
GVK: What is Girl Scouts? And why is it just girls?
Sarah: Girl Scouts is an organization that helps girls try new things, make friends and connect with their community. Everything we do is tied to helping girls build leadership skills in a safe and fun all-girl environment. Our research and years of experience show that girls have unique needs and interest that are best met in a program designed especially for them, delivered in an all-girl setting.

GVK: What kind of activities do Girl Scouts do?
Sarah: Girl Scouts typically join troops where they meet every 2-4 weeks and earn badges, go on field trips and of course, sell cookies! The Girl Scout Leadership Experience is all about girls taking the lead and begins with girl-led, hands-on, and cooperative activities designed so girls gain specific knowledge, skills, attitudes, behaviors, and values in Girl Scouting.

GVK: What grade/age does Girl Scouts start?
Sarah: Girls can join Girl Scouts when they are in Kindergarten and can stay in Girl Scouts until they graduate high school. At that time, they are welcome to volunteer with the organization.

Girl Scout Daisies: Grades K-1

Girl Scout Brownies: Grades 2-3

Girl Scout Juniors: Grades 4-5

Girl Scout Cadettes: Grades 6-8

Girl Scout Seniors: Grades 9-10

Girl Scout Ambassadors: Grades 11-12

GVK: Can any girls from any school join? Private schools? Home schools?
Sarah: Yes, yes, and yes! Our troops are typically set up by grade and school, but we occasionally have some home school groups that will start a troop of their own. Our programming tends to tie in very well with what they are working on in their schoolwork. Many times if we don’t have a troop set up at a particular school, girls from that school can join a troop at another nearby school.

GVK: How much does it cost?
Sarah: It costs $20 to join for the entire year. ($15 of the membership fee is used by the national organization (GSUSA) to support national programs. $5 stays with the Council to support local programs.) Of course, no girl is ever denied Girl Scouting because of a financial need! Girls not able to pay the $20 membership fee or other program costs associated with Gril Scouts may apply for financial assistance.

The other costs associated with joining include a uniform cost ($20-$40 depending on the style chosen by the girl) and troop dues (between $5 and $30 depending on the troop). Dues are charged once a year. Also girls will wear the same uniform for two years.

GVK: How often do you meet?
Sarah: Most troops meet once or twice a month depending on the leaders’ and girls’ schedules.

GVK: What do parents do?
Sarah: We need parents in order for Girl Scouts to happen! A majority of our volunteer troop leaders are parents of girls in the troop. Other parents are needed to help with cookie sales, driving for field trips, and to help at troop meetings. Parents are an extremely vital part of all troops!

GVK: What is your favorite thing about Girl Scouts?
Sarah: My favorite thing about Girl Scouts is when I hear about a girl who overcame something and became a stronger person because of her involvement in Girl Scouts. Our mission is to build girls of courage, confidence and character who make the world a better place. I love my job because I get to see this happen every single day! We have girls who are making a big difference in their communities and growing because of it.

Sarah Kinate is a Community Development Coordinator. She has been working with Girl Scouts for 8 years. If you would like to get involved with Girl Scouts or want more information contact Girl Scouts of the Northwestern Great Lakes at: 888.747.6945 or customerservice@gsnwgl.org.

A couple local resources:
Girl Scouts of the Northwestern Great Lakes
Girl Scouts of the Northwestern Great Lakes Facebook


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