
After the last Harry Potter book and movie were released there was a definite emptiness in my wizard’s heart.  The author of the Harry Potter series J.K. Rowling was clear there would be no more Harry Potter books or stories of Harry Potter and his kids.  In a way I was glad she wasn’t pushing past the story into Friday the 13th movie sequel mode, but still….

On December 20th 2013, Rowlings’s Facebook page (www.facebook.com) had the following blurb posted:

J.K. Rowling is pleased to announce that she is collaborating with the award-winning theatre producers Sonia Friedman and Colin Callender on a new stage play to be based on the Harry Potter stories.

What was it like to be the boy in the cupboard under the stairs? This brand new play, which will be developed for the UK theatre, will explore the previously untold story of Harry’s early years as an orphan and outcast. Featuring some of our favourite characters from the Harry Potter books, this new work will offer a unique insight into the heart and mind of the now legendary young wizard. A seemingly ordinary boy, but one for whom Destiny has plans…

J.K. Rowling will also be a co-producer on the project, but whilst she will collaborate with a writer on the new play, she will not write the script herself.

A prequel play!  Now, that makes sense! The wizarding world powers had to be keeping an eye on him long before he started getting letters by owl.   Rowling’s personal comments about this (also on her page) gives me hope that this play will eventually make it to the big screen and be accessible outside the world of U.K. theatre world.

“Over the years I have received countless approaches about turning Harry Potter into a theatrical production, but Sonia and Colin’s vision was the only one that really made sense to me, and which had the sensitivity, intensity and intimacy I thought appropriate for bringing Harry’s story to the stage. After a year in gestation it is exciting to see this project moving on to the next phase. I’d like to thank Warner Bros. for their continuing support in this project.”

Since Warner Brothers is backing this theatre project I have no doubt the muggles of the world will be getting another Harry Potter movie!  Hooray!

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