
1. Reykjavik: Located on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge in Atlantic Ocean on Iceland Island, it is the capital of Iceland. It is world’s northern-most capital which is located on 60o 10`N latitude. It is country’s major port. It is famous for ship-building, cloth and fish processing industry. Geo-thermal power is produced here in large amounts. It is base of fish fleet.

2. Copenhagen: It is the capital and largest city of Denmark. It is located of Geeland Island which is famous as ‘Key of the Baltic Sea’. It is famous for export of milk products. Its airport is a focal point of air travel in Scandinavia. Copenhagen attracts a large number of international tourists throughout of year.

3. Stockholm: Located along the Baltic Sea coast, it is the capital of Sweden. It is the country’s major administrative, financial and cultural centre. It is famous by the name of ‘Beauty on Sea’. The main industries of Stockholm include ship-building, automobiles, textiles, electronics goods, paper, pulp and printing. Stockholm displays a very orderly urban life. Cleanliness, a lack of urban blight and poverty and open-air public art.

4. Lisbon: Located along River Tagus coast, it is the capital, cultural and an important port of Portugal. It is famous for the export of wool and wine obtained from Duoro Valley. The Duoro Valley here is famous for the production of Grapes.

5. Rome: Located along River Tiber coast, it is the capital of Italy and is famous by Romulus in 753BC after whom it is named. Its historical building and churches attract a large number of tourist and pilgrims throughout of the year. World’s smallest country Vatican City is located here. It is known as ‘Eternal City’. Rome is the headquarters of the Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO).

6. Paris: Located on River Siene coast, it is the capital of France and an ancient historical city. Its main landmarks are the Eiffel Tower (1889), Hotel des Invalides, the Arc de Triomphe (1559-74) and the Norte Dame Cathedral. It is also major intellectual centre with leading universities, academies and numerous institutions and headquarters of the ‘UNESCO’. Paris is the transport and communication focal Point of western Europe with three international airport, a larger river port and seven main railway station. It is world famous as ‘Fashion City’ and for the production of cosmetics.

7. Berlin: Located along River Spree coast, it is the capital and the largest city of Germany. It is country’s important port and a rail centre. It is famous for electronic goods, furniture and production of decorative (ornament) items.

8. London: Situated on the coast of River Thames. It is the capital and largest city of United Kingdom. It has developed as an important industrial and cultural centre. It is amongst the world’s busiest airports. It is famous for historical buildings, palace and museums, like- Buckingham Palace, Parliament House, British Museum, Wax Museum and London Tower. Its Metro system is the oldest and most efficient in the world.

9. Moscow: Located on the coast of River Moscow, it is the capital and the largest city of Russia. It is a centre of railway having axial format and a big market. Along with machines, chemicals and light industries and an important centre for big cloth industries. It is connected to Baltic Sea, Lake Ladoga, Arctic Black Sea and Caspian Sea through canals.

10. Helsinki: It is the capital and the largest city of Finland. It is famous by the name “White City of the North”. It is the country’s important port which is famous for export of timber are fur. It is an important centre of food processing, printing, cloth and metal products.

11. Warsaw: Located at the coast River Vistula, it is the capital of Poland. It is an important railway centre where silk cloth industry and other cloth industries have developed.

12. Bern: It is the capital of Switzerland. It is famous for watch making and engineering industry. It is also a major tourist destination.

13. Amsterdam: It is the capital of Netherlands and country’s major industrial city, where iron and steel industry is established. It is country’s important port. It is world famous for Diamonds, precious metals and centre for craft making.

14. Belfast: Situated at the River Lagan, it is the capital chief port and major industrial city of North Ireland. It is famous for linen cloth industry and ship-building industry. The port of Belfast has 12km. of quays approached by a deep water channel.

15. Brussels: It is the capital and major city of Belgium. It is mainly famous for silk and cotton cloth industry. Headquarters of NATO and Commission of the European Communities are located here.

16. Kiev: Situated on the bank of Dnieper River, it is the capital and largest city of Ukraine. It is a major industrial centre. Which gets Coal from Donetsk Basin and Iron-ore from Krivoyrog and Kirch. Its important industries include machine tools, engineering goods, Pharmaceutical, chemical and paper.

17. Vienna: Located River Danube coast, it is the capital of Austria. It is a famous historical city which is known for historical buildings, forts, palaces and museums. It also has headquarters of world famous international organizations, like – OPEC and IAEA.

18. Dublin: It is the capital and the largest city of Ireland. It is country’s major port, trade and cultural centre.

19. Bucharest: Major city of Balkan region, it is Romania’s capital and a major financial centre. It is famously known as Paris of Balkan’. It is located on River Danube coast.

20. Sofia/Sophia: It is the capital and largest city of Bulgaria and a major financial centre. It is a historical city of Europe’s Balkan region, which is famous for Black Roses. During the medieval period, it was under the rule of the Turks.

21. Riga: It is the capital of Latvia, which is situated along the coast of west Dvina River. It is the country’s major financial and cultural centre. People of Russian origin live here in large numbers.

22. Prague/Praha: Situated on Bohemian plateau. It is the capital of Czech Republic. It is third largest city of Europe. Beer is the national drink here. It is famous for historical buildings, forts and museums. It is a majestic city with stately building and elegant street and parks.

23. Athens: It is the capital and the largest city of Greece. It is a city having Mediterranean climate. It is amongst the ancient cities, where there are many historical buildings and remnants. Olympics-2004 was held here. It is an ancient cultural city.

24. Madrid: It is the capital of Spain which is located on ‘Central Mesata’. It is the country’s major commercial centre. This historical city is a major cultural and educational centre. It is famous for cars, chemicals and engineering industries.

25. Budapest: Located along the coast of River Danube, it is the capital of Hungary and a major cultural and educational city. This historical city is famous for beautiful buildings, like-Parliament, Church etc.

26. Tirana: Located on Adriatic Sea coast, it is capital of Albania. It is country’s largest city and a major industrial centre. This city has Mediterranean climate. Wine and olive oil and produced here in large quantity. Founded by the Turks in the seventeenth century, it became the capital of Albania in 1920.

27. Zagreb: Situated on the River Sava, it is the capital and the largest city of Croatia. It is also country’s major industrial and cultural city. It is famous for sport activities. It is situated on Dinaric Alps. It is famous for chemicals, engineering goods and food processing.

28. Baku: Located along the coast of Caspian Sea, it is the capital and largest city of Azerbaijan. It has big refineries to purify the mineral oil obtained from Caspian sea. Baku is a historical city dominated by Shia Muslim population. It is known for the Baku production and petrochemical industrial.

29. Kaliningrad: The Russian region located on Baltic Sea coast, which is under Russia since 1995. It is Russia’s major port on Baltic Sea coast. It has Russia’s very big shipping fleet to catch fish.

30. Yerevan: It is the capital and the largest city of Armenia. It is famous for fruits and grape gardens. It is located along the coast of River Rajdan.

31. Tbilisi: Located along River Kuban, it is the capital and the largest city of Georgia. It is the country’s major financial and cultural centre. It was established by Greece.

32. Minsk: It is the capital and the largest city of Belarus. It is the country’s major financial, cultural and industrial centre. Before the Second World War, its major population was Jewish.

33. Bratislava: It is the capital and the largest port city of Slovakia. It is a major financial, cultural and industrial centre. It became the capital of Slovakia in 1922.

34. Skopje: Located along the banks of Danube, it is the capital and the largest city of Macedonia. Here Tobacco is produced in huge quantity. It is major centre for agricultural products. It is famous for chemicals, engineering goods and food processing.

35. Podgorica: It is the capital and the largest city of newly independent country Montenegro. The region around it produce Grapes in huge quantity. Karst Topography is found here. This region is influenced by local cold winds called ‘Bora’ during winter.

36. Pristina: It is the capital and the largest city of newly independent country Kosovo. Karst topography is found in the near by regions.

37. Sarajevo: It is the capital and the largest town of Bosnia-Herzegovina. It is a major commercial and cultural centre. It is famous for aluminium refining, food processing and hydel power production.

38. Belgrade: Located on River Danube coast, it was capital of erstwhile Yugoslavia and at present, it is the capital of Serbia. Sheep breeding is done in its nearby regions. Grapes are also produced here. This historical city has great strategic importance as it lies on the trade route of Europe and Balkans.

39. Ljublijana: It is the capital and the largest city of Slovenia. It is a cultural and industrial city.

40. Nicosia: It is the capital and the largest city Cyprus. This city has Mediterranean climate. Here food processing and wine industry are prominent.

41. Chisinau: It is the capital and the largest city of Moldova.

42. Bilbao: It is a major seaport and capital of the Basque Province of Spain on the estuary of the Mervion River, Bilbao is now the largest port as well as a major centre for oil refining and ship-building. The city gives its name to the Bilbao sword noted for the temper and elasticity of its blades. 

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