
This post talks about creating a text effect where each letter seems to be made of a circuit. I have discovered it by chance, but it's nice and looks kind of futuristic, so I decided to share it with you.

If you want to create this one, open this free online text effect generator and put these values there:

- Text: CIRCUIT (type what you want);

- Font size: Normal;

- Margin: 5;

- Background color: 006000;

- Font name: Abduction2002.

Making as explained, you can get a text effect that looks like this (click the image for a full size viewing):

Extra tips:

- it's a really tricky effect. I have used a silver text effect that applied to the chosen font gives us that circuit look;

- there is no very special reason for that background color (I selected this color just to highlight the circuit text). You can try any color you like and see if it generates a good composition;

- you can get many beautiful and imaginative text effects by using this big amount of online text effect generators.

Is there a text effect you would like to see here? You can ask for it commenting here or sending me an e-mail.

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