
I have several of those here. Got what I presume is the 'Arthur Ledbetter' from Dr. David Griffith (Dadeville, AL dentist & fruit/nut explorer) and visited the daughter & son-in-law at the Loachapoka home & orchard of the late Dr. Alexander Nunn who originally selected and propagated it, in my home county (Lee Co., AL).
Also have (though I can't definitively ID Dixie Delight any more), DD, Galloway(correct spelling) and Senator Clark.

None have fruited here, yet...but Dr. David Griffith sent me a box of Ledbetter pear fruit 15 years ago. I liked them - but having grown up eating Keiffer... my preference in pears runs to firm, gritty, juicy pears, not the soft, cloying 'butter' pear types.
If you have access to back issues of POMONA, Dr. Griffith described those, and other Southern pear selections that he'd collected, including notes from Dr. Nunn on the Ledbetter pears...somewhere back around 1998-2000 IIRC; I have it somewhere.
Travis Callahan, the former(?) NAFEX Southern Pear Interest Group chair still has a nice page on southern pears here: http://tandeecal.com/page10.htm

The folks at The Wildlife Group are principally offering FB-resistant Southern pear selections for outplanting on hunting properties as 'soft mast' trees; but they'll appeal to folks like me as a good eating or preserving pear; most will probably be quite firm and gritty, as they're probably all 'sand pear' hybrids.

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