
The tip behind a highway map

In a elementary and naked staffroom with a window unaware a

line of immature African mahogany trees, Dr Le Sy Vinh during a Faculty of

Information Technology during a University of Engineering and Technology –

Vietnam National University in Hanoi (VNU-UET) talks about a dream of

his, and his colleagues, of sequencing a Vietnamese tellurian genome.

Combining both information record and biotechnology, a plan has

the appearance of 12 members from VNU-UET, a VNU Information

Technology Institute, a Hanoi University of Science and Technology

(HUST) and Oxford University.

The genome of a tellurian being contains all of a genetic information

that determines their biological growth and characteristics. Once

the genome of an particular is sequenced and analysed, scientists can

reveal information about a growth routine of that particular and

forecast diseases from that they are during risk of suffering. The genomes

of dual apart people are probably a same with customarily 0.1%


Using specialised apparatus and with consummate analysis, scientists

can pull a map of a tellurian genome like sketch a map of highways. By

following and adding critical information to any “route”, scientists

can establish that genes are obliged for protein metabolism, which

genes means certain diseases and genetic differences that make one

person opposite from another.

Individuals of a same ethnicity customarily bear a common biological

characteristics of that group. If a genomes of many people are

sequenced, we can have a clearer pattern of a biological development

and characteristics of an ethnicity as good as their story of

development and migration. Beyond that, it helps finish a migration

routes of tellurian races on a tellurian anthropomorphic map. Dr Vinh says on

that map, Vietnam stays a puzzling black spot. During their

research, his organisation also paid tighten courtesy to how emigration relates

to a Vietnamese people. According to Dr Vinh, they have achieved some

early formula and will continue a attempt to decode many more


Wide-ranging applications

Adding Vietnam to a list of 20 countries successfully sequencing

the tellurian genome of their peoples is a systematic breakthrough. In the

near future, there will be an focus that can detect some-more than

3,000 genetic disorders in sequence to rise early impediment and

treatment plans. The outcome of a plan will widespread over the


In an talk with Nhan Dan, Dr Le Sy Vinh common his

vision about unsentimental applications for this plan in a future. He

says costs aside, a initial emanate confronting them is building a full

process in sequence to build and analyse a genome of an individual, from

collecting and analysing data, to anticipating out and bargain new


This is a vast and formidable mathematical problem with many

different stages, requiring a extended believe in mixed disciplines

from molecular biology to information technology, generally vast data

processing. Thus building a finish routine that is suitable to

Vietnam’s conditions is a many formidable problem.

Regarding computing capabilities, HUST and VNU-UET have large

computing systems though they are not dedicated to estimate vast maths

problems such as building and analysing a tellurian genome, says Dr Vinh,

adding that they have to pattern an suitable computing routine that

can run on existent systems.

The whole routine from a commencement to a proclamation of the

successful sequencing in 2013 lasted about 3 years. At a finish of

2013, a organisation perceived tender information on a genome of a Vietnamese


The information contained some-more than 108 billion nucleotides

containing a genetic information of that individual. On that basis,

the investigate organisation began building and analysing a genome of this

individual regulating complicated and rarely accurate record and computing

methods on VNU-UET and HUST’s computing systems.

The investigate organisation used bioinformatics methods and collection to build the

genome from tender information collected, and analyse a genome to work out and

understand a differences compared with a customary tellurian genome data

as good as a genomes of other races.

The outcome is that a genome

sequenced by a organisation contained some-more than 3 million

single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) compared with a tellurian reference

genome. Many new SNPs are customarily found in a Vietnamese tellurian genome.

Analytical information also found some other new constructional polymorphisms.

The routine to build and analyse a tellurian genome brings many benefits

to other fields, particularly medicine, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology and

anthropology. More importantly, genetic investigate and investigate will help

doctors digest individually-oriented impediment and treatment


There are many diseases caused by gene mutations and these studies

will act as a predecessor to find damaging changes, thereby discovering

diseases that a chairman could humour from, and operative out surety and

therapeutic measures tailored to that individual. Dr Vinh says in the

future a organisation will work with medical scientists and vast hospitals to

provide this service.

Article source: http://english.vietnamnet.vn/fms/science-it/124074/journey-to-sequence-the-vietnamese-human-genome.html

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