
Paying close attention to the return on investment (ROI) of any attorney marketing strategy is important to ensure that your law firm is not wasting money. Legal advertising is often expensive, and therefore attorneys should consistently strive to improve their existing techniques and eliminate those that perform poorly. Fortunately, there are many methods available to attorneys for measuring return on investment. Many of these methods are easily accessed and inexpensive for the legal professional concerned about the associated costs.

What are some tools that can be used for tracking return on investment? The following is an overview of five of the most popular methods.

Call measurement. Assign a specific phone number to each individual attorney marketing campaign. When calls come in on each number, the success of that particular campaign can be measured.

Call recording. Record the calls that are generated by a legal marketing strategy in order to identify and improve areas of weakness.

Software. Download return-on-investment software that offers real-time information pertaining to the evaluation, tracking, and recording of new calls.

Return-on-investment tracking services. Hire a marketing company that does all of the legwork of tracking and analyzing return on investment data.

Web analytics. Use search engine optimization software to collect statistics and to analyze the page views of the law firm website, the offers downloaded, the keyword searches that ultimately lead to the law firm, and what other websites drive traffic to the law firm’s page.

For more information about tracking the return on investment of your lawyer advertising ideas, contact the experts at Great Legal Marketing. Fill out our online form or call our office at 703-591-9829.

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