
HPSSSB Recruitment 2016

HPSSSB Recruitment 2016 for 2408 VARIOUS Post in Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission: Notification has been issued by Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission in which they have invited applications among Indian Citizens to fill 2408 (two thousand & eight) VARIOUS Posts. Candidates who are Interested & eligible for this post are requested to read official Notification from official website of Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission  http://hpsssb.hp.gov.in/ & fill up online application form on or before 17th November 2016

Further important details such as required age limit, procedure for selection, examination fee and other important requirements such as the application procedure is stated below.

Vacancy Details Notified under Current 32-3/2016 Notification

Name of Organization: Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission (HPSSC)

Designation, Number of Posts & Pay Scale:  As Stated Below

Name of Department/Board/Post/Pay

Scale/Pay Band

Number of posts

1. Various Deptt.

Junior Engineer (Civil.)(on contract basis) IPH                 Rs. 10300-34800+3800GP PWD              Rs. 10300-34800+3800GP HPSIDC          Rs. 10300-34800+3800GP HPSEBL        Rs. 10900-34800+4350GP

Gen.(UR)-86,Gen.( BPL)- 11,Gen.(W.Ex-Men))-11,OBC(UR)-15,OBC(BPL)-03,

OBC(W.Ex.Man)-01,SC(UR)- 24, SC(BPL)-05,  SC(W.EX-Men)-02,ST(UR)-07,  ST (BPL)-02, ST(W.Ex-Men)-01

IPH               –  42

PWD             – 100

HPSIDC        –  02

HPSEBL       –  24



Junior Engineer (Elect.)(on contract basis) Rs, 10300-34800+3800G

Gen(UR)-05 , Gen(W.Ex.Man-01,SC(UR)-01, SC(BPL)-01,ST (UR)-01, OBC(UR)- 01,



Junior Engineer (Mech.)(on contract basis) Rs. 10300-34800+3800GP




Horticulture Extension Officer ( on contract basis) Rs. 5910-20200+2400 GP

Gen.(W.Ex-Men)-03 ,SC (W.Ex-Man))-01, OBC(.(W.Ex-Man))-01,



5. Printing & Stationery.

Press Duftry (on contract basis) Rs. 5910-20200+1900GP



6. Environment, Science & Technology

Data Entry Operator (on contract basis) Rs. 5910-20200+1900GP



7Home Guard

Civil Defence Instructor/Chief Instructor/ Platoon Commander/ Administrative

Officer/Assistant Store Officer (on contract


Contractual  amount of Rs. 13900 /-PM



8.Home Guard

Havildar Instructor/Quarter Master Havildar

(on contract basis)

Contractual amount of Rs. 8310/-PM




Pump Operator  (on contract basis) Contractual amount of Rs. 7810/-PM

Gen.(UR)-105,Gen.(BPL)-24, Gen.(WFF)-02, SC(UR)-52,SC(BPL)-11, SC(WFF)-02, ST

(UR)- 09,ST(BPL)-02,OBC(UR)-33, OBC(BPL)-10



Marketing Assistant (on contract basis)

Rs. 10300-34800+4200GP


Age : 18 to 30 years



Junior Engineer(Civil)(on contract basis)

Rs. 10300-34800+3800GP

Gen.(UR)-01                                                                                                               Total=01

Age : 18 to 30 years


Junior Accountant (on contract basis) Rs. 10300-34800+3800 GP

Gen. (UR)-06,SC(UR)-01,OBC(UR)-01

Age : 18 to 30 years



Asstt. Technical Officer (on contract basis) Rs. 10300-34800+3600GP


Age : 18 to 30 years



Asstt.Programmer (on contract basis) Rs. 10300-34800+4200GP


Age : 18 to 30 years



Computer Operator  (on contract basis)

Rs. 10300-34800+3600GP

Gen (UR)-2

Age : 18 to 30 years


16 . HPMC

Boiler Operator/Attendant (on contract basis) Rs. 5910-20200+2400GP


Age : 18 to 30 years



Refrigeration Plant Operator (on contract basis)

Rs. 5910-20200+2400GP


Age : 18 to 30 years


18. HPMC

Sr. Scale Stenographer(on contract basis) Rs10300-34800+4200GP


Age : 18 to 30 years


19. HPMC

Jr. Scale Stenographer (on contract basis)

Rs.10300-34800+3200 GP

Gen.(UR)- 02

Age : 18 to 30 years


20. HPMC

Steno-typist (on contract basis)




Age : 18 to 30 years

21. HPMC

Clerk (on  contract basis)




Age : 18 to 30 years

22.Health Services

Senior Laboratory Technician (Allopathy) (on contract basis) through RKS

Rs. 10300-34800+3200GP

Gen.(UR)-29,Gen(BPL)-06, Gen(WFF)-01, SC(UR)-12, SC(BPL)-02, OBC(UR)-09,

OBC(BPL)-02, ST(UR)-01,ST (BPL)-01


23. Health Services

Laboratory Assistant (Allopathy)  (On contract

basis ) through RKS

Rs. 5910-20200+2000GP

Gen.(UR)-24,Gen(BPL)-06, Gen(WFF)-01,SC(UR)-11,SC(BPL)-03,OBC(UR)-09,

OBC(BPL)-02,OBC(WFF)-01,ST (UR)-01


24. Printing & Stationery

Dark Room Attendant (On contract basis)

Rs. 5910-20200+1900 GP



25 Ayurveda

Mechanic (on contract basis)

Contractual amount  Rs. 7810 /-PM



26.HP State Handicrafts & Handloom Corporation Ltd.

Salesman(on contract basis)

Rs. 5910-20200+1900 GP + 50% increase

in GP.= Total emoluments = 8760/PM


Age : 21 to 40


27. HP State Handicrafts & Handloom Corporation Ltd.

Master Craftsman (Wood) (on contract basis) Rs. 5910-20200+1900 GP+ 50%  increase  in

GP= Total emoluments =  8760/PM


Age: 21 to 40


28.Various Deptt.

Junior Office Assistant (on contract basis)

Rs. 5910-20200+1950(GP)

Gen. (UR)-315, Gen (BPL)-69,Gen(WFF)-09, SC(UR)-125,SC(BPL)- 24, SC(WFF)-05,

ST(UR)-22, ST(BPL)-07, OBC(UR)-103,OBC(BPL)-23, OBC(WFF)-02

Fisheries                                                 =   09

S.O. Settlement Shimla                          =  04

Forest                                                      =  04

S.O.Settlement Kangra                           =  03

Revenue Training Inst.                           =  01

Social Justice & Empowerment             =    24

Tech. Edu                                               =   05

Local Audit                                            =  02

Transport                                                =  10

DC Solan                                               =   15

HIPA                                                      =   04

Higher Education                                  =  263

State Commission for women                =  01

Tourism                                                  = 03

HP State Handicrafts & Handloom        =  03

HP Staff Selection Commission             =  04

Youth Services                                       =   02

HPSEBL                                                 = 179

Excise & Taxation                                 =    85 (On Regular basis) Forest                                                    =    83


29. Tourism & Civil Aviation

Inspector (Hotel) ( on contract basis)

Rs. 10300+34800+3800GP

Gen.(UR)-02,SC(UR)-01, OBC(UR)-01


30. Tourism & Civil Aviation

Tourist Information Officer ( on contract basis)

Rs. 10300+34800+3800GP

Gen.(UR)-03,SC(UR)-01, OBC(UR)-01



Assistant Chemist (on contract basis) Contractual amount Rs. 11170/-




Junior Engineer (IT) on contract basis

Rs. 10900-34800+4350GP

Gen. (UR)-07,Gen.(BPL)-01,SC,(UR)-2


33Women and Child Development

Supervisor (on contract basis)through LDR Rs. 10300-34800+3200GP

Gen(UR)-22,Gen.(BPL)-04, , SC(UR)-10, SC(BPL)-02,OBC(UR)-07, OBC(BPL)-03, ST

(UR)-01, ST(BPL)-01


34. Himfed

Marketing Assistant (on contract basis) Rs. 14,100/-



35. Himfed

Accountant (on contract basis) Rs. 14,100/-

Gen.(UR)-01, SC(UR)-02



Manager (Industrial Estate/Area) (on contract


Rs. 10300-34800+3200GP




Junior Scale Stenographer(on contract basis) Contractual amount of Rs. 8710/-



38. Health Services

Operation Theatre Assistant(Allopathy) on contract basis

Rs. 5910-20200+2000 GP

Gen(WFF)-01,ST (IRDP) -01


39. Ayurveda

Ayurvedic Pharmacist (on contract basis)

Rs. 5910-10300+3000GP

Gen.(UR)-63, Gen.(BPL)-15, Gen.(WFF)-02,SC(UR)-28,SC(BPL)-05, SC(WFF)-

01,ST(UR)-05,ST (BPL)-02,OBC(UR)-21,OBC(BPL)-06


40. Woman & Child Development

Supervisor (on contract basis) Rs, 10300-34800+3200GP

Gen.(UR)-16 Gen.(BPL)-03, SC(UR)-05,SC(BPL)-02, SC(WFF)-01,  ST(UR)-02,

OBC(UR)-07, OBC(BPL)-01


41. Elementary Education

Language Teacher (on contract basis) Rs. 13550/PM Fixed

Grand Total = 123

42. Elementary Education

Drawing Master (on contract basis) Rs. 13550/PM Fixed

Grand Total = 79

43. Elementary Education

Physical Education Teacher (on contract basis) Rs. 13550/PM Fixed

Grand Total =118

44. Elementary Education

Shastri  (on contract basis) Rs. 13550/PM Fixed

Grand Total = 236

45. HP Minorities Finance & Dev. Corpn.

Field Assistant (on contract basis) Rs. 10300-34800+3200GP




Reeling Demonstrator (on contract basis) Rs. 5910-20200+2400GP



47 Food Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs

Junior Analyst (on contract basis)

Rs. 5910-20200+2800GP




Junior Engineer(Horticulture) (on contract


Rs. 10300-34800+3800GP



49.HP Minorities Finance & Dev. Corpn.

Clerk (on contract basis) Rs. 5910-20200+1900GP

Gen (UR)-02



JE (Elect.) (on contract basis)

Rs. 10300-34800+3800GP

Gen(UR)-01,SC (UR)-01


51.Various Deptt.

JE (Elect.) (on contract basis)

Rs. 10900-34800+4350GP

Gen.(UR)-102,,   Gen.(BPL)-25,   Gen.(WFF)-04,SC(UR)-41,SC(BPL)-12,   SC(WFF)-01,

ST(UR)-10,ST (BPL)-03,OBC(UR)-33,OBC(BPL)-08 , OBC(WFF)-1

HPSEBL – 237

HPCL   –    03



JE (Elect.) (on contract basis)

Rs. 10900-34800+5350GP

SC(BPL) -01



Junior Draughtsman(Civil)(on contract basis) Contractual Emoluments Rs. 8310/-

Gen.(UR)-01,Gen(BPL)-01,OBC(UR)-01, SC(UR)-01


54. Health Services.

Ophthalmic Officer (Allopathy) (on contract basis) ) through RKS


SC(UR)-01,O BC(UR)-01


Job Location: Himachal Pradesh

Eligibility Criteria for VARIOUS  Posts in Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission (HPSSC)

Nationality: Indian

Education Qualification:

1.  Essential Qualification

Post Code

Educational and Other Qualifications


Junior Engineer(Civil)

Applicant seeking for this post notified by Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission must possess

i)    Should have passed Matric or 10+2 Examination or its equivalent from a recognized Board of

School Education / University.

ii)  Diploma of    at least three years duration in Civil Engineering or B.E/B. Tech.  Degree in Civil

Engineering from a  recognized university or from an Institution recognized by the Central / H.P. Government.


Junior Engineer (Elect.)

Applicant seeking for this post notified by Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission must possess Diploma  or  Degree  in  Electrical  Engineering  or  Electronics  Engineering  from  an  Institution

recognized by the state Government or Central Government


Junior Engineer(Mech.)

Applicant seeking for this post notified by Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission must possess

i) Matric/ Higher Secondary Part-I or its equivalent from a recognized University/Board.

ii) Degree or Diploma in the trade of Mechanical / Automobile/ Production/ Aeronautical  or Marine Engineering or  its equivalent from a recognized University or an Institution duly recognized by the Govt. of India or the   State Govt.


Horticulture Extension Officer

Applicant seeking for this post notified by Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission must possess four year‟s B.Sc( Horticulture) Degree or its equivalent from recognized



Press Duftry

Applicant seeking for this post notified by Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission must possess

i)   10+2 or its equivalent from a recognized Board of School Education / Institution.

ii)  Two  years  National  Trade/Apprenticeship  certificate  course  in  the  trade  of  binding  from    a recognized I.T.I or from an Institution duly recognized  by Central/H.P. Government.


Data Entry Operator

Applicant seeking for this post notified by Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission must possess

i. 10+2  examination passed or its equivalent from a recognized Board or University.

ii) Diploma of at least one year duration in Data Entry Operator/ Computer Application / Computer

Programming  or its equivalent from  a recognized University or from an Institution duly recognized

by the H.P./ Central Government/ “O” Level Course from DOEACC Society /National Institute of

Electronics & Information Technology (NIEIT).


Civil Defence Instructor/Chief

Instructor/ Platoon Commander/ Administrative Officer/Assistant Store Officer

Applicant seeking for this post notified by Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission must possess

Should have passed at least Ten Plus Two (10+2) Examination from a recognized University/Board of

School Education or its equivalent.


Should be holding Honorary Rank of Platoon Commander or above in the Home Guards Organization

& with continued service as such for the last three years.


Should be a serving Havildar Instructor/Quarter master Havildar in the Home Guards Department for at least three years.


Should be a released/Retired Officer of the Indian Army, who has held the rank of Naib Subedar or above with at least 3 years service as such..


Havildar Instructor

Applicant seeking for this post notified by Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission must possess

i) Should have passed atleast matric standard examination from a recognized Board of School



Should possess Army Special certificate.

ii) Should be holding honorary rank of Havildar or above in the Home Guards organization and continuous service as such for the last 3 years.


A Havildar who has served as such in the Army for atleast three years.


Pump Operator

Applicant seeking for this post notified by Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission must possess

i) Should be a Matriculate from a recognized Board of School Education/Institute or its equivalent

from a recognized University/Board.

ii) Should possess certificate in trades Electrician/Wireman/Diesel Mechanic/Pump Mechanic/Motor

Mechanic/Pump Operator-cum- Mechanic from a recognized I.T.I.


Marketing Assistant

Applicant seeking for this post notified by Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission must possess MBA  (Marketing)  from  recognized  University  in  1st   Division  Atleast  four  years  experience  in

marketing of Fruit products or in the related field.  Should have knowledge of Horticultural practices in Himachal Pradesh.


Junior Engineer(Civil)

Applicant seeking for this post notified by Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission must possess diploma in the respective discipline from a recognized Polytechnic with 4

years field experience in the respective trade under the government or a Corporate body.


Junior Accountant

Applicant seeking for this post notified by Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission must possess B.Com   from recognized university in 1st  Division with minimum 4 years experience in accounts

department of any commercial organization of government department/PSU and specialization in tally system in accounts/related field


Asstt. Technical Officer

Applicant seeking for this post notified by Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission must possess B.Sc.with Chemistry from a recognized University and Degree or Diploma in Food Technology with

one  year  experience  in  Food  Industry  preferably  in  a  Food  Processing  Industry  daily  plant  or



Asstt. Programmer

Applicant seeking for this post notified by Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission must possess MCA from recognized University in  1st   Division with minimum 5 years experience as a computer or software Engineer or System Officer(Computers) or on equivalent post in the field of computers in some government/semi government department/PSU/Institutions or a concern of repute.

543Computer Operator

Applicant seeking for this post notified by Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission must possess Post Graduate Diploma in computer Application (PGDCA) from recognized Institution in 1st Division

with minimum two years experience in related field.


Boiler Operator/Attendant

Applicant seeking for this post notified by Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission must possess

i)     Matric /Higher Secondary with 2nd Class Certificate of Competency of boiler Attendant issued by

the chief inspector of Boilers or any other competent authority.

ii)    About 2 years experience in the operation of coal fired/oil fired boilers of 3 ton capacity and above and water tube field erected boiler.

iii)  Preference will be given to the person holding first class Boiler Competency Certificate.


Refrigeration Plant Operator

Applicant seeking for this post notified by Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission must possess Matric with ITI certificate in refrigeration and air conditioning trade with 5 years experience in the

operation and/or maintenance of air conditioning plant/chilling plant/refrigeration plant in a reputed concern.


Sr. Scale Stenographer

Applicant seeking for this post notified by Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission must possess Graduate from recognized University, in 1st division with minimum 3 years experience in related field

and a speed on 120w.p.m. and 35 w.p.m. in English shorthand and Typewriting respectively having additional knowledge of Hindi typewriting. Should have proficiency in Computer Application (MS

Office). Person possessing Diploma/ certificate in computer operation will be given preference.


Jr. Scale Stenographer

Applicant seeking for this post notified by Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission must possess Graduate from recognized University in 1st division with minimum two years experience  and a speed

on  80w.p.m.  and  30  w.p.m.  in  English  shorthand  and  Typewriting  respectively.  Should  have

proficiency in Computer Application (MS Office). Person having additional knowledge and command

over Hindi short hand and typewriting and possessing Diploma/ certificate in computer operation will be given preference.



Applicant seeking for this post notified by Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission must possess Matriculation IInd Division or 10+2 or  equivalent examination  of a recognized University or Board

of School Education   and speed 80w.p.m. and 35 w.p.m. in English shorthand and Typewriting respectively.  Should  have  proficiency  in  Computer  Application  (MS  Office).  Person  having

knowledge of Hindi Short hand and typewriting and possessing Diploma/ certificate in computer

operation will be given preference.



Applicant seeking for this post notified by Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission must possess 10+2 or its equivalent examination of   a recognized University   or   Board of School Education

suitability on merit and possessing   of Hindi and English Type Writing speed   at 25 and 30 WPM respectively at the beginning or qualifying the same by selected candidates according to stipulations. Should have proficiency in Computer Application (MS Office).   Preference will be given to the persons possessing Diploma/ certificate in computer operation.


Senior Laboratory Technician


Applicant seeking for this post notified by Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission must possess

i) (a) 10+2 examination  pass or its equivalent from recognized Board of School Education/


(b) One year Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology from an Institution recognized  by State



B.Sc.  Degree  in  Medical  Laboratory  Technology  from  Himachal  Pradesh  University  or equivalent Degree recognized by the State Government. ( Preference will be given to person

holding graduate degree in Medical Laboratory Technology on regular basis). ii) Should be register with H.P. Para Medical Council for the above qualification.


Laboratory Assistant


Applicant seeking for this post notified by Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission must possess 10+2  with  Science  (Physics,  Chemistry  &  Biology)  or  its  equivalent  from  recognized  Board/

University by the State/Centre Govt.


Dark Room Attendant

Applicant seeking for this post notified by Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission must possess

i) 10+2   with Science(Chemistry and Physics) or its equivalent from a recognized Board of School


ii) Two years National Trade/Apprenticeship Certificate course in the trade from an I.T.I. or from an

Institution duly recognized by the Central/State Government.

iii) Two years practical experience in the trade from a Government Press/an ISO certified Private

Printing press.



Applicant seeking for this post notified by Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission must possess

i)   Matric or its equivalent from a recognized Board of School Education.

ii)  The incumbent must have passed National Trade Certificate Course of two years duration in Fitter trade under Craftsmen Training Scheme or National Apprenticeship Certificate (NAC) course under  the  Apprenticeship  Training  Scheme  in  Fitter  Trade  from  an  Institute  recognized  by National Council or Vocational Training (NCVT), MSDE, DGT New Delhi or Equivalent.

iii)  02 years experience as Mechanic



Applicant seeking for this post notified by Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission must possess 10+2 from recognized Board of School Education/University with experience in sales matters.


Master craftsman(Wood)

Applicant seeking for this post notified by Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission must possess Matric from recognized Board of School Education. Having diploma in carpentry trade from NCVT

recognized ITI and three years experience in the trade.


Junior Office Assistant

Applicant seeking for this post notified by Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission must possess

i. 10+2  from a recognized Board of School Education/University.

ii. One year diploma in Computer Science/Computer Application/Information Technology   from a recognized University/Institution.

iii. Computer typing speed of 30 words per minute in English or 25 words per minute in Hindi


i 10+2 from a recognized Board of School Education/University.

ii.„O‟ or „A‟ level Diploma from National Institute of Electronics & Information Technology


iii. Computer typing speed of 30 words per minute in English or 25 words per minute in Hindi.


i. 10+2 from a recognized Board of School education/University.

ii. Diploma in Information Technology (IT) from a recognized ITI/Institution.

iii. Computer typing speed of 30 words per minute in English or 25 words per minute in Hindi.


Inspector (Hotels)

Applicant seeking for this post notified by Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission must possess Graduate from a recognized University with Diploma in Hotel Management.


Bachelor Degree in Tourism Administration from a recognized University.


Tourist Information Officer

Applicant seeking for this post notified by Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission must possess Bachelor Degree or its equivalent from a recognized University.


Assistant Chemist

Applicant seeking for this post notified by Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission must possess Should be B.Sc with three years experience in the line.



Applicant seeking for this post notified by Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission must possess Minimum   matriculation   with   diploma   in   Computer   Science   Engineering   or   Electronic   &

Communication Engg. or Information Technology or equivalent from recognized Institute/University.


Supervisor ( LDR)

Applicant seeking for this post notified by Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission must possess Anganwari  Workers/Balwari  Workers  /  Balwari  Teachers/  Balsevikas/    Principal/Lady Work Experience.

Social  Instructors  of  Anganwari  Training  Centre/Middle  Level  Centers  having  passed

Matriculation examination from recognized Board of School Education/Institution with ten


Marketing Assistant

Applicant seeking for this post notified by Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission must possess MBA (Finance/Marketing) from the recognized University.



Applicant seeking for this post notified by Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission must possess B.Com/CA inter or MBA (Fin.)


Manager( Estate/Area)

Applicant seeking for this post notified by Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission must possess graduate from a recognized University or its equivalent.


Junior Scale Stenographer

Applicant seeking for this post notified by Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission must possess

i)   Should  have  passed  10+2  examination  or  its  equivalent  from  a  Board  of  School  Education/

University recognized by the HP Govt.

ii)  Must possess the following speed in Shorthand and Type writing in both the  language i.e. English

& Hindi at the time of initial recruitment.

Speed in shorthand                           Speed in Typewriting on  Computer

English                       Hindi                          English                       Hindi

80WPM                     70WPM                     40WPM                     30WPM

Provided that at the time of initial recruitment the candidate shall have to pass shorthand test in either of the language i.e. in Hindi or English at the prescribed speed.

Provided further that the candidates will have to pass typewriting test in both the languages at the time of initial recruitment:

Provided further that the incumbent having passed shorthand in one language, at the time of initial recruitment at the prescribed speed, shall have to pass the shorthand test in second language either in Hindi or English whichever may be as prescribed supra within a period of three years from the date of appointment. The appointment letter of such candidate(s) who does not qualify the shorthand test in second language shall contain the specific condition that he shall have to pass the

test in shorthand test in second language within a period of three years and if he qualifies the test in Shorthand test in second language with in a period of three years   he will be eligible to draw his annual increment from due dates and the candidate(s) who qualifies the said test after three years will be eligible to draw his first increment only from the date of qualifying the prescribed test.

iii)  Should  have  the  knowledge  of  word  processing  in  computer  as  prescribed  by  the  recruiting authority.

566 Operation Theatre

Assistant (Allopathy)

Applicant seeking for this post notified by Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission must possess

i.      Should be 10+2 with Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology) with 50 % from a recognized Board

of School Education/Institution.

ii.     Must have passed OTA Training course from a recognized Institution by the State Government.


B.Sc. Degree in Medical Technology (Anesthesia & OT Techniques) from Himachal Pradesh

University or equivalent Degree recognized by the State Govt.

Persons holding Graduate Degree in Medical Technology (Anesthesia & OT Techniques) will be preferred.

iii.   Should be registered with HP Para Medical Council.


Ayurvedic Pharmacist

Applicant seeking for this post notified by Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission must possess

i)   Plus two or its equivalent from recognized Board of School Education/University.

ii) Successful training of at least two years duration in   Ayurvedic   Pharmacist/Diploma in Pharmacy(Ayurveda)/Bachelor Degree in Pharmacy(Ayurveda) from an Institution duly recognized by the H.P. Takniki Shiksha Board/University recognized by the H.P. Government.



Applicant seeking for this post notified by Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission must possess Graduate preferably in Social Work, Home Science or related fields from a recognized



Language Teacher

Applicant seeking for this post notified by Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission must possess

B.A. with Hindi as an elective Subject and 2-year Diploma in Elementary Education (by whatever

name known)


BA with atleast 50% marks with Hindi as an elective subject and 1-year Bachelor in Education



BA with at least 45 % marks with Hindi as an elective subject and 1-year Bachelor in Education (B.Ed.) in accordance with the NCTE (Recognition Norms & Procedure Regulations issued from time to time in this regard.


B.A. with  at least 50 % marks  with  Hindi  as  an  elective  subject   and 1-year Bachelor in Education

(B.Ed.) Special Education.


Prabhakar (Honours in Hindi) with 50% marks followed by B.A. Examination (English and one additional subject) with 50 % marks from a recognized University and 1-year Bachelor in Education (B.Ed.)


M.A. (Hindi)   with at   least 50 %   marks from a recognized university and 1-year Bachelor   in

Education (B.Ed.)


Pass in Teacher Eligibility Test (TET Language Teacher) duly conducted by HP Board of School  Education

Dharamshala. Provided that the incumbents who have already qualified the Teacher Eligibility Test

(TET) conducted by the HP.Subordinate Services Selection Board Hamirpur shall also be eligible subject to the condition as laid down in  Para-11 of the guidelines issued by the National Council for Teacher Education vide No. 76-4/2010/NCTE/Acad, dated 11.2.2011.


Drawing Master

Applicant seeking for this post notified by Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission must possess

10+2 with 50% marks with two years   diploma in Art & Craft Teacher or its equivalent from a

University/ Institution recognized by the HP Govt.


Bachelor or Arts with Fine Arts/Visual Arts(Painting or sculpture or applied Arts). as an elective subject with 50% marks in Fine Arts or its equivalent from a recognized university,


Master  Degree  in  fine  Arts/Visual  Arts  (Painting  and  Sculpture)  or  its  equivalent  from

University/Institution recognized by the HP Govt


Physical Education Teacher

Applicant seeking for this post notified by Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission must possess

a)    Senior Secondary School(+2) or its equivalent examination passed with at least fifty percent

marks and diploma in Physical Education (D.P.Ed) of a duration of two academic years from a University/Board recognized by HP Govt.


b)     Bachelor‟s Degree with Physical Education as an elective subject with fifty percent marks

in Physical Education from a University recognized by HP Govt.


c)    Bachelor‟s Degree with Physical Education as an elective subject with fifty percent marks in

Physical Education from a University recognized by HP Govt.


d)    For Ex-Servicemen candidates Senior Secondary School (+2) or its equivalent examination with pass course of PTI from Army School of Physical Education Poona.

05 % relaxation in marks will be given to those who have at least participated in International/National/SFGI/Sports competition or Position Holders in Inter-Zonal sports competitions.



Applicant seeking for this post notified by Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission must possess

“Shastri with at least 50% marks from a University/Institution recognized by H.P. Govt.


Pass  in  Teacher  Eligibility  Test(TET  Shastri)  from  HPSSSB  Hamirpur  &  HP  Education  Board


Note : Relaxation up to 5% will be allowed in minimum education qualifications and also in minimum  qualifying marks for TET to the candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC/PH categories of HP.


Field Assistant

Applicant seeking for this post notified by Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission must possess B.Com from Recognized University.


Reeling Demonstrator

Applicant seeking for this post notified by Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission must possess BE/B.Tech. Degree or Diploma of atleast 3 years duration in Textile Technology from an institution

duly recognized by the Himachal Pradesh Government / Central Government.


Junior Analyst

Applicant seeking for this post notified by Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission must possess Graduation in Science from a recognized University.


Junior Engineer(Horticulture)

Applicant seeking for this post notified by Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission must possess Degree in Horticulture (with Agriculture as a major subject) / Agriculture (with Horticulture as a major

subject) from a recognized University.



Applicant seeking for this post notified by Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission must possess

i)   Should have passed Ten plus Two (10+2) examination or its equivalent from a recognized Board of

School Education/University.

ii)  Should possess a minimum speed of 30 words per minute in English typewriting and 25 words per minute in Hindi  Typewriting on computer.

iii) Should have the knowledge of word processing in computer as prescribed by the recruiting



JE (Elect.)

Applicant seeking for this post notified by Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission must possess

i) Matric or equivalent from recognized Board or University.

ii)Three years Diploma or Degree in Electrical Engineering from a recognized Institution/University or

Section A & B of AMIE in Electrical Engineering.


JE (Elect.)

Applicant seeking for this post notified by Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission must possess Minimum matriculation with diploma in Electrical Engineering/Electrical & Electronics Engineering

from a recognized  institution/Board/University duly recognized by the Central /State Government .


JE (Elect.)

Applicant seeking for this post notified by Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission must possess Full time Diploma  in Electrical Engineering   from a recognized Institution / University with 55 %



Junior Draughtsman(Civil)

Applicant seeking for this post notified by Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission must possess

i)     Matric/Higher Secondary Part-I or its equivalent from a recognized Board/University.

ii)      At least two years certificate course in the trade of Draughtsman-ship or its equivalent from a

Polytechnic  Institute/an  ITI  or  from  an  institute  duly  recognized  by  the  Central/State


583Ophthalmic Officer


Applicant seeking for this post notified by Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission must possess

i.     Should  have    passed  10+2  (with  Science)  examination  or  its  equivalent  from  a  recognised


ii.    Must  possess  two  year‟s duration  certificate  of  training  in  Ophthalmic  Assistantship  or  its

equivalent from an Institution duly recognised by Centre/H.P. Government.


B.Sc.  Degree  in  Ophthalmology  from  Himachal  Pradesh  University  or  equivalent  Degree recognized by the H.P. Government.

iii)  Must be registered with   H.P. Para Medical Council.

Age Limit: Applicant seeking for Various Posts notified by HPSSSB should fall in the age group of 18 to 45 years as on 01-01-2016

Age Relaxation: Upper age limit is relaxed by 05 years for the applicants belonging to SC/ST/OBC/PWD/Women Categories.

Important Dates for Submission of Application

Opening Dates for Submission of Online Application form: 18-10-2016

Closing Dates for Submission of Online Application form: 17-11-2016

How to Apply

Applicants who are interested & eligible for VARIOUS Posts notified by Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission (HPSSC) can fill up online application form after reading official Notification from through Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission (HPSSC)’s Official Website    http://hpsssb.hp.gov.in/ on or before 17-11-2016

Instructions for Applying in Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission (HPSSC)

Visit Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission (HPSSC)’s Official Website   http://hpsssb.hp.gov.in/

Bring your cursor on ‘Notifications’ tab Located in the Middle section of this Page: Click on it.

On this page, You’ll find ” Advertisement 32-3 of 2016″; Click on it to access the official notification.

Read and understand the instructions carefully.

Fill in all the details that are mandatory while filling up the application form available on the official Website.

Retain a Photocopy of the Application form for future reference.

Important Official Links

Official Website: Applicants can Access the Official Website of  Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission (HPSSC) from this link  http://hpsssb.hp.gov.in/

Download Official Notification: Applicants can Download Official Notification for VARIOUS Posts in Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission (HPSSC)from this link http://hpsssb.hp.gov.in/ViewallNotifications.aspx?FN=Advt.%2032-3%20of%202016.pdf

Online Application Form. Applicant can fill online application form for Various posts in HPSSC through this link: http://hpsssb.hp.gov.in/vacancies.aspx

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