
One of the reasons I started Grad Meets World in November 2010 was to hold myself accountable while I created my post-grad life. For instance, I would publicly announce that I was going to make a budget and then write a later post with the update.

This time around I figured it would be a great idea to do a monthly report with any new goals or wins for GMW – whether I’m saving for a trip, landing a new client, have some guest posts published or got some sort of media mention. Not only will it let you all know what’s going on around these parts, it will also help me see exactly where I am and where I need to go with my own goals.

So here’s the first installment, June 2012. (Yes, I am aware that it’s July 5. I promise in the future these will be more timely.)


Money is always coming up on this blog isn’t it? Well, it with good reason. Since applying for my life coaching certification and my trip to Virgina/DC I pretty much had to start over in the money and savings department. What better way to track my progress and keep myself motivated than publicly announcing my money? Yes, for the first time I will actually be putting numbers on this blog for 3 reasons: first, to show you that you can start from almost nothing, second to show you that perseverance can get you far, and third to show you that even post-recession college grad salaries can build wealth over time. I hope it inspires some of you to start watching your money more closely

Cash: $5,229.95 (-45.56)

Index Funds and Bonds: 572.11 (+12.11)

Roth IRA: $1,713.21 (+ $113.00)

ImpulseSave: 330.68 (+202.33)

Debt:  - 175.02

Current Net Worth: $7,670.93 (+ 281.88)

Credit: 764 – Excellent (-1)

Savings Goals:




Life Coaching Certification:

I’ve completed Level 1 of classes! That’s 22 hours of teleclass and the corresponding reflection assignments on the forum. I’ve also made significant strides with my peer coach and my first external client in addition to starting to draft my very own coaching model. I feel like I’ve made some significant progress for the first time since starting this process at the end of April.

Here’s a run down of my progress (excluding creating my coaching model, developing my coaching tool, recordings and a research paper)

Level 1: Complete (22/22 classes, 11 reflections)

Level 2: 6/22 classes, 5/11 reflections completed

Level 3: 0/16 hours, 0/8 reflections

Level 4: 0/16 classes, 0/8 reflections

Level 5: 0/14 classes, 0/7 reflections

Supervised Coaching: 0/12 sessions

Coaching Practicum: 6/16 classes

Peer Coaching: 11/24 sessions

Peer Client 1: 0/12 Sessions

Peer Client 2: 0/12 sessions

Peer Client 3: 0/12 sessions

External Client 1: 3/12 sessions

External Client: 6/12 sessions

I’m kind of exhausted just looking at that. It’s a lot of work but the effects of taking this course have been amazing thus far! If you’re interested in learning more about my life coaching services click here.

Health and Fitness:

June marks six months of a regular yoga practice! That’s the longest I have ever kept up with any sort of exercise – ever!  Granted, it’s gotten kind of wonky the last few weeks as I adjust my schedule due to classes, but the point is I’m still getting my butt to the yoga studio every week and I’m loving everything from the Sun Salutations to the Savasanas.

On days when I can’t go to yoga I’ve started to supplement with at-home yoga or, if I’m feeling really energetic, I rock the Zumba DVDs. What could be better than an exercise regimen consisting of yoga and latin dancing? For me the answer is well…nothing.


Side Hustling and Blogging:

My uber cool friend and co-worker took some awesome pictures of me in June! I’d never had any professional-like pictures taken and figured it was about damn time. Make sure to check them all out by becoming a fan on Facebook. Also, make sure to check out Amanda Soler Photography (if you’re in Miami and need some photos make sure to hit her up!)


Featured In:

Grad Meets World was featured in quite a few places this month! Check it out:

Leaving Work Behind: 100 Blogs You Need In Your Life- Grad Meets World was featured on LWB’s 100 Blogs You Need in Your Life - a very insightful resource post that even warranted getting picked up by Darren Rowse of ProBlogger! Make sure to check out the other amazing blogs on this list!

Careful Cents:  Top Five Favorite Posts from June – Carrie’s made some significant strides in her blogging by getting picked up by the Huffington Post not once, but twice!! I’m so proud of my fellow financial blogger and was honored that she found my video blog about life balance being bs so entertaining! Click here to check out Carrie’s progress report where she features her wins and her faves from the month of June (including me! )

All Groan Up: Best Websites for Twentysomethings  - Paul Angone featured me as one of the best websites for twentysomethings! I’m under the Rocking Life as a TwentySomething category

Popular GMW Posts from June:

Is Starting a Business After College a Good Idea?

3 Ways Your Blog Can Make You Money Without Being Sleazy

Why Life Balance is Bullsh*t

5 Steps for Getting Your Finances in Order After College

Faves from Across the Web:

Fun Ways to Save Money: 6 Tips to Save on Starbucks - ImpulseSave (As a self-procalimed coffee addict I couldn’t resist)

Finding Pillars of Uncertainty Amidst The Walls of the Unknown – Pure gold as usual from Jenny Blake over at Life After College!

The Secret to Getting a Better Job – Classy Career Girl

You Have Permission – It Starts With

Declare Yourself – Life Without Pants

That’s all for June folks! Feel free to share any of your wins for the month of June in the comments section

Amanda Abella

Amanda Abella is a Gen Y blogger, freelance writer and life coach that has been featured in online publications such as Forbes and The Consumerist. Her blog was also named one of the 100 Blogs You Need in Your Life by Leaving Work Behind. Her experience working in career consulting, her adventures in entrepreneurship and her passion for the success of Gen Y has led her to create a community of millenials who strive to create the post-grad lives they dream of. She is available for hire for writing and life coaching.

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