Today is Day 5
Chorus Sectionals:
Period 6/7 – Tenor/Brass
SGA Sports Update: Girls Tennis beat Muhlenberg ; Boys Soccer lost to Muhlenberg…….Let’s Go Stangs!
Juniors & Seniors: Temple University will be in guidance this morning at 11:30 a.m. Next week, Cabrini College will be here on Tuesday, and George Mason University will be visiting on Friday. New schools are added frequently – please stop by guidance for a complete list of all colleges scheduled to visit Gov. Mifflin this fall.
The Fellowship of Christian Athletes Club will be starting next Tuesday, Sept. 23rd. The meetings starts at 7:10 in the morning and takes place on the new side of the cafeteria. Anyone is welcome to attend and bagels and juice will be provided. Hope to see you there. Any questions please see Mr. Vecchio.
The HELP Program is cancelled for Today, Thursday, Sept. 18th. It will be open again next Tuesday
Attention Grade 9 GIEP Students: Please make sure you pick up your September calendar outside of Mrs. Stanziani’s classroom. Tomorrow, Friday, Sept. 19 is the second seminar for this month. You must attend 1 seminar per month. All seminar information is on the calendar.
Attention Seniors applying to College: When requesting transcripts through Naviance, you must FIRST turn in your transcript release form and $5.00 to Mrs. Phillippi in Guidance Office. Also, when requesting a counselor recommendation through Naviance, you must first, personally talk to your counselor, then complete the recommendation packet which is found in Guidance. Happy Applying!
There is a field hockey Dairy Queen breakfast fundraiser this Sunday from 8-11…see a hockey player for tickets, or pay at the door. We hope to see you there!
Key Club will hold a bake sale right after school this Friday, in front of the Cafe, to raise money for cat rescue programs. All Key Club members should bring food Friday.
Key Club will hold its next meeting on Wednesday, Sept. 24, at 3pm in the Café. In addition to discussing many great service projects, we will also elect class officers and eat pizza!
Attention Rational Youth: There is a meeting at 7:15 on Friday morning in room 205. Please plan to attend. New members are welcome.
Juniors & Seniors: The Mifflin Community Library will be hosting a program on Saturday at 10:30 a.m. to help with writing the college application essay. If interested, please register at the library. A poster with more information is available in the guidance office and outside the cafeteria.
The Family, Career, Community Leaders of America or FCCLA is going to have their first meeting of the year on Wednesday September 24th. FCCLA actively volunteers throughout the community and promotes leadership in our members. In the past we have raised money for Breast Cancer Awareness by selling cupcakes and donated to our furry friends at the Animal Rescue League by baking and selling dog treats. Come check us out after school on September 24th in room 200 and join the fun!!!!
The PSAT exams will be given at Governor Mifflin High School on Wednesday, October 15. Any grade 11 students interested in taking the PSAT’s can sign up in the guidance office. The fee for the exam is $20.00 and the deadline for juniors to sign up is Thursday, September 25th . More information is also available in the guidance office.
CLASS of 2015: If anyone is interested in signing up to be on the senior executive committee that will help organize exciting fundraisers, trips, and events, you can sign up outside Miss Gerhart’s room (220) by this Friday. This group will work with the senior class officers to make your senior year the best it can be!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the following students who are celebrating birthdays!
Today 9/18: Charles Buzeleski, Evan Pollock, Heidi Kraft, Jayme Kraft, Amber Urkuski, Madeleine Balestrier, Lauren Diggan, Cristian Tavarez
Please dismiss the following teams accordingly:
Golf @ 2:15 p.m.
Freshmen Football @ 2:15 p.m.
Field Hockey @ 2:30 p.m.
Faculty reminder: bus duties: 8/26 – 9/20
Mr. Hole – Flag Pole (front entrance)
Mr. Lopuchin – Auxiliary Gym/Parent drop off (outside)
Mrs. Jack – Student Parking Lot – Waverly St
Mrs. Azzarello – Student Parking Lot – Mifflin Blvd
Mrs. Panagacos – Waverly St stop sign
Mrs. Hollock – Auxiliary Gym Lobby (inside)
Mr. Voit – Auditorium Lobby
Mr. Hunter – Cafeteria Lobby
Mrs. Torres – Main Office Lobby
The following subs are in the high school today:
Bartush – M. Venzke
G. Martin – J. Moon
Hoffman – K. Munn
S. Sowers – N. McDevitt