
I have trouble focusing on games or even home chores. I enjoy greatly to watch political news, see how the latest events unfolded. I endorsed Donald Trump when 99% of the pundits, journalists and politicians called him a joke. I've been supporting my own PM for years, one of the four in-office leaders who endorsed him. I took some serious trolling for these, as you can expect. Not as much as Ann Coulter, but still. After watching my predictions coming true and history is being made right front of my eyes, it's hard to just stop watching the 9145th "SWJ cries over Hillary lost" videos.

But the thing is that I did not made this history. Sure, I might influenced a few votes, considering that I have nearly 2K readers from the US and sure I predicted it. But let's be frank: if I didn't born, Trump would still be president-elect (and Orbán Hungarian PM). It's great to be right when so many were wrong. But one day I'll surely stop being. I should do something instead that can outlast me. I have to make peace with that it won't be a World-shattering event. I won't be the next KellyAnne Conway or Ann Coulter. But it's no excuse to not do something smaller.

Showing people a rigged matchmaker looks almost nothing to showing rigged national polls. Showing people how corrupted devs abuse them in a game looks almost nothing to making New York Times send a letter to subscribers humbly promising that they'll be fair and unfavored reporters from now on. But little is much more than nothing. Maybe you will be a President somewhere. Hell maybe you'll be the first female POTUS. And maybe learning not to trust corrupted devs, question official results and refusing to carry morons and slackers contributes to your great journey.

That is worth blogging for. So no more liberal tears videos or laughing over "pundit trying to explain how he was right while everything he predicted was wrong" articles. I have a huge dataset to work with, so off I go working with it. See you on Monday with data!

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