
Malakye’s Pick Me! is a bi-monthly jobseeker profile series powered by Group Y which will give Malakye users the unique opportunity to be featured front and center on Malakye.com and on groupynetwork.com.

Ryan Struck
New Jersey Surf Photographer

Ryan Struck is a self-taught photographer that is based on the east coast who shoots for a broad spectrum of corporate, editorial and private clients. Ryan is internationally published and has worked for The Surfer’s Journal, Surfline, Quiksilver, Roxy, ESPN, Backcountry.com and much more.

“Ever since my feet met a surfboard I contemplated capturing surf photography with my own eye. I picked up a camera and photographed waves voraciously in New Jersey. I used vacation days to photograph surf trips, to travel and to shoot new work at home. I became consumed with the art,” admits Ryan Struck, a professional surf photographer based in New Jersey. “I am now at the freelance juncture in my career and in business for myself full time. I have a lust for the outdoor life and I love translating that visually. I strive to make the most of what I have today and approach each job with the same vigor as if it were my very first project.”

We interviewed Ryan Struck, a professional freelance photographer based in Asbury Park, NJ, to get the scoop on his serach for a dream job. We asked him about the type of position he is currently pursuing, what he is doing to stand out to potential clients and much more – check it out!

What is your current occupation?


What type of position are you pursuing?

Adventure Photography.

How is the job search going?

I’ve been breaking off bits a pieces, but I want a proper slice of pie!

What do you want the world to know about your search?

That I’m relentless in pursuing my goals and I believe everything is possible with determination.

What are some of your strengths?

Passion for photography, love for the outdoors and making people happy.

What is your dream job?

To document those who’s thirst for life is unrivaled. I want to show the world what beauty the Earth holds through visual story telling.

What have you learned during your job search process?

To find the right fit, you must try the pants on.

How are you going to celebrate when you land your next gig?

I will load a roll of film and l see what I can see.


If you would like to check out Ryan’s full portfolio, head to RyanStruck.com. For general inquiries, you can email him on info@ryanstruck.com.

Because Ryan was selected for Malakye’s Pick Me! series he will win a prize, giveaways include comped Skillshare classes and free entry to future Group Y events, like the ultra-popular Agenda Emerge, Mahfia Sessions or the ASC Action Sports + Culture Conference.

Do you want to be featured in a future Pick Me! spotlight profile? Head to the details page and submit your application today!

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