
Not long ago, we came up with a list that highlighted one of the most important sections of a website– The ‘About Us’ page. But, we’d be remiss if we didn’t follow that list up with an equally important section–the ‘Contact Us’ page.

Why is this such an important area to focus on? Don’t you just need contact information, like a phone number or email address?

While providing the best ways to get in touch is an essential part of the contact page, there should be a little more thought put into it. No matter what industry or field you’re involved with, an amazing contact page has the ability to entice visitors and convince them to either make a purchase or hire your services. Since this can get a bit tricky, here are some tips that should help establish communication between you and your site visitors.

Make Sure it’s Functional: We know this is obvious, but take the time to double-check everything on the page. Having links that are broken or won’t send properly is just bad for business. If the email or phone number links are not functional, how can people communicate with you? That kind of defeats the purpose of the contact page.

It Should Look Great: Visuals are a big part of your website design. The contact page may not sound the most interesting, but don’t neglect its appearance. If you have a poorly designed page, people won’t be interested in establishing further relations.

Well-Written Copy: Attract and maintain visitors with language that is action and value oriented; meaning it includes a call to action and how visitors will benefit from you or your brand. This will help you set up further communication. Furthermore, keep the page short and to the point. People don’t want to spend a lot of time filling out forms.

It Should Responsive: We’ve mentioned the importance of responsive design several times now, and this is no exception. Since most of the web has gone mobile, make sure that your contact page works on all mobile devices. Plus, it makes life easier if you have a physical location since people can access a map on the contact page and locate your place of business from their phones.

With that in mind, are here the 25 best ‘Contact Us’ pages online that could give you some inspiration.

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We were immediately fans of the lighthearted nature of this contact page from digital marketing group Mostly Serious – a fitting brand name as well. But, don’t let the informal vibe of the page fool you. The page still manages to get down to business by providing an area for you to explain the project and budget you have in mind. We also like that the company only asks for your name and email. Keeping the amount of fields to fill out at a minimal is a great technique for enticing people to sign-up.

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This will be the first, but definitely not the last, contact page that utilizes a map to show its physical location. This is a neat and effective method, especially considering the amount of searches that people are doing on their smartphones. What we really enjoy about Welikesmall, however, is that they used an aerial shot of their location – as opposed to a dot on a map.

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Here’s a great example of a contact page that is both professional and informal; thanks to the high quality photo of the team. It’s fun and intimate, which makes us feel that are here a group of guys who are easily approachable.

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If you’re a business that relies on people actually coming to a physical location, then use Austin’s Banger’s as a source of inspiration. The contact page may just be a map, but that’s all Banger’s needs to make sure that people stop in – plus the 100 or so beers on tap doesn’t hurt! However, there’s also links to Facebook, Twitter and Yelp if you need additional information.

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At the other end of the spectrum, there are businesses that are strictly web-based, such as Noearaujo. It’s a basic and simple contact page that is extremely light on content and gets directly to the point. Sometimes a stripped-down contact page is just as effective as one filled with all sorts of bells and whistles.

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Here’s a trick that we’ve seen already, but not done as effectively. The idea behind this contact page is to not only provide a small contact form, but give visitors the chance to describe their project. How’s this a trick? It gives Mrs. Chandler the opportunity to make the decision on if she wants to take on a project or not.

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This is a meticulously designed contact page that not only offers the invite for a ‘cup of coffee,’ aka: a map to their office, but an overall creative and attractive website. We actually don’t mind staying on this page because it looks so amazing.

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What we really like about this contact page is that it showcases brand consistency, which should be done throughout a website. It illustrates that Combadi pays attention to detail. We also like how they included all of their contact information to the right of the form.

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A consistent and vintage-style contact page that has a great appearance. Notice how the bakery includes not only a phone number, email, and links to Facebook, Twitter and their blog, but also hours of operation and the address to their physical location. They also make it known that they have Happy Hour from 5 pm-7 pm daily!

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A bold choice in color is certainly eye-catching, but we really enjoyed was the following statement: Feel that tingling in your fingertips? That’s the magnetic urge to contact us. It’s fun and engaging. On top of that, all of the other contact info is provided, along with a link to examples of their work.

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Here’s a perfect example of a brand focusing more on quality than quantity and trying to establish relationships. It’s a clean and detailed oriented approach that prefers further communication before agreeing to a project.

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First off, you can’t neglect the amazing design, which is kind of a big deal if you happen to be a graphic designer. We also like the approachability of the contact page, especially by mentioning that Mr. Abramov is on Skype.

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Den Ersten is another business that utilizes a satellite view of their location. However, the company also features a clean page that contains all of their other vital contact information in case you can’t stop by their office.

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There’s a ton of information here, such as contact information, a map, and project launcher, but it’s all designed in a way that doesn’t overwhelm. A great example of how to include plenty of details without having the contact page appear cluttered.

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One of the best examples of a truly professional ‘Contact Us’ page. All of the information has been placed neat and tidy. And, the use of high def image imagery as symbolism is a nice touch as well.

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Here’s a nice example of a unique and innovative page. The design is fun, artistic and has links to all of their social media accounts.

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This page has a very cool design, a cork-board. And, what’s attached to the cork-board? A postcard for you to fill out. This really original contact page stands.

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In case you didn’t notice, more and more businesses are trying to attract Twitter followers and Facebook fans. If that’s you, check out the Fior di Latte contact page. They almost convert this page into a social media campaign, which is a pretty cool approach. We also like the images that embrace their business (sweets) and their home state (Colorado).

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Since the theme of this project – which is trying to illustrate different cultures and countries through photography – is travel, it only makes sense that the contact form would be a postcard. We’re also big on the link that provides all of the images from the around the world.

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The first thing you notice about the contact page on Moz is the inclusion of their hours of operation, which gives visitors with a question a better idea of when they’ll hear back. There’s also photos of their teams in Seattle and Portland with links that contain more details on Moz’s two offices.

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Sweet Basil, a restaurant in Colorado, has a different approach and a beautifully designed contact page. At  the bottom of every page on the site is their contact information. It’s prominently displayed and ends up essentially turning every page into a contact page.

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Fhoke has accomplished a feat that many other contact pages haven’t even attempted, featuring two forms on their website. Why? Because the team clearly understands there are some people who just want to get right to business. If that’s not you, and you want to just make an introduction, you can do that as well.

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Honestly, we mainly like the retro-vibe of the typewriter on the right side. It’s also a nice animated page that pays respect to a classic form of communication.

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Ghost Games manages to have a slick, basic contact page that also highlights their brand. Since the people over at Ghost Games create video games, any gamer can quickly identify the Electronic Arts logo and feel the company’s logo belongs in the video game world. A great example of consistent branding.

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A simple contact form that is spiced up with the blue background, along with birds holding up the form. However, our favorite feature of this contact page is the tiny Google map on the left. It’s a different approach to the common location-based theme.

Which one of these contact pages was your favorite? Was there an example that we left out? If so, drop us a comment below.

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