
(Baran Hines)  The essence of the infor­ma­tion war is the timely inter­jec­tion, dis­tor­tion or omis­sion of news events. Reports can min­i­mize, omit or basi­cally bury key news sto­ries that require analy­sis while mag­ni­fy­ing oth­ers which are of lesser impor­tance to the keen, ana­lyt­i­cal mind.

While the Bat­man mas­sacre is tragic, the buzz in the so called alter­na­tive media cir­cle is cen­tered around the litany of ongo­ing sto­ries that will be sti­fled in the week to come by the main­stream media’s focus on the Aurora, CO shoot­ing. Beyond that, the analy­sis you read here is not all pre­sented as 100% fact, some con­clu­sions are pre­sented in light of other evi­dence, and where noted, some are spec­u­la­tive based on edu­cated the­ory. In this era of total media bom­bard­ment, to the point of over­load, some events have to be con­sid­ered beyond just what is con­firmed in print or on video and must be eval­u­ated in the full con­text of pos­si­ble human behav­ior.

1. The Amer­i­can Oppo­si­tion To The UN Arms Trade Treaty (AKA Small Arms Treaty)

This meme cir­cu­lat­ing Face­book that com­ments on the highly sus­pi­cious tim­ing of this hor­rific event really should put it in per­spec­tive how fishy things are about to get.

The con­tro­versy is brew­ing over wide spec­u­la­tion that this was a false flag “ter­ror” event and mas­sive psy­cho­log­i­cal oper­a­tion, not just directed at the Amer­i­can ppl, but the sen­ti­ment towards America’s guns around the world.

If you are new to this realm of news, in short, that last sen­tence means this event may have been planned and exe­cuted by peo­ple with an agenda, pos­si­bly with ties to or within gov­ern­ment and/or intel­li­gence agen­cies. The sug­ges­tion of this may be repul­sive to you, but there is a long his­tory ofstaged ter­ror by gov­ern­ments.

Analy­sis of the tell-tale signs of a seem­ingly staged event can be found at Nat­ural News and Infowars, among other sites. For the sake of brevity in this arti­cle, we encour­age you to read those break­downs. We are just briefly pars­ing the cor­re­la­tion and tim­ing of this event with the road­blocks in the way of the UN treaty.

Does this look like some­thing a broke PhD stu­dent could afford?

First, con­sider the large scale oppo­si­tion in Amer­ica to an inter­na­tional shred­ding of the Sec­ond Amend­ment that crys­tal­lized when 130 law­mak­ers sent a signed let­ter to Pres­i­dent Obama express­ing seri­ous con­cern. Since then, many main­stream news out­lets like Forbes and the DC Exam­iner have expressed con­cern in the “fine print” as stated by the Examiner’s Dave Work­man. Even the some­times news “man­u­fac­tur­ers” over at Fox News are increas­ingly con­cerned by this. Alex Jones remarked Sun­day that every­thing else aside, one unde­ni­able fact is that recently there has been heavy cov­er­age of the Sec­ond Amend­ment issues cre­ated by this UN treaty prior to the Aurora, Col­orado shoot­ing. The Her­itage Foun­da­tion noted the treaty would affect “Legally Owned Weapons” back in June despite UN efforts to dis­pel Sec­ond Amend­ment fears with it’s “Myths and facts”. They even went as far to say watch out for “U.S. taxpayer-funded funded U.N. pro­pa­ganda in a news­pa­per near you”, in the same arti­cle.

The most obvi­ous con­cern in alter­na­tive media is the way the Bat­man mas­sacre will be exploited by the New World Order, glob­al­ists or oth­ers that fur­ther their cause, or sim­ply those that want to elim­i­nate guns for the masses, but not for their own secu­rity. This hyp­o­crit­i­cal nar­ra­tive is one often over­looked by sup­port­ers of var­i­ous lev­els of added gun reg­u­la­tion or out­right bans. The glob­al­ists are experts at this kind of manip­u­la­tion of pub­lic opin­ion. Many are attracted by the “promise” of increased safety, but the pic­ture below should give you pause for con­cern. It had been cir­cu­lat­ing the inter­net on Face­book and alter­na­tive media cir­cles prior to the Bat­man mas­sacre.

This one going around after­wards.

FB link

This arti­cle high­lights the var­i­ous ele­ments of this treaty includ­ing bans, con­fis­ca­tion and other restric­tions, with fur­ther analy­sis here. Gun destruc­tion is another real­ity occur­ring that would expand, see the 600 small arms and light weapons recently destroyed in Ivory Coast in the wake of ongo­ing polit­i­cal tur­moil being “fixed” by UN inter­ven­tion. Dis­arm­ing the peo­ple is another ben­e­fit of a glob­al­ist occu­pa­tion of coun­tries now (Sound like an Amer­i­can future?).

In this charged atmos­phere, extreme things are said and put into action and maybe it’s impor­tant to keep these themes and memes in mind?

2. The Post-Batman Mas­sacre ram­page by Ana­heim, CA police that you haven’t heard about

While the media cir­cled around the Bat­man mas­sacre, Ana­heim PD responded to a call which led to a foot chase and even­tual shoot­ing of the sus­pect. The neigh­bor­hood was out­raged upon learn­ing the details and began to protest, some reports say they began to get vio­lent, allegedly sur­round­ing the offi­cers try­ing to fin­ish the crime scene inves­ti­ga­tion.

The way it sounds, both police and res­i­dents were out of hand. This occurred in a high minor­ity area where there is a tense rela­tion­ship between them and the police and was made worse by the ques­tion­able cir­cum­stances of the shoot­ing. The con­tro­versy is mainly over the indis­crim­i­nant fir­ing into the crowd which included numer­ous chil­dren. Numer­ous pro­test­ers raised their shirts to reveal welts from “non-lethal” rub­ber bul­let rounds and pep­per balls.

There are con­flict­ing reports of what hap­pened, reports say the crowd had vary­ing lev­els of dis­or­derly cit­i­zens. NBC LA reports some wreck­less police actions includ­ing a police dog get­ting out of a squad that attacked a stroller with an infant and then a bystander who was “mauled” while sav­ing the infant. They also report dis­crep­an­cies in the crowd actions com­pared to other reports and pos­si­bly mis­con­duct regard­ing the shoot­ing of the sus­pect.

“He was shot first in the back,” she told NBC4 through tears. “He was down. Then they shot him the sec­ond time. Then they shot him in the head.“

Other reports men­tion he was shot in the but­tocks and then “struck in the head“

Then con­sider this from the LA Times

“After the shoot­ing, and while police were inves­ti­gat­ing the inci­dent, Dunn said a group of peo­ple encir­cled the offi­cers and began throw­ing things, includ­ing bot­tles and pos­si­bly rocks, at them.

Police used non-lethal rounds and pep­per balls on the crowd, Dunn said, and at least one per­son was detained.

One har­row­ing moment was when a police dog some­how got free from an officer’s car and went at sev­eral peo­ple. Dunn said it was unclear if any­one had been bit­ten or injured. “The offi­cer was quickly able to get the dog back into the vehi­cle,” Dunn said.”

That reads very dif­fer­ent from the NBC LA story and even the mid­dle of the road ABC story. There’s reports of peo­ple lin­ing the streets with trash cans, set­ting dump­sters on fire, even throw­ing a mat­tress on the debris pile. Those reports couldn’t all be con­firmed, even with video of the events.

It seems appar­ent also from this video that the crowd of pro­test­ers weren’t exactly angels. It’s rea­son­able to assume that in a large crowd, there will be at least one insti­ga­tor or even idiot. There may be a per­son that sim­ply makes a bad choice to throw some­thing, it’s just the law of aver­ages and ran­dom dis­tri­b­u­tion.

The police chief was quoted as say­ing “Trans­parency is essen­tial. What­ever the truth is, we will own it.” With that said, what’s more alarm­ing pos­si­bly is the report from the Raw Story.

Accord­ing to reporter Jay Jack­son, dozens of peo­ple were film­ing the event with their cell­phones, and four dif­fer­ent peo­ple told him “that police offi­cers offered to buy their video from them with­out any explanation.”

If that’s true, it’s trou­bling since there should be no rea­son to buy the videos. What­ever the videos show will not change, short of some­thing extra­or­di­nary, so what­ever hap­pens to the video should be ok with the police depart­ment. When the tape even­tu­ally comes out, it should par­al­lel the inves­ti­ga­tion, again, leav­ing no rea­son to attempt to buy the videos. So why attempt to buy it? The ulti­mate point is that one arti­cle or news report gen­er­ally will not give you enough info to form a con­sen­sus. If one really wants to know what hap­pened, one must con­sider all angles, ask rea­son­able and some­times seem­ingly unrea­son­able ques­tions.

3. The Mid­dle East is a pow­der keg more than ever as WW3 looms, pos­si­bly begin­ning in Syria:

The Syria sit­u­a­tion is drag­ging on, and here is a good expla­na­tion of the dis­info com­ing out of the region. Things have been exac­er­bated by Syria shoot­ing down a Turk­ish jet that crossed into it’s air­space. Fears were height­ened with Turkey being a NATO mem­ber. Since then, the glob­al­ists try­ing to desta­bi­lize Syria have turned up the heat with fake WMD threats and after shenani­gans like the false flag mas­sacre at Houla and try­ing to kill jour­nal­ists haven’t worked out to an inter­na­tional solu­tion even after the evil Kofi Annan’s efforts.

Over the last week, rebels seize 3 bor­der cross­ings amid new fronts in Aleppo and the cap­i­tal Dam­as­cus.

Now comes the news that Turkey moves mis­sile bat­ter­ies to the Syria bor­der.

The glob­al­ists want it and Rus­sia isn’t back­ing down start­ing with keep­ing their lone naval port out­side of Rus­sia.

4. The Bul­garia bus bomb­ing that sup­pos­edly tar­geted Israelis

Israel rou­tinely stages ter­ror­ist attacks, see that ear­lier guide to gov­ern­ment ter­ror. Now a bus blows up in Bul­garia and Israel seeks to lay it at the feet of Iran. They are just itch­ing to get the war started. This arti­cle high­lights the motives and evi­dence

5. Hillary Clinton’s “unre­ported” assas­si­na­tion attempt

In a strange twist, there are hazy reports of an assas­si­na­tion attempt on Hillary Clin­ton in ISRAEL. Itwasn’t reported by west­ern media, mainly by Ara­bic news chan­nels. It’s easy to under­stand why Israel wouldn’t want to look weak by let­ting that report get out. If it did hap­pen, why not tell the Amer­i­can peo­ple? It clearly came out in the rest of the media. So who’s lying? No denial from the gov­ern­ment?

6. Iran and Straits of Hor­muz news

This one is halfway between war and eco­nomic risks. We won’t bore you with the BS of nuclear nego­ti­a­tions. More inter­est­ingly, this arti­cle really says it all, 3 US Navy air­craft car­ri­ers now in the Mid­dle East with fourth en route. The rhetoric from Israel and the US makes it clear that régime change will come and that’s all over the web so we’ll move on to a pos­si­bly more short term threat. The Straits of Hor­muz con­cern flared a few months ago but that seems like old his­tory given when the econ­omy has gone since then. Basi­cally, Iran recently out­lined the capa­bil­i­ties to shut down the strait where almost20% of the world’s crude oil passes through daily.

The Saudi’s reopened a pipeline bypass­ing the straits car­ry­ing pos­si­bly 40% of that oil vol­ume. That would take some pres­sure off, but it’s unclear how much if Iran actu­ally blocked the straits.

Nat­u­rally, oil would spike. It is not guar­an­teed this would hap­pen given the defla­tion­ary envi­ron­ment of mar­kets which is help­ing to sup­press oil and other com­modi­ties but these mar­kets are very sen­si­tive to shock as evi­denced by the 3% spike in a few hours on a false rumor that Iran had blocked the straits back in Decem­ber 2011.

A well laid war pro­pa­ganda cam­paign can sus­tain the fear level in the “mar­ket” nec­es­sary to drive a war pre­mium on crude oil. After all, the “mar­ket” is just peo­ple, some more pow­er­ful than oth­ers with high speed trad­ing com­put­ers, when peo­ple get scared, silly things hap­pen and the com­put­ers can really exac­er­bate that. For evi­dence of this trend you need look no fur­ther than the “Flash Crash” where the DJIA plunged 1000pts before mostly recov­er­ing within a few hours when every­one fig­ured out noth­ing was actu­ally hap­pen­ing and it was a mis­take. Irre­versible dam­age can be done in an event like this, just ask the reg­u­lar guy that lost $17,000 b/c of very poor tim­ing.

7. Weather Weapons

As if the Mid­dle East wasn’t already tense enough, Iran has been mak­ing noise about weather manip­u­lat­ing weapons being used as war­fare. It’s proven and admit­ted that there is US weather manip­u­la­tion hap­pen­ing, real­is­ti­cally it is prob­a­ble that those weapons are being aimed at Iran. Given the drought con­di­tions per­sist­ing that have plagued Rus­sia and the US this sum­mer, with China’s capa­bil­i­ties maybe this weather war­fare is global.

8. The Drought, Heat Waves Killing Corn, Soy, Wheat Crops Around The Globe

The drought is killing crops all over and is dri­ving fears of a full blown food price spike, the likes of which last time drove social unrest (riots) in the Mid­dle East and Africa. The US was largely spared in com­par­i­son, but prob­a­bly not this time. US corn crop takes huge hit as drought set to cut world corn sup­ply by 60 mil­lion tons and soy­bean fields are in the worst con­di­tion since 1988.

What does that mean for Main Street? Record food prices to come, and this is just a wild guess, but say right in time for the US pres­i­den­tial elec­tions just over 100 days away. With corn, soy­beans and wheat affect­ing vir­tu­ally every non-fruit/veggie food, Amer­i­cans will feel the pinch. Feel­ing patri­otic?

Rus­sia cuts crop fore­cast, namely wheat. The sup­ply pinch along with the rest of the econ­omy going hay­wire, espe­cially this morn­ing, will breed seri­ous trou­ble.

9. The Global Debt Cri­sis Flu is back

Delever­ag­ing is the name of the game as the crush­ing amount of world debt is weigh­ing on vir­tu­ally every sec­tor of the global econ­omy. Cen­tral banks can’t fix the prob­lem as they have reached the “Inflate Or Die” stage, where they can’t stop inflat­ing or we get hor­ri­ble defla­tion which keeps creep­ing back, as explained here. While this hasn’t com­pletely hit Main Street Amer­ica yet, it will.

10. Global pres­sure build­ing again in global finan­cial mar­kets

The eco­nomic col­lapse risks can be parsed all day, just under­stand that the fear trade is return­ingbecause noth­ing pos­i­tive is stop­ping it, gov­ern­ments are scram­bling to keep up with bud­gets and roll over debt in a tough mar­ket and every­one every­where that plays in the mar­ket sand­box is search­ing for yield or just some secu­rity in the return of their money.

The euro fell through $1.21, and the life­time aver­age ver­sus the dol­lar. The euro also slid heav­ily against the Japan­ese Yen, hit­ting low­est level since 2000. A lot of money wants to be in US dol­lars right now and some are spec­u­lat­ing that this may be a dan­ger­ous trend. The rever­sal of this trade could usher in a seri­ous deval­u­a­tion of the US dol­lar, pos­si­bly doing per­ma­nent dam­age.

Bonds are one of the most up to date track­ers of this mar­ket pres­sure. Ger­man bunds for 10yrs approach­ing the record low again at 1.13%. Spain 10 yr bonds hit another record of 7.45%, 2 year notes climb over 6%. This only leads two places, bailout or bank­ruptcy. As Zero­Hedge coined the phrases on twit­terfrom #Spailout to #Spanic to #Spank­ruptcy. It’s #Span­icDe­pres­sive.

Some 12 coun­tries have seen mul­ti­ple bond records, includ­ing NEGATIVE real yields. The extreme nature of this is sim­ply explained by the fact that instead of being paid inter­est in buy­ing bonds, you are tak­ing a small dis­count, in effect pay­ing these gov­ern­ments to hold your money and safely return most of it, let that sink in.

All of these trends are against the back­drop of all the major economies slow­ing down at the same time, while some would argue parts of Europe have been in depres­sion for 2 years now. These trends really can’t be bar­gained with, you just have to get out of the way. Most peo­ple play­ing in the mar­ket can’t wrap their head around this because the con­cept is so crazy to them because it doesn’t fit into the short term trad­ing cul­ture that per­vades Wall Street. Eco­nomic col­lapse risks are real and worse, as more wake up to that, the col­lapse will speed up as money starts to run scared.

11. China econ­omy out of steam? Releases more fraud­u­lent eco­nomic data?

The last few months have seen vig­or­ous debate about whether China’s econ­omy is crum­bling with the real estate cri­sis and indus­try tak­ing a hit. The en vogue topic lately is the far­ci­cal nature of their “offi­cial data”. If you believe the halfway pos­i­tive num­bers com­ing out of China, we have a bridge to sell you. Then again, if you believe our unem­ploy­ment fig­ures are an accu­rate rep­re­sen­ta­tion of our job­less ranks, well…

12. Spain

The protests in Spain have reached a fever pitch lately as just recently more than 1 mil­lion peo­ple protested in 80+ cities.

Local regions are hav­ing seri­ous trou­ble access­ing credit mar­kets, espe­cially in short term dura­tions which means those gov­ern­ments pay more to bor­row.

Youth unem­ploy­ment is well doc­u­mented at above 50% by the New York Times and oth­ers.

As Bloomberg’s Scar­let Fu reported this morn­ing, the sen­ti­ment has caught up with real­ity and is now trend­ing from reces­sion to depres­sion.

13. Italy

While Italy has sim­i­lar prob­lems as Spain, they are not quite as urgent, but are noth­ing to ignore. Recently, the famous Sicily province had to seek a bailout from the gov­ern­ment.

Local Sicily head quits over prob­lems

PM Monti has showed signs of strain­ing at his mis­sion to enforce tech­no­cratic banker con­trol over a major por­tion of the EU econ­omy. Zero­Hedge bril­liantly asks and answers the ques­tion, Can Super Mario hold it together?

This list spot­lights 10 cities “on verge of finan­cial col­lapse” includ­ing Lazio.

Maybe they should get a hold of the fake Ital­ian Olive Oil scams of many kinds.

14. Greece

The main news here is that the Greece Euro exit rumors are back. As hard as it is to put aside the plight of the Greek peo­ple, this has global ram­i­fi­ca­tions, the effects of which are unfath­omable to most. The visual metaphor of these eco­nomic trou­bles as domi­noes falling may be best expressed by this video of human-mattress domi­noes. If only the human car­nage that could be caused was this benign.

15. East­ern Europe, Cyprus and Depres­sion Level Num­bers

Zero Hedge pro­claimed 2 years ago that East­ern Europe is already in a depres­sion and get­ting worsestill.

Now Cyprusnext after seek­ing loans from China, Rus­sia and the Euro­pean Union.

16. The LIEBOR wave

The LIBOR scan­dal which began in Eng­land with Bar­clays and quickly spread to other banks as it became appar­ent that it takes two or more enti­ties work­ing in con­cert to accom­plish this.

This is halfway to the crim­i­nal def­i­n­i­tion of con­spir­acy and as pointed out by Zero Hedge, this is wherecon­spir­acy the­ory of finan­cial mar­kets being rigged meets con­spir­acy fact.

Now it has spread to the big Euro banks.

The LIE­bor wave started wash­ing up on US shores with Con­gress look­ing at the mega­banks.

The Fed­eral Reserve made a savvy PR move and got out in front by admit­ting they knew in 2008

Now there is the threat of mass US libor arrests. There has been talk of com­ing mass arrests and actualmass res­ig­na­tions in some wreck­less con­spir­acy cir­cles for a while, but they are start­ing to come to fruition.

Trea­sury Sec­re­tary Tim­o­thy Gei­th­ner was allegedly detained, ques­tioned and released ear­lier this year. As Max Keiser sug­gests, maybe this is the big one?

Some thoughts onoil mar­ket manip­u­la­tion and gold manip­u­la­tion

The big losers in all this? They are many and var­ied, but a lot of them have a com­mon theme. They are US cities (Bal­ti­more and Stockon, CA), coun­ties like Alabama’s Jef­fer­son and maybe states? We already know what it does to coun­tries like Greece.

17. Grow­ing Cracks In Amer­i­can Econ­omy

After all of the eco­nomic woes doc­u­mented in Europe, if you are smil­ing in Amer­ica, you prob­a­bly won’t be after read­ing this sec­tion. It’s easy to be bear­ish, but this is prac­ti­cal. The absent man­u­fac­tur­ing capa­bil­ity will not drive job growth, nei­ther will the party-line talk­ing points. Amer­ica needs a new growth indus­try. This is evi­denced by the oppo­site direc­tions of the skills required for a 21st cen­tury work­force and the skills that America’s work­force cur­rently has. Thou­sands of col­lege stu­dents with worth­less degrees in sub­jects that don’t mat­ter, then there’s the dropout rate, declin­ing abil­ity of those that only grad­u­ate high school and worse, the masses of peo­ple that have checked out of the employ­ment search and turned to gov­ern­ment aid, dis­abil­ity or crime. A micro­cosm of the non-recovery we’re expe­ri­enc­ing. “The econ­omy has cre­ated 2.6 mil­lion jobs since June 2009, fully 3.1 mil­lion work­ers signed up for dis­abil­ity ben­e­fits.” That is emblem­atic of the Amer­i­can break­down, between poor health and a rot­ting econ­omy. Some will say this descrip­tion is unbal­anced, but the prob­lems we have will not be solved with the litany of food sec­tor jobs, the ser­vice indus­try by exten­sion nor the gen­eral trend of hourly posi­tions. You can only have so many hair­dressers, wait­resses and call cen­ter jobs. As the ranks of the poor swell, the food cri­sis will exac­er­bate their mis­ery.

18. Paul Volcker’s Con­cerns For US Munic­i­pal, State Gov­ern­ments

The “leg­end” with a very impor­tant rule named after him, talks of cities, coun­ties and states going broke, just like Mered­ith Whit­ney who was vil­li­fied for it.

Scran­ton, PA recently announced all city work­ers must go to min­i­mum wage to avoid bank­ruptcy.

Detroit is of course the poster child for eco­nomic col­lapse and4 urban decay. At a min­i­mum, 20% of the city is being stripped of cer­tain “lux­u­ries” like trash pickup and police pres­ence. The street lights are going dark in LARGE sec­tions as a cost cut­ting method.

19. Now the state poster child for eco­nomic col­lapse: Cal­i­for­nia start­ing to melt

Zero Hedge mapped out how 700,000+ could be dumped off extended unem­ploy­ment ben­e­fits and right or wrong, that’s real bad for the econ­omy. The state always seems to be per­ilously close to run­ning out of cash due to bud­get woes and tax receipts plum­met­ing.

3 siz­able cities have filed for bank­ruptcy in the last 2 months, start­ing with Stock­ton, then ski resort Mam­moth Lakes and finally San Bernardino.

Here’s a good expla­na­tion of why and how this is hap­pen­ing.

The infa­mous Comp­ton is now in seri­ous trou­ble and many expect them to be next to file by Sep­tem­ber 1. Where’s all the mil­lion­aires on this list “rep­ping” Comp­ton?

Vallejo is said to be emerg­ing from bank­ruptcy but many are not con­vinced.

The stealth­ier prob­lem in the Golden State are the many school dis­tricts are in trou­ble.

20. Tax havens as the class war tar­gets the “Not really that rich so called 1 Per­cent“

As a punc­tu­a­tion to this mas­sive search for money to fill the gap­ing and expo­nen­tially grow­ing hole in the global econ­omy, the UK’s Guardian brings us this story of approx­i­mately 13 tril­lion pounds, (about $21 tril­lion dol­lars) hid­ing in off­shore tax havens. But gov­ern­ments are want­ing to cut ser­vices for the poor and raise taxes on the “not really that rich”. Why do they get away with this hypocrisy? The answer is sim­ple, a lot of you are not pay­ing atten­tion, allow­ing them to rob and leave you and the unborn with the bud­get short­fall bill.

21. IMF scan­dal

There is a lot more inter­na­tional aware­ness today of the IMF’s destruc­tive power sim­i­lar to a tro­jan horse.

One high level offi­cial is jump­ing ship and blow­ing the whis­tle on his for­mer con­spir­ers.

Some are see­ing this as a way to avoid pos­si­ble crim­i­nal­ity in the event of a scan­dal like LIBOR.

22. Chicago Crime explod­ing

The eco­nomic col­lapse is actu­ally hit­ting the streets where unem­ploy­ment is feed­ing the gang vio­lence. The mur­der rate is sky­rock­et­ing, as of July 10, Yahoo reported 275 mur­ders in the city, more than 1 per day.

The Chicago Tri­bune noted that the first 6 months saw 259 mur­ders, of which 201 vic­tims were African-American, a stag­ger­ing 77.6% of mur­ders in a city only about 33% African-American.

This is spurring talk from Big Brother’s own Janet Napoli­tano that Home­land Secu­rity should “help”.

Ear­lier this July, thieves brazenly stole $230,000 worth of hair exten­sions by ham­mer­ing their way into the busi­ness around 2 a.m. from an adjoin­ing vacant store­front.

As the econ­omy crum­bles fur­ther, peo­ple will steal what­ever isn’t bolted down and then some.

Keep­ing with the gun theme, how’s that gun ban work­ing out Chi-town?

23. Afghanistan sit­u­a­tion dete­ri­o­rat­ing

The US resolved the dis­pute that caused Pak­istan to close down access to key sup­ply routes for US forces. What changed? They got the sim­ple apol­ogy they were request­ing for the24 Pak­istani troops exploded by an errant drone strike.

Now, the vio­lence has been slowly increas­ing and the short­com­ings of the cor­rupt Afghan gov­ern­mentand mil­i­tary are being laid bare. This week, 8 NATO troops met an early end in the grave­yard of empires. Why can’t we leave yet? Gen. David Petraeus dishes on the $2 tril­lion+ of min­eral depositsesti­mated in the region.

The quag­mire con­tin­ues.

24. South China Sea dis­pute over fish­ing grounds, oil/gas reserves

Right or wrong, the real­ity is that China is flex­ing it’s mus­cles in the region, send­ing smaller coun­triesscur­ry­ing to hide behind US influ­ence. China warned the US not to bring up the South China Sea at the ASEAN sum­mit. They did it any­way, so what’s next?

US sees risk of war as India empha­sises nav­i­ga­tion free­dom in South China Sea.

China plans to put gar­ri­son on dis­puted South China Sea island.

War drums beat louder.

25. African tur­moil grows as region con­tin­ues to be desta­bi­lized

The glob­al­ist plan to desta­bi­lize parts of Africa has numer­ous ben­e­fits for them, namely remov­ing sta­ble power cen­ters which could pro­vide resis­tance or sup­port against west­ern inter­ven­tion. The most obvi­ous of these was Gaddafi. This is part of the North African cleansing/genocide designed to push out native Africans and destroy the his­tor­i­cal arti­facts while turn­ing over power to Islamists of all types. It’s designed to cre­ate a new patch­work region that can be eas­ily con­trolled with mer­ce­nar­ies and proxy armies sim­i­lar to the ori­gins of the mod­ern Mid­dle East. This is evi­denced by the spread of weapons from Gaddafi’s arse­nal through­out the region, which was a fore­see­able and warned against side effect.

26. Egypt

The NWO is turn­ing Egypt over to the Mus­lim broth­er­hood. The Mossad-CIA-MI6 con­nec­tions are appar­ent. Clearly the mil­i­tary doesn’t like Moham­mend Morsi and friends. Nei­ther do the neigh­bors . Ten­sions flare with Israel, IDF sends tanks to Egypt bor­der. Omar Suleiman, CIA point man for tor­ture and ren­di­tion sud­denly mys­te­ri­ously dies “while under­go­ing a med­ical exam­i­na­tion” and “no cause was given”. Another dis­pos­able US asset?

As if that’s not crazy enough, the whacked out, semi-western con­trolled Mus­lim Broth­er­hood want to DESTROY the pyra­mids of Egypt. Why? The Broth­er­hoodand and the Salafis both say they are Pagan sym­bols, which is a per­ver­sion of the truth. The sym­bol­ism of the pyra­mid was taken over by occult soci­eties and they use it as a sym­bol of power. It is held out now as a sym­bol of evil when it’s really the dis­tor­tion and obfus­ca­tion of ancient knowl­edge. This is some­thing hard to prove obvi­ously and we’ll leave that debate for another arti­cle. How­ever, ask your­self, what proof is there that it is a pagan sym­bol? If you seek to dis­pute this, ask a Moor.

Finally, Egypt seems to be land­ing some­where between Saudi Ara­bia and Sharia Law. Big­ger sign things are not bet­ter? Egypt­ian rev­o­lu­tion ‘fail­ing to deliver for women’.

27. Mali

This is cur­rently a major NWO (New World Order) desta­bi­liza­tion project. Experts have noted the islam­i­fi­ca­tion has spread from the Libya chaos due to the West­ern inter­ven­tion to oust Gaddafi. The pat­tern fol­lows the play­book, desta­bi­lize the region with the help of mer­ce­nary “rebels”. They aren’t just destroy­ing ancient architech­ture and draw­ings, but thou­sands of man­u­scripts detail­ing the his­tory of math, sci­ence, med­i­cine, surgery and espe­cially astron­omy. The region is home to the eth­nic Tuaregs among other peo­ple who “gave us Ara­bic numer­als, alge­bra, algo­rithms, and alchemy; they gave us our names of most of the stars vis­i­ble to the eye”. Beyond that, they weren’t Mus­lims per se in the form you think of in the Arab world today, yet again, see the Moors. The Moors encom­pass dif­fer­ent genetic peo­ples but they look much more like the indige­nous peo­ple of the land than Arabs, don’t they? They fur­thered the art of surgery, built hos­pi­tals, devel­oped phar­ma­col­ogy. Like Iraq in the 2003 war, this his­tory is being destroyed to hide the true his­tory of our planet and mankind.

28. Libya

What has hap­pened in Libya since Gaddafi was ousted? Not lib­erty, but a coun­try in tur­moil. More of the sameextrem­ist islam­i­fi­ca­tion, geno­cide and tor­ture of indige­nous Africans as the coun­try is handed to Al Qaeda.


Now mercs and proxy forces of all kinds includ­ing CIA backed forces, Salafis and Al Qaeda forces that killed US troops pretty much run the coun­try.

Have you seen RT’s report on the real rea­son Gaddafi had to be ousted by the west? He was set­ting upAfrica to trade on the gold dinar, a move which could have basi­cally crashed the US dol­lar.

Another RT story: “Sav­ing the world econ­omy from Gaddafi”.

ETF News.

Hear Louis Farrakhan’s take as he chron­i­cles Gaddafi’s fur­ther goal of help­ing unite Africa beyond money, thereby empow­er­ing the con­ti­nent.

Here’s a longer arti­cle on some of Gaddafi’s accom­plish­ments that led to the “high­est stan­dard of liv­ing in Africa”. Gaddafi may not have been per­fect, what leader or per­son for that mat­ter is? Does that mean the man deserved the hor­ri­ble end he met? (Warn­ing: Graphic video)

Sadly, when you mess with the US dol­lar, you most likely die. End of story. It’s no coin­ci­dence that Sad­dam Hus­sein was look­ing at trad­ing oil in euros.

29. Nigeria/Central Africa reli­gious strife

Another oil rich region being stirred up with Islamic extrem­ists? The reli­gious vio­lence is not new, but seems inten­si­fied of late, vio­lence claims 52 lives, 100+ wounded in mul­ti­ple sui­cide bomb attacks on churches. Some cler­ics are warn­ing of a wide sec­tar­ian conflict due to poverty. These are Chris­t­ian peo­ple being killed as well but no gen­uine out­cry from the pro-war crowd in Amer­ica. Where’s all that reli­gious zeal­ous­ness?

30. Kony and Uganda

It’s the oil stu­pid. Uganda licensed “62 invest­ment projects worth $806.6 mil­lion in the first quar­ter” of 2012 alone, “amid grow­ing inter­est in the East African nation’s oil indus­try”. Kony was old news that pissed off most Ugan­dans, part of a US State Dept psyop. Did you get duped?

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