








May 1, 12–4 pm Opening

Lowriders, Hoppers and Hot Rods

NM History Museum, 113 Lincoln Ave.

Car Culture of Northern NM. Exhibit’s opening events include 2 pm lecture by Travis Ruiz. Through March 5, 2017. 505.476.5019, www.nmhistorymuseum.org

May 4 Start

Herbal Medicine Intensive

Six weeks of hands-on learning with local plants taught by Tomas Enos and Stefan Link of the Milagro School of Herbal Medicine. Limited to 10 people. 505.820.6321.

May 4, 8–9:30 am

National Bike to School Day Rides

SFCC Fitness Education Center

Celebrate a new extension of SF’s “Grand Unified Trails System” with a bike convoy starting from 3 locations. Followed by a ride back toward town between 9:30 and 10:30. www.sfct.org/event/bike-to-school-day-and-guts-celebration?instance_id=81043

May 4, 9–11 am

Managing Communication Assets

SF Community Foundation, 501 Halona St.

An overview of storage solutions and best practices for file management with MediaDesk staff. For nonprofit organizations. Sliding scale: $50/$35/$20. https://www.santafecf.org/registration?

May 6, 4-6 pm Opening

The Ecozoic Era: Plant/Seed/Soil

State Capitol

Art, ideas, seed exchange, refreshments. bobbebird@gmail.com

May 7, 8:30 am–4:30 pm

NM’s Opioid and Overdose Epidemic

SF Convention Center

Conference for clinical and behavioral health providers. Hosted by the SF Prevention Alliance. Info: 505.470.9072, SantaFePreventionAlliance@gmail.com, Registration: https://southwestcare.ejoinmen.org/SOS

May 7, 9 am–3 pm

12th Annual Garden Fair

SF County Fairgrounds, 3229 Rodeo Rd.

Speakers, clinics, demos, exhibits, plant sale, kids corner. Presented by SF Master Gardeners. Free. Sfmga.org

May 7, 10 am–12 pm

Drip Irrigation

Railyard Community Rm.

Presentation by Bob Wood, SF water conservation specialist, on design, types and how to make the systems effective. Free. 505.316.3516, www.railyardpark.org

May 7–8, 10 am–4 pm

Kindred Spirits Open House

Annual spring open house/party for senior dogs, horses and poultry. Educational talks and demonstrations by wellness caregivers. Free. 505.471.5366, www.kindredspirtsnm.org

May 7, 7 pm

How to Let Go of the World

CCA, 1050 Old Pecos Tr.

New film from the award winning “Gasland” director Josh Fox, who will be present. $20. Benefits New Energy Economy. 505.989.7262, www.NewEnergyEconomy.org

May 7, 7 pm

Lifesongs in Concert

The Lensic

The culmination of months of collaboration among elders, artists, community members, youth and people in hospice. $10/12 & under free. Ticketssantafe.org, Info: 505.995.1860, www.aloveoflearning.org

May 8, 1–4 pm

Barrio de Analco Tour

Meet at SF Properties, 1000 Paseo de Peralta

Historic SF Foundation’s walking tour of 4 properties. Park in PERA lot. $7-$12 adv./$10-$15. Children under 16 free with accompanying adult. 505.983.2567, Jacqueline@historicsantafe.org, www.historicsantafe.org/news.html

May 8, 2 pm

SF Concert Band

Federal Park lawn

Free annual concert.

May 8, 7 pm

City of Dreamers

The Lensic

Student-produced short films. Littleglobe’s culminating event from a year’s work with student, families and residents of SFs Southside. Plus live music performance. Tickets: 505.988.1234, Ticketssantafe.org

May 10, 9 am

Water Quality Control Commission Meeting

State Capitol, Rm. 309

Public meeting.

May 10, 5:30–7 pm

Trends in the Arts & Cultural Sector

NM History Museum Auditorium, 113 Lincoln

Presentation by Robert L. Lynch, president/CEO of Americans for the Arts. Free but tickets must be obtained online. 505.955.6707

May 11, 11:30 am–1 pm

Cultural Trends in Marketing

SF Business Incubator, 3900 Paseo del Sol

Fuel your small business. Lunch-n-Learn from a panel of marketing experts. Free. 505.474.6556, rperea@wesst.org

May 11, 5–8:30 pm

Farms, Films, Food

CCA, 1050 Old Pecos Tr.

Food trucks, food demos, 6:30 pm screening of Symphony of the Soil and Boy and the World, followed by Skype interview with filmmaker Deborah Koons Garcia

May 13, 6 pm

Wild & Free

El Dorado Community School

Performance explores endangered species, their habitats and care for the Earth. Free. 505.231.5869

May 14, 8 am–3 pm

SF Green Festival

El Museo at the SF Railyard

Green building design & home technology. Electric plug-in vehicles, renewable energy technologies, green products & services, water conservation & harvesting, exhibits for kids, organic foods, fair-trade art. Presentations on all things green and sustainable. SF Green Chamber of Commerce: 505.428.9123, glenn@nmgreenchamberocom, santafegreenchamber.org

May 14, 9–10 am

Community Cruise

2nd St. to the Plaza

Bike to Work Week is May 14–19. This is a slow bike ride along old and new urban trails. http://santafempo.org/bicycle-master-plan/bike-to-work-week/

May 14, 10 am–10 pm


Santa Fe Plaza

Local entertainment, food truck vendors, nonprofit and government agency exhibits. Application deadline: May 6, noon. 505.955.2146, cmsanchez@ci.santa-fe.nm.us, www.santafenm.gov

May 14, 9–10 am

Citizen’s Climate Lobby

La Montanita Co-op Community Rm., 913 W. Alameda

Working for climate change solutions that bridge the partisan divide like Carbon Fee/Dividend, which gives back to households. Lisas.ccl@gmail.com

May 14, 10 am–12 pm

Native Bee Walk and Bee House Tour

Railyard Community Rm.

Free. 505.316.3596, www.railyardpark.org

May 14, 11 am–5 pm

1st Annual Yogathon

Railyard Park

Kundalini yoga, music, dance, food, educational activities, children’s class. 7–8:30 pm: concert by DJ Liquid Bloom at the Railyard Performance Center. $25. Fundraiser for Community Meditation Garden at Yoga Santa Fe. 432.270.3431, purestpotentialfundraiser.com

May 15 and 22

Intro to Apiculture

Plants of the SW, Agua Fria

Beekeeping in NM part 2. $65. 505.901.2102, www.ziaqueenbees.com/zia

May 18, 6–7:30 pm

NM Solar Energy Assn.

Amenergy, 1202 Parkway Dr.

Sustainable Everything Advocates (NMSEA Chapter) meets third Weds. each month. claudia@solarlogicllc.com

May 20, 5 pm

ArtSpring Gala

The Lensic

NM School for the Arts benefit. Reception followed by student performances. $125. 505.988.1234, Ticketssantafe.org

May 20, 5:30 pm

The Legacy of Lloyd Kiva New and IAIA

NM Museum of Art, 107 W. Palace

Finding a Contemporary Voice. Works by Institute of American Indian Arts faculty and alumni. Free public reception.

May 21, 8 am–12 pm

World Bicycle Relief

SpinDoc, 628 Old Las Vegas Hwy.

Indoor cycling fundraiser. WBR give bikes to people in underdeveloped nations. $10/hr. suggested donation. 505.603.6112, chandler@spindoc.com, www.spindoc.com

May 21, 10 am–12 pm

Garden Pest Management

Railyard Park Community Room (behind Site SF)

Integrated Pest Management program director Victor Lucero will discuss common NM pests, and how to protect your garden and trees. Free. 505.316.3596, www.railyardpark.org

May 21, 10 am–1 pm

Legal Clinic for Artists and Creatives

SF Business Incubator, 3900 Paseo del Sol

Get answers from legal professionals. 505.474.6556, rperea@wesst.org.

Register by May 13: https://www.wesst.org/training-event/legal-clinic-for-artists-and-creatives-2/

May 22, 10 am–4 pm

Sustainable Kitchens and Solar Cooking

Learn about solar cookers, cooking techniques, cookware, canning in solar ovens and preservation techniques. Ampersandproject.org

May 22, 10 am–4 pm

Lowrider Day

Santa Fe Plaza

10 am procession of cars from Ft. Marcy to the Plaza. Displays, demos and awards. Free.

May 23, 6 pm

Jaguar Petroglyphs

Hotel Santa Fe, 1501 Paseo de Peralta

SW Seminars lecture series. Jornada Research Institute associate Joan E. Price will present her findings with a power point presentation on the Mimbres style Three River Petroglyph Site. $12. 505.466.2775

May 24

Business Marketing Intensive

SF Higher Education Center, 1950 Siringo Rd.

9–11 am: Measure Your Marketing Campaign ($25); 1–3 pm: 60 Ways to Grow Your Contact List ($25). $40 for both. Presented by Lynne Markus. Sponsored by the SF Small Business Development Center. 505.428.1343, julianna.gutierrez@sfcc.edu

May 28, 10 am–4 pm

High Desert Gardening

Learn timing for starting seeds indoor and surviving spring winds, pests and sun. Soil preparation, staged plantings, intercropping, Permaculture strategies. Ampersandproject.org

May 28–29

Native Treasures

SF Convention Center

Indian Arts Festival. Museum-quality work. Over 200 artists. 5/27, 5:30–7:30: Pre-show celebration ($125), 5/28, 9–10 am: Early birds ($25), 10 am–5 pm: General admission ($10), 5/29, 10 am–5 pm: free. http://nativetreasures.org

May 28, 7–11:30 pm

Culture vol3

Warehouse 21

Multicultural event for all ages featuring poets, dancers, live painters, live music. Sweetmammajama@gmail.com, $5-$10 suggested donation.

June 3, Aug. 5, 10 am–1 pm

Free Legal Clinics

First Judicial Court, 225 Montezuma Ave.

For low-income New Mexicans.  First Friday every other month. Attorneys provide free legal advice on civil matters only (no family or criminal law) on a first come, first serve basis limited to the first 25 people. Bring relevant paperwork. NM Legal Aid’s Volunteer Attorney Program. 505.814.5033, ajab@nmlegalaid.org

June 4, 1–5 pm


Railyard Park

Pop-up carnival of games and activities created from reused materials. A day of fun-filled resourcefuless. 505.695.1005, Juliana@reunityresources.com

June 11-12

SF Natl. Forest

Endurance Ride

Benefits nonprofit Listening Horse Therapeutic Riding Program, which serves most disabled participants free of charge. $110/$90/$50. 505.670.3577, laurie@listeninghorse.org, www.listeninghorse.org

July 24–31

2016 UNM Summer Writers’ Conference

Drury Plaza Hotel

18th annual gathering. Formerly held in Taos. Named as one of the top ten writers’ conferences in the U.S. Weeklong and weekend workshops in fiction, poetry, nonfiction and more. Keynote reading by Sandra Cisneros. 505.277.5572, https://unmwritersconf.unm.edu

Through July

Community Workshop Series

Railyard Park Community Room behind Site SF

Learn relevant gardening techniques from a team of experts. All ages welcome. Free. 505.316.3596, Jason@railyardpark.org, www.railyardpark.org/programs/

Sundays, 10 am-4 pm

Railyard Artisan Market

Farmers’ Market Pavilion, 1607 Paseo de Peralta

Local artists, textiles, jewelry, ceramics, live music. 505.983.4098, Francesca@santafefarmersmarket.com, artmarketsantafe.com

1st and 3rd Tuesdays, 5:30-7 pm

Design Lab for Sustainable Neighborhoods

Higher Education Center, 1950 Siringo Rd., Rm. 139

Affordable living in SF?

Join in to design and build mixed-use Santa Fe infill. Topics examples: Flexible 350 micro-units, clusters with shared facilities, cooperative ownership. Info/RSVP: http://bit.ly/1ibd3LN

Saturdays, 8 am-1 pm

Santa Fe Farmers’ Market

1607 Paseo de Peralta (& Guadalupe)

Northern NM farmers & ranchers offer fresh greenhouse tomatoes, greens, root veggies, cheese, teas, herbs, spices, honey, baked goods, body care products and much more. www.santafefarmersmarket.com

May 4 start

Herbal Medicine Intensive

Milagro School of Herbal Medicine

Six-week intensive offers hands-on learning about local plants, taught by Tomas Enos and Stefan Link. Registration: 505.820.6321, info@milagroherbs.com, wwwmilagroschoolofherbalmedicine.com

Through July 31

Lloyd Kiva New: Art, Design and Influence

Museum of Contemporary Native Arts, 108 Cathedral Pl.

Exhibition honoring the late Cherokee artist/educator/IAIA director and his work. (North Gallery continues through Sept. 11) 505.983.1666, www.iaia.edu/museum.

Through Dec. 30

A New Century: The Life and Legacy of Lloyd Kiva New

Museum of Indian Arts and Culture, 710 Cam. Lejo

Fashion designs, art, photos and archival documents. 505.476.1269, indianartsandculture.org

Become a Site Steward

Santa Fe National Forest

Monitor archeological and historical sites on a regular basis for evidence of natural deterioration or vandalism. www.sfnfsitestewards.org

Santa Fe Creative Tourism Workshops, Classes and Experiences


Borrow a Kill-A-Watt Device

Main Library and Southside Branch

Electricity Measuring Devices may be checked out for 28 days www.santafelibrary.org or call any reference desk.

Santa Fe Recycling

Make 2016 the year to reduce, reuse and recycle as much as you can. City residential curbside customers can recycle at no additional cost and drop by 1142 Siler Road, Building A to pick up free recycling bins. For more information, visit http://www.santafenm.gov/trash_and_recycling or call 505.955.2200 (city); 505.992.3010 (county); 505.424.1850 (SF Solid Waste Management Agency).

Sustainable Growth Management Plan for SF County

Hard copies $20, CDs $2. Contact Melissa Holmes, 505.995.2717 or msholmes@santafecounty.org. The SGMP is also available on the county website: www.santafecounty.org/growth_management/sgmp and can be reviewed at SF Public libraries and the County Administrative Building, 102 Grant Ave.

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