
This research guide is intended to provide information about and links to key resources for research in the field of diabetes education and management.  These e-resources have been selected to support the mission of the program, i.e., to help clinically trained healthcare professionals acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to meet the increased demand for comprehensive, evidence-based, safe, and effective diabetes care for Americans who currently have diabetes or will in increasing numbers have it in the future.  This guide also includes a section describing research consultation and assistance services and options for document retrieval and delivery available to all members of the Teachers College community.

Library Resources

Online Catalogs

Periodical Indexes

Federated Search Engines

Dictionaries and Encyclopedias

E-Collections (Text, Images, Sound)

Handbooks of Research

Reviews of Research

Citation Indexes

Tests and Measurements

Statistical Resources

Digital Archives

Bibliography and Citation Management Programs

Library Services and Publications

All students, faculty, and researchers also have access to a number of important library services and publications provided to support and facilitate research and study in their particular programs and disciplines.

Online Catalogs

EDUCAT – The most definitive record of the holdings of the Gottesman Libraries at Teachers College, including books, e-books, journals, e-journals, dissertations, media, and other specialized collections of all kinds.

CLIO – A union catalog of Columbia University Libraries (exclusive of the libraries of Teachers College, the Columbia Law School, and Jewish Theological Seminary), providing the most definitive record of individual libraries’ holdings of books, e-books, journals, e-journals, dissertations, media, and other specialized collections of all kinds.

WorldCat – A union catalog of the contents of over 10,000 libraries worldwide, providing the means to do exhaustive searching by author, title, subject, and numerous other criteria and to find locations for specific items in libraries nearby and elsewhere.  A freely accessible version of WorldCat is at http://www.worldcat.org/.

Library of Congress Subject Headings:  these are the official subject terms prescribed by the Library of Congress for the cataloging of books pertaining to diabetes and diabetes education; use of these terms is necessary to do an effective subject search in the online catalogs listed below.


Diabetes — Handbooks, manuals, etc.

Diabetes — Psychological aspects

Diabetes — Research

Diabetes — Social aspects

Diabetes — Study and teaching

Diabetes — Treatment

Diabetes in adolescence

Diabetes in children

Diabetes in pregnancy

Diabetes in women

Diabetes in youth


Diabetics — Education



Energy metabolism



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Periodical Indexes

Academic Search Premier – A multidisciplinary database providing full text for more than 4,600 journals, including nearly 3,900 peer-reviewed titles.  PDF backfiles to 1975 or further are available for well over one hundred journals.  See also Academic Search Complete, a scholarly, multidisciplinary full-text database, with more than 8,500 full-text periodicals, including more than 7,300 peer-reviewed journals.  The database features PDF content going back as far as 1887.

APA PsycNET – Single search interface for PsycARTICLES, PsycBOOKS, PsycCRITIQUES, and PsycEXTRA (see E-Collections below).

Biological Abstracts – An index with abstracts to periodicals in biology and the life sciences.  Provides access to biological and medical research findings, clinical studies, and discoveries of new organisms.  Coverage is international, and includes biochemistry, biomedicine, biotechnology, genetics, microbiology, and pharmacology.

BioMed Central – Provides access to 207 open access biological and biomedical research journals, as well as current reports and meeting abstracts.  BioMed Central offers information about current controlled trials, as well as topics in modern biology.

CINAHL – The online version of the Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, providing full text for more than 750 journals indexed in CINAHL from 1981-present.

Cochrane Library – A collection of six databases that contain different types of high-quality, independent evidence to inform healthcare decision-making:  the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews; the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials; the Cochrane Methodology Register; the Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects; the Health Technology Assessment Database; and the NHS Economic Evaluation Database.    There is a a seventh database that provides information about groups in The Cochrane Collaboration.

ERIC – Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education to provide extensive access to educational-related periodical literature, ERIC (which stands for Educational Resources Information Center) provides coverage of conferences, meetings, government documents, theses, dissertations, reports, audiovisual media, bibliographies, directories, books, and monographs.  In addition to this version, made available via the ProQuest platform, ERIC is also accessible via the U.S. government ERIC site and Ebsco ERIC.

Education Full Text – Provides comprehensive coverage of an international range of English-language periodicals, monographs, and yearbooks. Indexing coverage begins June 1983; abstracts are included beginning spring 1994; full text of some journals is available beginning in January 1996.

Education Index Retrospective, 1929-1983 – Provides cover to cover indexing for an international range of English-language periodicals and yearbooks for years prior to those covered by Education Full Text.

Education Research Complete – Provides indexing and abstracts for more than 2,100 journals, as well as full text for more than 1,200 journals, and includes full text for nearly 500 books and monographs.

MEDLINE – Ovid MEDLINE covers the international literature on biomedicine, including the allied health fields and the biological and physical sciences, humanities, and information science as they relate to medicine and health care. Information is indexed from approximately 3,900 journals published world-wide.  This database is also available via alternative platforms as ISI Web of Knowledge MEDLINE and EBSCO MEDLINE.

MEDLINE, MEDLINE Daily, and MEDLINE In Process (1966 to Present) (now known as MEDLINE In-Process & Other Non-Indexed Citations) -This database consists of In-Process and PubMed-not-MEDLINE records from the National Library of Medicine  The In-Process records are ones that will be put into the Medline database after they have been enhanced with MeSH headings.  PubMed-not-MEDLINE records are records from journals found in PubMed but not selected for MEDLINE.

Professional Development Collection – Designed for professional educators, this database provides a highly specialized collection of nearly 520 high-quality education journals, including more than 350 peer-reviewed titles. The database also contains more than 200 educational reports.

ProQuest – Provides broad multidisciplinary coverage of scholarly  journals, newspapers, dissertations, and other types of publications; for international coverage and access to full texts of dissertations only, search Digital Dissertations, a subset of ProQuest.

PsycINFO – Covers the scholarly literature in the psychological, social, behavioral, and health sciences.

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Federated Search Engines

Quicksearch (via Columbia University Libraries) – To search the catalog, multiple periodical indexes, and other web resources simultaneously within a variety of subjects and disciplinary subcategories.

Super Search (via Gottesman Libraries) – To search some or all of our periodical indexes, plus EDUCAT and CLIO, simultaneously for books, journal articles, reports, dissertations, etc.

Google Scholar – Provides the means to search for scholarly research across many disciplines and sources:   articles, theses, books, abstracts and court opinions, from academic publishers, professional societies, online repositories, universities, and other web sites.

See our library’s Google Scholar video tutorial.

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Dictionaries and Encyclopedias

Encyclopedia of Education (2nd Edition) – The 2003 version of the classic resource in education and related fields.

Encyclopedia of Food and Culture – A survey of food and its place in human culture and society, presented through 600 alphabetically sorted entries; features multidisciplinary coverage of such topics as comfort food, ethnicity and food, medieval banquets, and nutrient composition, among many others.

Encyclopedia of Health and Behavior – Includes more than 200 entries on topics such as physical activity, stress and health, smoking, pain management, social support and health, cardiovascular health, health promotion, and HIV/AIDS.

Encyclopedia of Nursing Research (2nd Edition) – The 320 articles by 200 expert contributors include topics such as nursing services, electronic networks and technology, nursing education, nursing care, specialties in nursing, patients’ reactions and adjustments, historical, philosophical, and cultural issues, and nursing organizations and publications.

Encyclopedia of Public Health – Examines a broad range of topics such as environmental health, drug abuse, epidemiology, nutrition, demographics, and diseases. Includes overviews, definitions, and biographical entries.

Gale Encyclopedia of Nursing and Allied Health (2nd Edition) – Provides more than 850 entries covering topics in nursing and allied health, including body systems and functions, conditions and common diseases, issues and theories, techniques and practices, and devices and equipment.

International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences – This key reference work comprises 4,000 articles, commissioned by 52 Section Editors, and includes 90,000 bibliographic references as well as comprehensive name and subject indexes.

Oxford Encyclopedia of Food and Drink in America – Contains 770 articles on the social and economic history of food in the U.S.; covers the significant events, inventions, and movements in American history that have affected the way Americans view, prepare, and consume food and drink.

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E-Collections (Text, Images, Sound)

Ebrary – Online books across a range of subject areas; searchable, under All Subjects, by Education, Medicine, Science, Social Sciences, etc. and various sub-topics, and by author, title, and other criteria.

Health Reference Center Academic – Multi-source database providing access to full-text of nursing and allied health journals, plus a wide variety of personal health information sources that offer reliable health information to researchers, including nursing and allied health students.

Joslin’s Diabetes Mellitus (14th Edition, 2005) – Widely considered to be the definitive information resource on the subject.

National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse – An information dissemination service of the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK), part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.  Established in 1978 to increase knowledge and understanding about diabetes among patients, health care professionals, and the general public, the Clearinghouse provides access to clinical trials, guidelines, research reports, information on complications and treatments, an awareness and prevention series, and a wealth of other resources.

PsycARTICLES – A full-text database of journals published by the American Psychological Association and other publishers in subject areas such as applied psychology, health, theory, research, social/personality, and more.

PsycBOOKS – A full text database of books published by the American Psychological Association, classic books, and entries from the Encyclopedia of Psychology.

PsycCRITIQUES – Full-text reviews of current books and some popular films, videos, and software, as well as comparative reviews of books in the field of psychology.

PsycEXTRA – A gray literature database comprised of material written for professionals and disseminated outside of peer-reviewed journals; documents include newsletters, magazines, newspapers, technical and annual reports, government reports, consumer brochures, and more.

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Handbooks of Research

Blackwell Reference Online – Provides full-text access to reference works in the social sciences and humanities; see research handbooks and companions in Psychology, Medicine, and other subject areas.

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Reviews of Research

Annual Reviews – Reviews of topics in biomedical, physical, and social sciences published as annual journals; see series for Medicine, Nutrition, Public Health.

Current Medical Literature:  Diabetes – Contains in-depth review articles by renowned international experts, providing insight into specific educational themes with clearly defined learning objectives; also contains critical reviews of the papers of most importance and relevance.

Diabetes/Metabolism Research and Reviews – A valuable resource for clinicians and researchers working in the fields of diabetes, endocrinology, metabolism, and obesity; the reviews section provides the latest updates on clinical and basic scientific advances in key areas of diabetes, obesity, and metabolism, important historical overviews, discussion of controversial issues, and opinions from prominent researchers and clinicians.

Review of Educational Research – A publication of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), the RER publishes quarterly critical, integrative reviews of research literature bearing on education, including conceptualizations, interpretations, and syntheses of scholarly work.

Review of Research in Education – A publication of the American Educational Research Association, the RRE provides an annual overview and descriptive analysis of selected topics of relevant research literature through critical and synthesizing essays.

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Citation Indexes

Google Scholar – Provides the means to search for scholarly research across many disciplines and sources–articles, theses, books, abstracts and court opinions, from academic publishers, professional societies, online repositories, universities, and other web sites–and also provides extensive listings of works in which a particular article or book has been cited by others.

Scopus – Abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature and quality web sources with smart tools to track, analyze, and visualize research.

Web of Science – Comprising the Arts & Humanities Citation Index, the Social Sciences Citation Index, and the Science Citation Index Expanded, this database supports searching by topic, author, or publication name, and is also a major means for doing cited reference searching, to find articles that cite a person’s work.

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Tests and Measurements

Health and Psychosocial Instruments (HAPI) – Information on approximately 15,000 measurement instruments (i.e. questionnaires, interview schedules, checklists, coding schemes, rating scales, etc.) in the fields of health and psychosocial sciences.

Mental Measurements Yearbook (Ovid) – Produced by the Buros Institute, this database contains extensive information about and reviews of English-language, commercially available, standardized tests covering educational skills, personality, vocational aptitude, psychology, and related areas, as included in the printed Mental Measurements Yearbooks.

For further information on access to actual tests, measurements, instruments, scales, etc., see our Knowledge Database entry at http://library.tc.columbia.edu/kb/idx.php/0/196/article/.

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Statistical Resources

Diabetes in America (2nd Edition) –  A 733-page compilation and assessment of epidemiologic, public health, and clinical data on diabetes and its complications in the United States.

Health, United States – An annual report on trends in health statistics, produced by the National Center for Health Statistics of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.  The report consists of two main sections:  a chartbook containing text and figures that illustrates major trends in the health of Americans, and a trend tables section that contains 148 detailed data tables.

MedlinePlus Health Statistics – Provides helpful links to various types of health and vital statistics for consumers and health professionals. Contents include Overviews; Latest News; Specific Conditions; Related Issues; Research; Journal Articles; Directories; Organizations; Newsletters/Print Publications; Law and Policy; Children; Teenagers; Men; Women; and Seniors.

National Center for Health Statistics – A product of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, this database provides U.S. public health statistics, covering diseases, pregnancies, births, aging, and mortality. Public use data files are available for download. Includes important statistical subsets and reports, including NCHS Data Briefs; NCHS Health E-Stats; Health, United States; and many others.

National Diabetes Statistics Report, 2014 – A product of the National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse (NDIC), providing extensive statistical information relating to the current state of diabetes diagnosis, treatment, complications, and treatment in the United States.

World Health Organization Data and Statistics – Comprised of several key databases, including the Global Health Observatory, the Global Health Atlas, and Regional Statistics; also data by categories, including mortality and health status, diseases, coverage of services, risk factors, and health systems.

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Digital Archives

Academic Commons – Columbia University’s online repository, where current faculty, students, and staff can deposit the results of their scholarly work and research.

Internet Archive – A non-profit digital library offering free universal access to books, movies, and music, as well as 150 billion archived web pages.

PocketKnowledge – The social archive of Teachers College, including unpublished manuscripts and archives from the library’s collections, documents from other departments and administrative offices College-wide, and the work of TC students, faculty, and researchers.

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Bibliography and Citation Management Programs

Reference and Citation Management – An extensive description of and guide to the use of Zotero, Mendeley, and EndNote , courtesy of Columbia University Libraries.

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Library Services and Publications

Ask a Librarian a Question – To explore a variety of kinds of research support:  submit an email reference query to librarians onsite; request a research consultation with a Gottesman librarian; review frequently asked questions via the library’s Knowledge Database.

E-Reserves – Provides online access to digital course readings, including e-journal articles and book chapters, as well as call numbers for physical course reserves materials (books, DVDs, videos, etc.).

Document Delivery – The means to recommend items for purchase and/or to request from other libraries materials  (dissertations, book chapters, journal articles, etc.) not available through the Gottesman or Columbia University Libraries.

Learning at the Library – The Gottesman Libraries’ blog via the Pressible platform, including content in many topical areas contributed by library staff members.

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