Because the music is independent of the background music, it's tied to the bards themselves, rather like the people saying "I heard a Stranger saved King Casimir's Life" and the like. It's far easier to do it that way.I'm ok with the background music, mainly because I play with the headphones around my neck 90% of the time, but I hate the bards myself. Their music just doesn't agree with me, it sets my teeth on edge.I would like an option to silence the bards myself, let them play and dance and leave the audience alone, but mute the bards and their music.Hello, folks. We do have an active thread about if players would recommend ESO to friends and family here. Whether the answer is yes or no, we encourage you to head there to continue your discussion and provide us with feedback about the game. In order to keep this kind of feedback consolidated, we'll now be closing this thread. Thank you for your understanding.I snipped some of this from various threads I have posted on, and compiled it, I have left the Authors name out. But my responses as well as some others are left in. The Bottom line here is that the Game itself was "Intended" to preform a certain way, and ZOS promised it's buyers a certain experience, which they are not receiving. The VR changes will, hopefully bring the content more into line with the original promised and intended design.Not all ranged weapons, and class abilities CC or otherwise have the same duration or effect Buy Elder Scrolls Online Gold on the Mob. And in many cases some do not even work even remotely the same mechanic wise.Again here we get into being forced to use a "Certain" weapon, Armor, Or skill Set in order to complete content. "This is the point ZOS has said is NOT working as intended." If a Paladin (Templar 2light/5 Heavy/Mace Shield/Aedric Spear/Resto) wants to do content, they should not have to switch to Solar Mage (Ranged Spells and CC, Destro Staff, Light Armor), in order to do so.Yes the other weapon will give them options, you know this, I know this, but that's not the point. The point is "In an Elder Scrolls Game", for the player to have fun, not for them to worry about (too much) useing a specific build, weapon, or armor, in order to complete content. THIS is what TES games are about.Because some people don;t want to, and in TESO, that's ok. And in TESO, you should in fact be able to Melee a troll, because that is how you want to roll and play your character. Again TESO is about "Character Development, and "Play how you want as what you want",Is it stubbornness to want to play your character how you want to play it "when the game specifically states that the entire goal (Of the game) is to play your character how you want?" No, it isn't. "It's expecting the Game to Deliver the experience it promises."It's supposed to be what it is advertised as, if you want to play with a cookie cutter build, you should be able to. If others do not, they shouldn't have to. If people do not want to level certain weapons, they shouldn't have to. Will doing so make their game easier? Sure, but they should not be "required" to in order to complete it.Not really, but yes VR content is broken. It's why they are changing it :P. People shouldn't have to change if they don;t want to, again this is going into "Play how you want". If I don;t want to ever use a ranged weapon for example, I shouldn't have too, because using it is NOT playing how I want to play. The paladin in the example I gave does not use a crossbow or bow for example. And if he doesn't want to, he should not have to.To use the example of killing a troll with melee, it is possible. To feel that your play-how-I-want is being infringed upon because you can't melee a troll successfully without some serious mitigation, cure power or disabling effects is similar to complaining that your pawn can't do what your rook or bishop can. If your pawn could move like a rook or bishop, you wouldn't be playing chess anymore.I am meleeing trolls all the time, and it is extremely easy, because trolls only do melee damage, and they are not immune to sparks, so i just keep them blinded missing all attacks while i kill them.The quote above is, by the way, a much better answer to the question why ZOS is balancing VR content: Because most players do not know how to play their characters. Instead of researching what melee options are there available to help them defeat a troll, they simply use the same abilities they use to defeat other enemies, and when it does not work, they conclude trolls can't be melee'd and require ZOS to nerf them.Just to point out the obvious people keep saying it. The play the way you want and I shouldn't have to defense, well the apply to every one. You use them as a defense on making the game easier, they are just as valid a defense for making the game harder.The point is, the VR content is very easy when you choose a magicka-based CC-build. And it may be impossible with a stamina-based single target non-CC-build. The reason for this is a totaly broken game mechanics. Stamina is to weak, armour is totaly useless etc. The funny thing is, it is better for a tank to wear Cheap Elder Scrolls Online Gold light or medium armour than heavy armour because you can mitigate much more incoming damage with some magicka-based self buffs or stamina-based blocking. With heavy armour equipped you may run out of magicka or stamina. And then you have a problem as a tank. ^^The right thing to fix the VR content would be a complete game mechanics overhaul. Make heavy armour viable, make stamina-based builds viable etc. But this is the difficult way to fix the VR content.Unfortunately they choose the easy way: they will make their broken game mechanics totaly obsolete. Yes, it might bring some cancelled subs back. But with a obsolete game mechanics you will have an other WoW clone on the market. And i doubt that ESO can compete with the Original or some other F2P-WoW clones.