All Christian News reports…
“A pastor out of Union City, Tennessee won’t face any jail time after he and his mistress plotted to end the life of his unsuspecting wife. Pastor Eddie Mallonee and a church member, Shelly Moran, were surprisingly given supervised probation after a plea bargain in the case.
The pastor and his mistress were plotting to take the life of Cathy Mallonee, who’d been married to the pastor for 34 years. Surprisingly, even after the murder attempt, the pastor’s wife was right by his side during all court proceedings.
The two were going to take Cathy on a trip to Honduras and poison her there. They were both originally indicted on charges of conspiracy to commit first degree murder and attempt to commit first degree murder. But apparently, Cathy was in such competition with the mistress to keep her husband that she stood with him while he was on trial for trying to kill her.
John Miles, an attorney for Eddie Mallonee, released this statement: “I know this case had an impact many people in our community. Whatever else might be said, I hope we can move forward in a spirit of reconciliation. We all want healing for our community and for all those affected in a wonderful church, both of which remain strong and will grow even stronger.”
So, your husband is having an affair and tries to kill you. What makes a person stand next to their spouse in court after such a horrible ordeal? Is it the love of God, weakness, or stupidity? It’s really difficult to say.”
From http://allchristiannews.com/pastor-and-mistress-try-to-kill-his-wife-his-wife-supports-him-in-court/