
debbie&andrew’s micro-sponsorships aim to provide retailers and their local communities with support from the grass roots up.  Spokesman Ian Bagnall commented. “debbie&andrew’s is running this not as a national campaign, but a local campaign run nationally.

The idea of the micro-sponsorships is to offer small scale sponsorships for parish level initiatives which will continue to connect the brand with rural communities like the one in which it started.”

The micro-sponsorships will be publicised through local media and run by local communities, but retailers are invited to instigate or facilitate applications for their own communities. Each micro-sponsorship application can be for up to £1000, but preference will be given for sponsorships up to £250 – £500.  The aim is to provide seed funding for small projects that don’t usually attract funds. These can be either social or not for profit projects from kit for sports teams, charity fund raising, kick off funds for amateur groups. The awards will also include up to £150 of debbie&andrew’s products for team teas, charity barbeques or fund raising events.

Ian Bagnall explains: “Initially £10,000 is being invested, with pilot projects taking place in debbies&andrew’s home counties of Kent and Yorkshire, and we are inviting retailers and local communities to identify rural community projects that are looking for help in starting up or in fund-raising. This could be money for kit for the team, equipment for the school, support for the church hall, organising a village fete, launching a local choir or creating a local support network”

debbie&andrew’s are committed to supporting rural communities, not just by sourcing the best quality meat from British farmers for their delicious products, but also by supporting projects that promote country life.  Too many community ventures never get going due to the lack of basic starter funding. debbie&andrew’s £10,000 of micro-sponsorships (from up to £250 to £1000 each) aim to support this type of grassroots community project. These micro-sponsorships will provide seed money for small, parish level projects that normally don’t attract funding. This support can be used for any ‘non-profit distributing’ activity.

Project criteria:

Any rurally based or focused project that runs between August 2013 and July 2014 can be nominated. Each nomination must be supported by at least 50 local people or relate to a project that involves a minimum of 10 people in its activities (eg: a team or committee). From fund raising events to support for local activities, whether it is an individual involved or a whole community, any rurally based project that would welcome seed funding of up to £1000 will qualify. Projects can be run on behalf of established charities or for local organisations, so long as there is benefit to the countryside or rural communities and the project is organised locally.

For retail enquiries about debbie &?andrew’s, please send an email to:?Click here to email this company

Retailers interested in more information and the terms and conditions for nominating project can contact Click here to email this company or visit the website on www.debbieandandrews.co.uk

debbie & andrew’s


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