
There are lots of ways you can be environmentally conscious on vacation; you can reuse towels in the hotel room, turn off all your room lights and electronics, and use as few “freebies” from the hotel room as possible. Other ways you can be environmentally conscious while you're enjoying a trip away from home:

• Carry bottled water with you rather than buying it; refill the bottle rather than throwing it out and getting a new one

• Don't use Styrofoam coffee cups or other Styrofoam containers; they create more waste than paper ones. Carry your own reusable thermos or cup and take bags or foil for restaurant leftovers

• Take your own snacks and food in reusable containers; this will reduce fast food waste

• Use your hotel's e-bill program (if available) and use e-tickets through your airline to reduce paperwork

• Use a regular camera – or, even better, a digital camera – because disposable cameras produce more waste. If you use a digital camera, only print the pictures you like to save photo paper

• Use larger rolls of film – 36 shots rather than 12 or 24 shots – to reduce waste

You will enjoy your vacation more when you know you're caring for Mother Earth as well as relaxing away from home.

For more Green Living tips, visit http://GreenLiving.lifetips.com

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