
Did you know that the poster is one of the earliest forms of advertisement and it developed as a medium for visual communication in the nineteenth century? It spread rapidly throughout the world, becoming key to graphic design and political persuasion? Our archive, Pocketknowledge, has interesting documents on posters, including teaching guides and images, with the medium being integrated into instruction at Teachers College, as well as professional development (aka, poster sessions)?

Giving credit where it is due, we draw upon the rich historical art collections of the Gottesman Libraries for inspiration in making posters that advertise recent offerings and events of the Education Program. These posters are not only printed for display in the library stands, but uploaded to library and college e-boards and websites to help spread the word of what’s happening and promote greater awareness of resources relevant to the Teachers College community.

Be sure to click on the title of the art work and read “About the Work” for further details on the artist and piece; draw your own interpretation; and be enlightened!

Featured Databases:

April Databases: Economics & Education

In The Classroom (circa 1955), by Unknown

Ziegfeld Collection of International Children’s Art

May Databases: Mental Health Awareness

Rest In The Evening (circa 1955), by (First name not known) Mohamed

Ziegfeld Collection of International Children’s Art

June Databases: Family and Community

Picnic (1956) by John Hickey

Ziegfeld Collection of International Children’s Art

Featured Instruction:

Workshop: Research, A-Z: Finding Your Way

Road To Peace (1967), by Badia Mentzur

Passow Collection of Israeli Children’s Peace Art

Library Tours – May

Still Life With Flowers (circa 1955), by (First name not known) Matthieu

Ziegfeld Collection of International Children’s Art

Featured Music:

Live Music: Wadsworth Strings (Feb, May)

Trio (circa 1970) by Marvin Jules

Federico Castellon Memorial Print Collection

Featured News:

News Display: St Petersburg Is Founded

Old Russian Architecture (1957), by Kolgan Juri

Ziegfeld Collection of International Children’s Art

News Display: The Homestead Act

Typical Farm and Homestead (c.1920), by Rothman Administrator

Rothman Lantern Slide Collection

Federico Castellon Memorial Print Collection comprises a collection of 78 prints donated to Teachers College by established printmakers throughout the United States under the aegis of the Society of American Graphic Artists. Aa Spanish-American painter, sculptor, printmaker and illustrator of children’s books, Castellon taught at Teachers College.

Passow Collection of Israeli Children’s Peace Art is designed to provide students and scholars with high quality digital images of the distinctive works made by children living in the Middle East. The artwork was collected by A. Harry Passow, Jacob H. Schiff Professor Emeritus at Teachers College, who was an internationally known expert on urban education and the education of the gifted.

Rothman Lantern Slide Collection contains over 4,000 lantern slides, or mounted photographic transparencies designed for projection by a magic lantern. The lantern slides depict a diversity of peoples, places, institutions, objects, animals, nature, and other images that were used as educational aids in the teaching of numerous subjects throughout the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Donated by Mrs. Rothman, a former New York City school teacher, the collection sheds light on the application of media to the classroom, as well as the growth of K-12 curriculum.

The Ziegfeld Collection of International Children’s Art comprises about 350 paintings, drawings, prints and collages made by adolescents aged 10 to 18 from 32 countries across the world. The Collection was originated in the 1950’s by Dr. Edwin Ziegfeld (1905-1983), the creator of the arts and education program at Teachers College.

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