
It’s week two of Project Runway 2012. What challenge will the fifteen designers tackle tonight? Who will make it work in the work room? And, most importantly–will Christopher and Gunnar continue their snipe fest? These answers and more in tonight’s Project Runway recap!

(Does anybody else find it out that a car is included in their prizes? No? Just me? OK! Moving along!)

In their Project Runway 2012 Atlas home everyone is getting ready for the day and chatting over the first elimination. “Every challenge someone’s gonna go,” Dmitry says, reminding us of what we already know.

Project Runway 2012 mentor Tim Gunn takes the contestants on their first field trip: to a store called Dylan’s Candy Bar. They also meet the store’s founder/CEO Dylan Lauren, who also happens to the daughter of designer Ralph Lauren. As we may have guessed, this will be the famed Project Runway Unconventional Materials Challenge! Designers will be making their look from whatever they choose to buy from the candy store with a $250 budget. Dylan, however, is showing us her “sweet” side (get it?) by giving them a discount so really they can buy up to $500 worth of candy! “One for me, one for the dress, one for me…” That would be me shopping. In the store they go crazy and Tim observes that there is candy Lego. I love him.

Back in the Project Runway 2012 workroom, Fabio pronounces Chanel “Cha-nel” which immediately drops him a level in my elitist Vogue reading eyes. Speaking of eyes, Gunnar is rolling his at—you guessed it—Christopher. “I feel like he is the evil twin and I am the nice twin,” Christopher muses. Well, I suppose one of you has to be one and one the other, since that’s how that tends to work. Elsewhere, Sonjia is being spoken to by the gummy sharks, Buffi is deconstructing an umbrella with a hammer and thus making friends with no one, and Ven informs us that he graduated at the top of his class and won several awards all while never changing the tone of his voice.

Tim makes his usual visit and we see that there is licorice. Lots and lots of licorice. Good thing out of an entire candy store, half of the designers bought licorice. His concern is high for Dmitry, who has so far made a plain black top and is now waiting for his model to do any further work; and Kooan, who appears to have not much done but sure does have a good cathartic moment over it. But he saves his highest concern for Andrea, who has apparently sewn together sheets of candy buttons into an apron, to which Tim responds, “I don’t have the adequate words to tell you how completely underwhelmed by this…I’m disappointed and concerned.” Double whammy! It’s bad enough when he’s just concerned! Accordingly Andrea breaks down off camera and takes the whole thing apart.

Project Runway recap Licorice-o-rama continues with Elena lamenting over the smell of her Pina Colada licorice starting to get to her. Kooan’s outfit has suddenly exploded into a, well, explosion of candy. “Is this a dress?” his model asks.

After the models leave Gunnar decides to visit everyone. “He’s so weird,” Christopher frets to us which Gunnar only drives home by letting out a maniacal laugh. He informs one designer that their design “reminds me a Jack-O-Lantern. You know, the pumpkins you carve with the faces in them?” Oh, is that what they are? Thanks, pal.

Meanwhile Andrea frets over her cut up design then makes the decision to remake it. Again. Exactly the same. Lantie also starts over with umbrella material, which will go over well with no one as fabric tends to be conventional as opposed to un. Everyone is feeling the burn—literally—of using the glue gun. Elena actually get some on her thigh and a medic is enlisted. “Why are you wearing hoochie shorts to work?!” is Christopher’s take on the matter. I hope he stays around awhile if only to provide color commentary.

After a good night’s sleep they return to the Project Runway season 10 workroom, where Buffi’s birds nest headpiece has met an unfortunate end seeing as how it was made from cotton candy and sat out overnight. Luckily she has a back up bag. Elena’s Pina Colada disaster continues, ripping as she tries to place it on her model. Ven informs his model she needs to basically act like a robot and touch no one or no thing so as not to destroy is masterpiece. He’s a real people person, that Ven.

Back on the runway we meet the Project Runway 2012 judges: Heidi Klum, Michael Kors, Nina Garica and our old friend Dylan Lauren. It’s a memorable runway show, with both Kooan and Elena’s outfits leaving some of their parts behind and Dylan whispering to Nina that Lantie’s outfit was made out an umbrella. Did I call that or what?! The final six are Gunnar, Elena, Ven, Sanjia, Lantie, and Buffi.

Buffi is up first and reveals that she was going for a Sex in the City look; Michael informs her it was more “Toddlers and Tiaras gone berserk.” Heidi doesn’t like the paper skirt and observes that she “looks like a five year old going to a birthday party.”

Sanjia’s is praised for the texture and shape. Nina declares that it’s a “Judy Jetson/mermaid” look and says that it makes her smile, though oddly she is not smiling while she says that.

Lantie was of course one of the bottom, with Michael pointing out that she has the same problem from last week: she didn’t transform the fabric. He also says that she’s more of a decorator then a designer, which she of course does not agree with. She pulls the famous “time factor” excuse, which they immediately counteract with the correct “everyone else pulled it off” answer. Nina’s comment is that “at least it’s not atrocious.” (That was her word for Buffi.)

They only had high praise for Ven: Heidi called it “stunning” and “flattering;” Nina declared it “sublime…candy couture…on trend.” Things he already knew, of course.

Then there’s Elena, who is now missing part of her dress. Heidi feels it looks like “art with noodles.” Michael does that one better by calling it “Rigatoni Mad Max,” adding, “It’s kind of like when you stare at a cloud and you see things.”

Gunnar also lost a few pieces of fabric but in the Battle of Licorice, he is the winnder. Heidi calls it “sleek. ” Dylan says she would display it in the window. They all appreciate the overall transformation and cohesion and Gunnar beams as he takes it all in. And he thought Christopher’s head was big!

So who takes the candy this week on Project Runway season 10? Ven. Who continues to say everything in one flat tone and of course was not surprised and also vindicated from not winning last week. Sonjia and Gunnar are sent off the runway behind him. Elena is also safe, leaving Lantie and Buffi to duke out the bottom two. Buffi is ultimately in, leaving Lantie out which should surpise no one. Everyone seems relieved to see Buffi rejoin them.

Stay tuned for next week, when the challenge will appear to involve teams and creating a look for past designers, two things which will more than likely involve in several fights and at least one head exploding. All next week on the Project Runway recap!

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