
Ottawa Bicycle Lanes Project family bike - D. Deby photo.

More bike news and events to let you know about:

Ride with confidence: EnviroCentre, Citizens for Safe Cycling and Maison Tucker House are hosting an event for people who want to feel more comfortable riding in the city. City Biking for Nervous Nellies & Fairweather Freds is on Sunday, Nov. 3, 2013 from 3-5 p.m.. It includes a screening of Bike City, Great City with filmmaker David Chernushenko, and a panel discussion about how to cycle with confidence, ride at any age and stay warm and dry no matter the season. It’s at the Mayfair Theatre, 1074 Bank St.; $6 for Mayfair members, $10 nonā€members.

Learn what’s needed: A presentation on Cycling in Cities: What route types are best for motivating cycling? on Monday, Nov. 4, 2013 at City Hall is sold out, but you can find out more from organizers Ottawa Bicycle Lanes Project. The speaker, Kay Teschke, is Professor in the School of Population and Public Health at the University of British Columbia where she’s been conducting research on city cycling and what encourages and discourages people from riding.

Fix your bike: RightBike’s bike sharing season is over, but RightBike is still active. Starting Tuesday, Nov. 5, 2013, RightBike will offer its space for assisted do-it-yourself bike maintenance on the first and third Tuesdays of every month, from 6-9 p.m. Volunteer lead mechanic Murray Soicher, an Ottawa cyclist who’s also worked as a bike mechanic, will be on hand to give advice where needed. Rent a stand for $5 per hour, learn how to maintain your bike or even become a volunteer mechanic. It’s a pretty good deal! 1A McCormick St. just north of Wellington St. West and east of Parkdale Avenue.

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