
PSA 2017 Election Candidates.

Absentee Voting will open at 5pm October 10th when election ballots will be available here. All absentee ballots must be sent from a STUDENT EMAIL ADDRESS (must contain your student number in the email) and sent to postgraduates.uwa@gmail.com . Elections will occur at the AGM on the 27th of October at the Bayliss Lecture Theatre.


Sukriti Lanba

I enjoy problem solving and working in dynamic environments. I am an engineer from India and have worked in the data analytics space with firms like EY among others. I have also worked with the Indian government for the implementation of various empowerment initiatives. I am a professional yoga trainer on the side and have worked extensively towards creating and conducting wellness workshops across India and now in Australia. I am currently pursuing a masters in Human resources and would like to work in the Human resources analytics space soon after the completion of my post-graduation. I would like to apply for the post of president as I believe I that I have the passion and the drive to lead and work towards the best interest of the postgraduate committee.

Owen Myles

As your 2017 President, my main focus would be on ensuring that postgraduate issues are heard at all levels of the University and Guild. The next 12 months will be a critically important period of change as Faculties and Schools merge and new ones are formed, these 12 months may be our only real chance to ensure that these new Faculties and Schools have strong postgraduate representation built into their official structures. My other focus will be on increasing postgraduate engagement with the PSA by running a wider range of community focused projects and events. I bring to the PSA a strong background in student representation and on University committees. This year, I was the Science Faculty Rep and sat on Science’s Teaching & Learning and Curriculum Committees, and have previously done a large amount of representation as an undergraduate, including sitting as the Chair of the Guild Council.


Nancy Haddaden

I enrolled at UWA in Feb 2016 with a clear vision towards enhancing my research experience. My aim from Joining PSA is to look into possibilities of connecting research students at UWA with international organizations and educational institutions world-wide. It is commonly said that “Perth is an isolated City”! Well, PhD life is an isolating experience in itself as well! So, what can we do about it? It is paramount that we create opportunities for ourselves to interact with the broader international community within our specific fields. I aim at starting a database which lists the most influential research centres around the world, with the main points of contact. This could be used a reference for students looking into global cooperation opportunities in similar research field. Furthermore, I realised that the interaction between Science versus Arts & Humanities researchers is limited. Another initiative we should start at UWA is a network of interdisciplinary researchers whereby experts from across disciplines are able to interact and exchange ideas. This will essentially improve our multidisciplinary research capacities as individuals and as an institution.

Dennis Power

I am currently enrolled in a PhD in synthetic chemistry. Throughout my undergraduate degree I have always had a passion for volunteering and worked hard to advocate on behalf of my fellow students. I have held numerous leadership roles; including, President (2015), Vice-President (2014) and Immediate Past President (2016) of the UWA CHeMnBiO Club, UWA ambassador for Chemistry (2014), and a Uniskills leader (2012-2014). If nominated to be the 2017 PSA Vice-President of Research I will strive to deliver excellence in an approachable manner. I am very mindful of the challenges facing PhD students and would make every effort to assist you, my peers, in resolving them. I am looking forward to the opportunity of working in a larger team, acting as a liaison for postgraduate students and, ensuring that our opinions are heard.

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