
Once again, NAH Foods Ltd have gained the national recognition they deserve for their innovative slimming product range, Slim Pasta, Slim Rice & Slim Noodles, by winning ‘Best Healthy Food’ Category in the 2016 Product of The Year Awards. Fellow winners   included major industry giants Nestle, Mars and Proctor & Gamble.

Ash Patel, Co-founder of Slim Pasta said, “This is yet another great win for us as a brand. We’ve worked incredibly hard over the past few years to develop a premium Konjac product that not only suits consumer tastes but also retains a low calorie content – something that our competitors have failed to do.  This award acknowledges that achievement, and so as a team, we’re very proud of the award.”

NAH Foods Ltd report they have seen an impressive rise in sales since they launched the brand in 2012.  Since then, the Slim range has become available in 13 – 15 countries including Germany, Spain, Netherlands, Portugal, Italy, UAE.

Most Konjac brands use traditional, standard Konjac recipes and often receive criticism due to their translucent look and rubbery texture.  In addition, some consumers report issues with the odour of the liquid used in the pack, and the inconvenient draining requirements.

In response to these issues, Konjac Innov developed an innovative recipe called Juroat™ C, which gives the Konjac food itself a much closer resemblance to traditional pasta, noodles and rice – it’s almost inseparable.

Both the innovative recipe and manufacturing method allows the Konjac to be packed without the need of being stored in an aqueous environment. This means no water in the packaging, which means no smell; no draining and no rinsing.

Co-Founder and Managing Director of NAH Foods Ltd, Nayna Patel developed the product herself in her family kitchen at home.

“I have worked with health food supplements since 1997 and in 2010 when EFSA announced the first list of ingredients with positive opinions, I noticed Glucomannan was present as a weight loss ingredient.  As a mother of two, I am constantly on the look-out for health food alternatives. So, one day I decided to try and make a pizza base using Glucomannan, with the view of reducing its calorific value. This failed terribly with the outcome a giant gel like blob, instead of pizza dough after further research into the ingredient, I discovered that Glucomannan comes from a plant called Konjac, which is used to make Konjac flour. The Japanese have been using this flour to make calorie-free Noodles for centuries. In October 2010, I started a 16 month research and development project.  I realised that the food needed significant improvement if it were to become a hit in the Western world. In 2013 we developed a Konjac recipe called Juroat™ C, and we launched it under the brand Slim Pasta, Slim Noodles and Slim Rice, which is now finally beginning to receive the recognition I feel it deserves. We’re thrilled to accept the Product of the year award for Best Health Food.”

Consumer demand for Konjac products increased last year, when Channel 4 featured the ingredient on their show, Food Unwrapped:  http://www.nahfoods.com/foodunwrapped

It is now reported that 1% of the UK population regularly eats Slim Pasta, Slim Noodles and Slim Rice as part of their regular diet.

NAH foods have also recently introduced a brand new, two pot lunchbox ready meal.  The new range is:

– as low as 46 cals per 100g

– not rubbery

– not chewy

– not translucent

– contains no water, so no need to drain and rinse

– looks like regular pasta, noodles and rice

– texture and consistency is very close to regular pasta, noodles and rice

– new Konjac recipe is the first of its kind

– contains no artificial colours, flavours or preservatives

– ambient storage with 18 month shelf life

– gluten-free

– low sugar

– saturated Fat-Free

– low fat

– microwaveable – Heat and Eat straight from the pot

– 250g is filling

For more information on the range visit www.KonjacInnov.com

For retail or distribution enquiries please contact Ash Patel on A.Patel@nahfoods.com

NAH Foods Ltd

+44 (0) 20 3384 2667


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