your submissions as unformatted plaintext, include an email contact and try not to make it too wordy. We will not accept flyers or pictures as attachments to the newsletter. The newsletter will be distributed once per month in 2015, so if you have an urgent matter you can post it to the PSA Facebook page or connect with us on Twitter and we can promote your post.
Email: psa@guild.uwa.edu.au Facebook: www.facebook.com/uwapsa Twitter: @UWAPSA Instagram: @UWAPSA