
“Somewhere a guy just like you is doing a job just like yours and earning twice the money.” ~ James Citrin, author of the book “5 Patterns of Extraordinary Careers”


Are you stuck in the same job for more than 2 years, with no recognition for your work? Do you see others getting promoted while you get skipped over? Do you feel that there ismore potential inside of you than what your current job title says?

If the answer to these questions is “yes”, then what you are about to read below may be the most important message of this entire year.

You see, the company you work for is basically a system carefully designed to put you in the pool of 90% of employees who remain in the lower levels of the job pyramid.

Such systems are designed to slow down your progress and make you feel bad about yourself…to the point that your self-esteem drops so low that you start sabotaging yourself and believing that you don’t have some “magic power” needed to be at the top.

At the same time, there are 10% of people in every company that consistently get superior and most exciting jobs and command highest pay checks.

These 10% of people get a special letter at the end of the year informing them of extra stocks being deposited to their bank accounts, they get hand-written invitations for dinners with senior VPs and are granted access to executive courses and trainings.

They are not told that they have to “fit-in”. On the contrary, they are told to hone and build on their uniqueness.

These people are in what I call a ‘Career Fast Track’.

Recruiters fight over them. Bosses love them. Colleagues admire them. HR throws bonuses at them. These 10% of people only worry about which job to choose as a next one. And they are not better even slightly better than you…

The big question is, how can you leave the 90% and join the 10% of people who are in ‘Career Fast Track’?

Hi, my name is Bozi Dar and I started my career 12 years ago, working in a medium-sized multinational company.

I got an entry level job in sales and was eager to live my ambition.

I instantly started searching for good career advice.

My strategy was focused on asking friends, reading career articles online and reading a few career books (though I got bored of them quickly)

Little did I know how dangerous ordinary career advice is…

Here is how I applied that advice:

I worked long hours and made sure that when I stay late others know about it.

I didn’t talk much about the results I achieved. I was utterly scared that I will come across as a sleazy car salesman. After all, my results are supposed to “speak for themselves” (whoever said this has no clue about human psychology).

My networking strategy was based on giving out as many business cards as possible .

I tried to change my personal style so I could accommodatestyles of other people.

I didn’t develop any kind of relationship with my boss.

Three years passed. I wasn’t getting anywhere close to a job promotion.

I started feeling bored and trapped in my job, getting often intothe complaining mode.

At the same time, I started to notice something weird.

Whenever there was a new job opening up where I worked, everyone knew who was going to get it..

Finally, one day I was invited for a conversation with my boss. I didn’t know what the topic was…

I will never forget that day. I entered the room and inside, there was he and another colleague who had just got promoted. My boss told me that despite my results, I have the wrong attitude and that the company decided to let me go….In other words, I got fired.

Yes, with an “ F”.

Needless to say, my world collapsed.

I spent countless hours trying to figure out what went wrong.

My self-esteem hit the all time low.

A few months later, I woke up one day and vowed to myself that this will never ever happen again.

I decided that from now on, I will abandon every career advice I heard before and apply my own ideas, even if that meant I would get fired again.

I started my job search. Instead of “brushing up my CV” and searching for jobs, I did something completely different.

I spent 2 weeks searching for the right company for me.

I deliberately aimed high so I finally selected a high-growth Global Fortune 500 company. I chose it because it had the best product pipeline in the industry.

I then found out who the VP was is and then sent him a carefully written email. He responded on the same day and 2 months later, I was offered a job that was never announced for public (later on I learned that that is called accessing a “hidden job market”).

By the way, the first time I met HR head was when I was signing a contract:)

Once I got the job, I started testing all kinds of crazy ideas, including:

Asking a top management member to be my mentor (I had a very junior role at the time)

Focusing solely on delivering one single big project in a year

Saying NO to most of the requests

After one year, I got promoted.

During next year, I received a special invitation to join the top 25 European talents for one year leadership development program.

I started having fun like never before….and got promoted again after only one year! In the meantime, my network tripled thanks to being in the “top 25 talents” program.

Over the years, I kept refining my approach for getting promoted fast and I started getting consistent results. To be more precise,

I got 6 job promotions in 6 years, increasing my salary 15 times! That’s right, not 15% but 15 times over! It soundscrazy but I wasn’t even aware of how fast my career was advancing until others pointed it out to me. Career success was becoming a rule for me, not an exception.

I started getting extra stocks. I was handed invitations for closed-door lunches with senior management.

I started traveling to places like Berkeley to attend Executive coaching programs.

I started mentoring teams from the best universities in the world on winning Global Innovation competitions…

My mentors were now CEOs and ex CEOs.

My network included VIP investors from the top Silicon Valley venture capital firms.

There was no door I could not open anywhere I went….

At the same time, I was travelling business class whenever I wanted…and I working from home on demand. Everything was flowing effortlessly…

And over time, other people noticed that I am doing something different and getting insanely great results.

I was suddenly getting requests to mentor others towards career success.

As I was preparing for mentoring sessions with my mentees, I started to see career success patterns.

I slowly started to develop my own system for career acceleration. After doing a very diligent research, I was shocked.

I realized that there was no proven system out there, no “How-To“ guide to show you how to accelerate career ultra fast and get 10x results in 10x less time.

I also freaked out when I realised that most career success books and articles you see on Forbes and HuffPost were written by people who NEVER had amazing careers. In other words, these books were written by career coaches, researchers and journalists…

I must confess, I was a bit sceptical that my system would work so well for others.

But soon after, my students/mentees started getting the same insanely successful results.

Most of the advice they would get from our first few mentoring sessions made them very uncomfortable at first.

Once they passed that first stage and got used to applying counterintuitive advice, they would start experiencing amazing shifts.

People would:

Perceive them differently

Respect them more

Top-visibility project proposals would magically end up on their desk

That was an A-ha moment for me.

Results of my students made me realise that career success is not based on luck, aggressiveness or politicking, but rather on replicating specific patterns of behaviour. In other words, extraordinary career success is something attainable to nearly everyone!

I am now on a quest to help people like you to have an amazing career and join the “10%” of professionals who are in the ‘Career Fast Track’. As it is not physically possible for me to have hundreds of 1:1 mentoring sessions in a day,

I decided to create this course and give you access to the best kept career acceleration secrets. What you will learn inside the course will get you in the “Career Fast Track” so that the only thing you will have to worry about in future is which job offer and salary level to accept.

The best part is that I’ve taken everything I learned about career acceleration and put it into a simple system that you can use right now to get promoted every 12 months without the need to work hard…and the most amazing part is that I can guarantee you that (more about that later).

You can learn my system from the comfort of your home or while commuting to work.

Finally, this course is easy to follow on your mobile phone, tablet or laptop thanks to the beautiful and rock solid Udemy platform…

Over the 6 Sections of the course, you will learn how to:

Get an “Unfair Advantage” in Your Working Place so You Can Quickly Surpass Others and Get Promoted Every 12 Months

Network with Senior VPs to Triple the Strength of Your Network

Command Multiple 6-figures Salary You Deserve so You Can Pay Back Any Debt and Enjoy Financial Freedom

Get into the Secret Talent Pool of the Top 10% of People in Your Organisation and Make Others Envious About Your Success

Have HR and Senior Management Fight Over You Without You Sending Out Any Resumes or Playing Office Politics

Easily Access the So-Called “Hidden Job Market” (80% of all Jobs!) and Have Jobs Created for You…While Others Waste Their Time Waiting for Job Openings

Get Special Invitations for 1:1 Lunches and Dinners with Senior VPs and C-level Executives and Get Seen in Public With Them…Without the Need to Prove Yourself to Anyone


Here are just a few quick testimonials from my students:

“After this course I stopped blindly sending resumes to thousands of employers and instead found opportunities that are right for me and then deployed strategy to get me there. Great stuff!

“ ~ Stephen (USA)

“Without your butt-kicking course here on Udemy, I would have not been able to get myself know in the company before I even started working!” ~ Simon from Germany (message sent to me through Udemy private messaging system)

“This has got to be the best course on Udemy I’ve taken. I would not hesitate to give this course 10 stars!”~ Angeline (USA)


My mission is to liberate you from crappy, rehashed career advice from the so-called “Career Gurus” and introduce you to career strategies that will get you 10x results in 10x less time.

I want you to succeed and join the 10% of people who live their corporate VIP career every day, having opportunities literally chasing them.


“Career Acceleration Formula: How to Get Promoted Every 12 Months”, a Premium Course Taught by World’s #1 Career Acceleration Expert, That Will Help You Climb the Company’s Ranks Fast, Command Highest Pay Check and Make Others Envious. Say “Goodbye” to Career Stagnation and “Hello” to a VIP Career.

This is the first course that has everything you need to succeed in your career ultra fast.

Here is what’s Included:

6 Sections with 36 easy-to-follow, ultra-actionable video Lectures

Super Simple One-Page Roadmap so You Can Easily Track Your Progress

Free PDF with Networking Map So You Know EXACTLY Who To Network With

Word-for-Word Scripts for Emails and Critical Conversations That Will Get You Results on Auto-Pilot

Community of Like-Minded Ambitious Professionals Who Are in Full Control of Their Career

Here is a breakdown of what’s included in each section:

Section 1 – Winning Mindset

The Secret 3-Step Career Formula That You Can Use In Every New Job to Get Promoted Fast…Over and Over Again

8 Winning Career Mindset Principles That Will Give You an “Invisible” Advantage (People Around You Will Wonder What Happened)

Ordinary Joe and Extraordinary Jennifer – Two Ambitious Professionals I Will Refer Back to In This Course to Demonstrate Mistakes That 90% of People Do That Hurt Their Career, as Well as Show You What 10% of Winners Do Instead

Section 2 – Choose Your Next Perfect Job

The #1 Factor That Will Determine Your Career Success in Any Job (Hint: It Is Definitely Not What You Think)

How to Learn Quickly What the Perfect Job is For You, Without Wasting Years of Time and Energy

Use Brain Hacks to Create a Powerful Vision That Works For You While You Sleep

Section 3 – Find Your “One Big Thing”

Hidden Reasons on Why You May Have Been Sabotaging Your Career Until Now and Not Allowing Your Work to Be More Widely Known by Others

How to Use Indirect Persuasive Language to Always Take Credit for Your Work Without Anyone Even Noticing What You Are Doing

How to Create a Laser-Like Focus that Delivers Outstanding Results in Only 10 Minutes Per Day

Section 4 – Make Your Boss Work For You

Quickly Diagnose the Level of Support You Will Get from Your Current Boss When It Comes to Next Job Promotion

How to Win Over Your Boss in One Single Conversation and Make Him Work For You and Your Next Job Promotion

How to Make Your Job Promotion Inevitable by Having Your Boss Commit in Writing

Section 5 – You 2.0

Master Leveraging “Hidden Job Market” and Have Jobs Designed Only For You!

Have Others Work on Helping You Crystalize Your Innate Strengths

Overcome No-Experience Objection and Create Undeniable Proof That You Are Ready for Your Next Job

Section 6 – Become the Person of Influence

Master the Art of Influence to Build Power That Easily Surpasses Established Hierarchies

Discover 4 “Magic Circles of Influence” Which Will Unlock Your Career Potential Both Short- and Long-Term

Learn How to Influence Beyond the Walls of Your Company and Surround Yourself With VIPs

What is the right price for a course that guarantees to get you promoted in 12 months (not to even mention extra money you will make after you get promoted)?

Instead of answering that question, let me share with you some other options.

Compare “Career Acceleration Formula” to…

If you’re interested in making a change that will last the rest of your life, you have options.

Get an MBA / grad school (if you haven’t done so). MBA schools are great but typical program lasts for 2 years. Price: $150,000 — and no guarantee of a career fast track.

Career coaches. Some are very good, while others are not. Some are specialists, others are generalists. How do you know which is which before you start working with them? Do you have the time to investigate? Price: $150/hour. Guarantee: rare.

Resume review: Typically $300-$500. Some are good, but others are not. Guarantees: rare.

And even MORE options:

Advanced career counselors: $10,000. Guarantee: none.

Certifications for specific industries: $500-$2,000. Guarantees: none.

Personality assessments: Free to $300. Guarantees: none.

Of course, there is one other option: doing nothing. It’s the most expensive of all. Top performers tend to get raise after raise…not to mention the happiness of finding something they really excel at.

Now you have a unique option in front of you. “Career Acceleration Formula” is unlike any of these options. It’s tested and proven to work.

The investment you will make today to access “Career Acceleration Formula” is only $497. That means that you will be investing 1.4$ per day to get promoted in the next 12 months!

It goes without saying that you can easily apply these same strategies in your next job and get promoted again in 12 months (which is the secret sauce for long-term success).

And if it doesn’t work for you? Unlike any of the above mentioned options, it offers an iron-clad double money-back guarantee you won’t find anywhere else.

Here is the deal – because I am so confident that my system will work for you, I decided to make your decision to enrol in this course super easy by offering you

Crazy Double Money-Back Guarantee

Guarantee #1: Udemy standard 30-day money back guarantee. Applies to all courses on Udemy platform.

Guarantee #2: My Crazy 365 Day Guarantee

This is crucial so pay attention: Go through the training and complete all the Action Steps according to my instruction in the course. Use every strategy and every technique that I teach there.

If after 365 days you are not promoted or if you are unhappy with it for any reason, just return it. I will pay you back the course investment and on top of that, I’ll immediately add extra 100$. How’s that for putting my money where my mouth is?

Buy the Course Over the Next 48 Hours and Claim Your Free 30min 1:1 Coaching Session with me

Status quo is the ultimate enemy of personal growth. As one of my mentors told me once: “If we are not growing, we are basically dying”.

Therefore, I decided to reward people who take action and decide to be in charge of their career and life.

If you are one of these people and you buy the course in 48 hours from now, I will offer you free 30min 1:1 session with me, valued at 250$ (yes, I charge 500$ per hour). This is your chance to ask me anything on career acceleration.

To do this, just contact me through the Udemy messaging system after you buy the course. This is crazy from my side both money- and time-wise but I love helping achievers and want to give you my absolute best.

***Warning: I may decide to increase the price at any point later on. I want to be clear about this upfront as I know how much value this course delivers so after the initial launch phase I can easily double it so hurry up to grab your copy for the price listed here.

What to do next?

Simply have your credit card ready and…

Scroll up and click on the blue button “Buy This Course”to be taken instantly to Udemy’s 100% secure online order form.

Fill out the short form and in just 2 short minutes your copy of the course will be on the way.

When you receive it, be sure to view the Lecture #1 titled “Introduction” in order to get the maximum out of the course.

F.Y.I. Your free bonuses are included in this same package.

See you on the inside.


Could you wait until next month to put your career on fast track? Next year?

I worked with many students/mentees on accelerating their career and I know what will happen if you don’t act now.Here is a short list:

You will continue your day-to-day struggle at work, feelingtrapped and bored

You pay check will remain the same

Others will get top jobs while you will be left behind

You will lose days and months, and soon be seen as “just another employee”

You will wake up one day in regret, wondering why you didn’t act now

Do NOT miss out the chance to get into the 10% of people who have amazing careers.


Bozi Dar

P.S. If you pass on this opportunity you are sure to regret It. You’ll be the only one to blame when you gaze into the mirror every morning knowing that you Missed Out on Your Chance at Success. Take my hand right now and I’ll Lead You (even drag you if need be!) straight to YOUR new Superior Job Title. What excuse could you possibly have for waiting?

Claim Your Copy of “Career Acceleration Formula” today, scroll up and click on the blue “Buy This Course” button

The post 100% Off – How to Get a Job Promotion Every 12 Months $497 appeared first on Growth Coupon.

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