
So far in Toronto, 2015 has welcomed us with a deep freeze. As much as I do love winter in Canada, I really wouldn’t mind being on a tropical beach right about now. Since many of us may not be lucky enough to jet off somewhere hot anytime soon, why not treat ourselves with tropical beauty DIY instead? After all, our skin will need a lot of extra TLC during these frosty months!

Since Jax Coco — who produces the chicest and most sustainable coconut products on the market — recently launched its organic, extra virgin, centrifuged coconut oil, I thought it only made sense to share their DIY recipe for a Himalayan Rock Salt Body Scrub with Jax Coco Coconut Oil. Sounds pretty good, doesn’t it? Best of all, the recipe literally involves 2 ingredients and takes less than 2 minutes!

Here’s how to make it:


2 tbsp Jax Coco Organic Extra Virign Centrifuged Coconut Oil

2 tbsp Himalayan Rock Salt


- Warm the Jax Coco Organic Extra Virign Centrifuged Coconut Oil for about 10 seconds in the microwave.

- Mix in Himalayam rock salt

- Rub into skin focusing on any rough patches, wait 2 minutes, then hop in the shower to rinse off.

If you are not already familiar with the incredible beauty benefits of a high quality organic coconut oil, such as Jax Coco‘s, here are few celeb-favourite coconut oil beauty tips from the most beauty-savvy celebrities:

Blake Lively: “Comb it through the ends of your hair before shampooing to avoid dry locks.”

Miranda Kerr: “For sensitive eyes, use it to remove heavy eye makeup.”

Lauren Conrad: “Leave a little bit on the base of your eyelashes to help them grow.”




The post DIY Beauty: Himalayan Rock Salt Body Scrub with Jax Coco Coconut Oil! appeared first on Gracie Carroll.

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