“For decades and way beyond the Demeter movement, the Frey family farm has been an excellent example for economic sustainability, a concerted farming approach and a loving, caring relationship with nature.” With these words the OWA jury congratulated the Frey family on winning the OWA Silver Medal that is endowed with 2,500 Euro. Thirty-four years ago, Beba and Paul Frey started their Demeter winery which was the first organic winery in the USA. Today 30 family members coordinate the biodynamic cultivation and manage the self-sufficient farm. With success: their wines are internationally acclaimed and it was the Frey family that marketed the first sulfite-free organic wine of the world. Today, three thirds of the farm area is a designated nature preserve providing habitats for numerous plant species and wild animals.
The OWA Lifetime Achievement Award was presented to organic pioneer Fred Kirschenmann from the USA by IFOAM Executive Director Markus Arbenz and Percy and Louise Schmeiser. They stressed Kirschenmann’s tireless effort for farmers’ interests and his commitment for organic agriculture at the political and academic level. Being an internationally recognized leader, he is an impressive example for the sustainable effects that lifelong commitment can achieve. He was actively involved in the foundation of the Northern Plains Sustainable Agriculture Society and the international certification agency Farm Verified Organic Inc. In 1995, Fred Kirschenmann’s farm was featured in the award-winning documentary “My Father`s Garden.” Currently he shares an appointment as Distinguished Fellow at the Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture. He is President of the Stone Barns Center for Food and Agriculture at Pocantico Hills, where he explores how rural and urban communities can work together to develop a more resilient, sustainable agriculture and food system.
This year’s OWA Gold Award was presented to two winners: the South Korean Hansalim Federation and the Timbaktu Collective fromIndia. Next to the Frey family additional OWA Silver Medals went to organic pioneer and activist Ibrahima Seck from Senegal, Biovega from Croatia as well as scientist and activist Professor Rita Schwentesius from Germany/Mexico.
For more information about the OWA: http://www.one-world-award.de
About the One World Award (OWA)
In 2008 organic pioneer Joseph Wilhelm, founder and liable shareholder of Rapunzel Naturkost, initiated the international OWA award. The OWA honors individuals, projects and innovative ideas that make the world a better and more just place thanks to their positive ecological, economic and social impact. The winner of the OWA Gold receives a cash prize of 25,000 Euro and the winners of the OWA Silver award receive 2,500 Euro each. The prize money is donated by Rapunzel Naturkost. Partner and patron of the OWA is the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movement (IFOAM). The OWA is presented every two years.
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