Nov. 3, 6–8:30 pm
Launch Party
BODY of SF, 333 W. Cordova Rd.
Patrick’s Probiotic Soda Waters.
Nov. 4–5
Quantum Agriculture Workshop
Pueblo of Tesuque Intergenerational Center
Presented by Hugh Lovel. Learn how agriculture works in harmony with nature and how to improve yields, reduce cultivation, eliminate weeds, pests and diseases while building humus. (See ad, page 17) Info: 518.332.3156, 505.699.6408 or Sliding-scale fee. Registration:
Nov. 5, 10 am–2 pm
BAG Flea Market
Palace of the Governors, 110 Washington Ave.
SF Book Arts Group/Palace Press annual multi-vendor arts market. Supplies for mixed-media, assemblage and collage, handmade books and journals, specialty papers, antique books and prints, ephemera, gifts. 505.660.9942,
Nov. 6–9
Indigenous Peoples’ Gathering for Healthy Communities, Culture and Climate
Buffalo Thunder Resort, Pojoaque
The Colorado Plateau Intertribal Conversations Gathering group has invited tribal presenters from North and South America to share ideas about farming, sacred site mandates, community-building strategies, water, language, etc. Registration: $300. 928.774.7488,
Nov. 7, 6 pm
Ancient Co. Plateau Agriculture
Hotel SF
SW Seminars presentation by Sydney and Marie Davis. $12. 505.466.2775,,
Nov. 9, 2–6 pm
IAIA Open House
Institute of American Indian Arts guided tours, exhibition, digital dome screening. Open studios and classrooms. 2–4 pm: Disc golf demo, 3 pm: Bronze pour, 3:30: performing arts showcase, 4 pm: groundbreaking for performing arts/fitness building.
Nov. 9, 3:45–5:15 pm
NM Fresh Fruit & Vegetables for School Meals
NM State Capitol, Rm. 322
Presentation to the NM Economic Development Legislative Interim Committee. NM Food & Agri Policy Council meeting is 1:30–3:30 pm in room 324. Info: 505.660.8403,
Nov. 9–17
Our Land 2: Tracing the Acequia Commons
SF and ABQ
A series of talks, exhibits, films and an acequia walk to advance discourse on land commons and farmland futures. Most events are free. Presented by the Agrarian Trust with support from the Rio Grande Young Farmers’ Alliance, Northern NM Young Farmers Coalition, Food First, Bioneers, SF Farmers’ Market Institute, Slow Money Institute and others.
Nov. 10, 10 am 12 pm
SF Citizens’ Climate Lobby
Higher Education Center, 1950 Siringo Rd.
Meets monthly. Learn about climate change solutions that bridge the partisan divide such as the carbon fee dividend, which gives revenue back to households.,
Nov. 10, 3–4;30 pm
Canyon Gardens: The NM Historic Landscape
SF Botanical Garden, 715 Cam. Lejo
Lecture by Baker Morrow will illustrate characteristics of New Mexican landscape architecture. $10/$5.
Nov. 12, 11 am registration
Bicycle Charity Event
Back Road Pizza, 1807 2nd St. #1
Bike ride, food drive, scavenger hunt. 1:30–3 pm: Finish/after-party. Non-perishable contributions accepted through 11/10.
Nov. 13, 2–5 pm
Super Foods for Best Health
Unity SF, 1212 Unity Way
“Feeding the Crystalline Body.” A workshop with Szuson Wong, RN, Ph.D. $25. 505.989.4433,,
Nov. 14–17
Reservation Economic Summit
Buffalo Thunder Resort
Regional summit hosted by the National Center for American Indian Enterprise Development brings together tribal leaders, elected officials and Native American business representatives. Topics: Energy, procurement, marketing and social media, telecommunications, healthcare, taxation. Gala, trade show, art market. 480.545.1298
Nov. 15, 10 am–2 pm
America Recycles Day
SF Community College
Exhibits and workshops from SFCC and local organizations in main hallway. 505.428.1665
Nov. 15, 5:30–8 pm
Craft Entrepreneurship
WESST, SF Business Incubator, 3900 Paseo del Sol
Optimizing an online store Etsy model interactive workshop. $29. 505.474.6556,
Nov. 16–20
2016 Biodynamic Conference
SF Convention Center
Tierra Viva: Farming the Living Earth. Over 50 workshops, 10 keynote speakers, more than 100 presenters, field trips, food, exhibits. An approach to agriculture that collaborates with the planet to create healthy, vibrant landscapes and nourishing food. 262.649.9212, ext. 2,
Nov. 17, 6 pm
Photographic Journey Down the Old Rio Grande
Collected Works Books
Presented by Melissa Savage, introduced by William deBuys.
Nov. 18–20
Fall Fiber Fiesta
Scottish Rite Temple, 463 Paseo de Peralta
Handmade, local, hands-on demos, kids activities. 11/18, 5–7 pm: Artist Reception. Music by Cipriano Vigil. Silent auction. $10; 11/19–20: Show & sale. Free admission.,
Nov. 19–20
Contemporary Clay Fair
SF Women’s Club
More than 30 NM potters and clay artists. 505.913.1235,
Nov. 19–25
SEED: The Untold Story – SF Premiere
CCA Cinemateque
New award-winning film about protecting our 12,000-year legacy features Vandana Shiva, Dr. Jane Goodall, Winona Laduke and others. Director Taggart Siegel will present a Q&A with Tesuque Pueblo farm director/seed saver Emigdio Ballon following the 11/16 screening.
Nov. 21, 6 pm
Hopi Traditions and Water
Hotel SF
SW Seminars presentation by Lyle Balenquah, M.A. Where does the river go? $12. 505.466.2775,,
Nov. 22, 6–7:30
Hablando de Nosotros
Higher Education Center, 1950 Siringo Rd.
Talking about Ourselves. Free community conversation series. “What does “Hispanic” mean to you and in Santa Fe?” 505.428.1467
Nov. 25 Application Deadline
Recycle SF Art Festival
Applications sought for trash fashion show and youth juried art exhibit. The festival at the SF Convention Center, from Dec. 2–4, showcases art created from discarded materials.
Nov. 28, 6 pm
Historic NM River Crossings
Hotel SF
SW Seminars presentation by ecologist Dr. Bryan Brown and photographer Gary Casio. $12. 505.466.2775,,
Dec. 4–7
Nuclear Summit 2016
SF Convention Center
National symposium about nuclear weapons presented by Creative SF. 20–30 interdisciplinary leaders will be immersed in the history of nuclear weapons, discuss present-day nuclear threats and explore “what if” scenarios. Keynote speakers include former secretary of defense William Perry. 12/4: Public discussion at the Lensic.
Dec. 5, 6 pm
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