
5 Calendar’s to Feed Your Man-Appetite

Did we forget to tell you these Calendar’s come from a different seed?From Sexy Priests, Gay Orthodox Priests, NY Taxi Driver, Pregnant Men and Hot Men with Baby Animals 2014-2015 Calendars change the face of the game.

For all of you religious women who are crushing on your priests, there is a new so-called Roman calendar - better known in Rome as the “Vatican beefcake calendar” thanks to photographer Piero Pazzi.

The calendar, which has become an international cult item over the years, will be sold in stands close to the Vatican at just over €10 and it offers a gallery of “hot priests” caught on camera during the Holy Week in Rome and Seville.

Pazzi told The Local that the portraits, which are all genuine, are meant to promote the Vatican and inform tourists about it.

Apparently the only place to purchase the Vatican Beefcake Calendar is at the Vatican, but we did some searching for you and you can get it HERE…

But the sexy priest Calendar’s don’t stop there because the “Romanian Orthodox Priests” produce Steamy Gay 2014 Calendar!  Orthoxdox Priest Calendar is pushing the envelope with some very revealing photos of shirtless, naked and semie-sexual photos.

If you thought last year’s steamy and controversial “sexy priests” calendar, the “Orthodox Priests” group is back, hoping to raise awareness about the treatment of LGBTs in the Orthodox Church with a brand-new calendar.

This year’s calendar doesn’t feature actual priests, but gay-friendly members of the church who, the calendar’s organizer states, “believe, like us, in freedom of speech, tolerance equality and human rights.”

Do you think they’ve just gone too far with the photos? Awareness is one thing, but naked men promoting the Orthodox Church?

Unfortunately the Orthodox Church is OUTRAGED by the calendar:

The Bucharest Herald reports that the Romanian Patriarchy is refuting the calendar producers’ claims, saying the models are merely “posing as Orthodox priests” and that the product is “indecent” and created with an “obvious intention to calumny and defame Orthodox ministers and desire to promote and justify their own ideology.”

Umm, ok, is it us or does this seem weird?

Let’s be honest this calendar may be made for awareness but its blasphomy in the eyes of the church. The controversial content sugest way more than priest hood and we are a bit shocked. Take a look…

There are more strange calendars surfacing in the market like the NYC Taxi Drivers 2014 Beefcake Calendar?

Is this what a NY Cab beefcake looks like? Are there women drooling over these men while being taken from place to place in NYC?

If NOT, then these men know how to make fun of themselves thanks to the creativity of  Philip Kirkman and Shannon McLaughlin by putting a face to one of the most dedicated workforces in NYC, driving day and night to transport New Yorkers and our guests alike.

These gentlemen put a face to one of the most dedicated workforces in NYC, driving day and night to transport New Yorkers and our guests alike. For a taste of what to expect inside, take a peek at these sultry photos.

CelebNMusic247.com asks you if you would want to lay up in the back seat of a taxi with one of these hotties?

Like what you see, then it’s NOT too late to purchase the NYC Taxi Drivers Calendar 2014

100% of net sales proceeds will go to University Settlement, America’s oldest settlement house (1886), based on New York City’s Lower East Side and serving over 30,000 immigrant and working individuals and families every year with basic services like quality education, housing, and literacy programs.To learn more, visit UniversitySettlement.org

The Calendar was Created by Philip Kirkman (live432.com) and Shannon McLaughlin (Fauna Photography).

Wait the calendar craze doesn’t stop there, because if your not into Vatican Priests, gay Othortodox, or NYC Taxi Drivers then there is another, like Star Wars when Yoda tells OB1 all hope is not lost and hint to Lea being Luke Skywalkers sister.

Well not like that, instead it’s another Man Calendar for the women who love beefy men and cutie little animals. It’s called Hot Guys with Baby Animals.

This Calendar has a purpose and its actually adorable as well as the photos. Many of the animals in our products are rescues and some are still available for adoption. The men are not up for adoption, but may be in need of rescuing. A portion of proceeds go to benefit nonprofit animal rescues, like the SPCA.

What’s sexier than a muscled man and a cute puppy?


The photo genius behind these works it all thanks to Audrey Khuner & Carolyn Newman.

Are you liking what you see? Then you can get your Hot Guys with Baby Animals Calendar HERE…

Take a look…

Wait there is one last calendar that is sure to make you GAG!

It’s the 2014 Home Birth Dads Calendar which shows men with fake baby bumps acting out the pregnancy and birthing situations that their female partners endured.

The calendar was created by Kimberly McGuinness-Rook, owner of the InnerBirth midwifery business at 932 Lake Ave.

The goal is to bring in money for a proposed non-hospital Racine birth center, as well as for the nonprofit Greater Racine Collaborative for Healthy Birth Outcomes.

CelebNMusic247.com is speechless with this one. OMG! Weren’t sure to fall out laughing or be totally disqusted. Could you imagine walking into a club and seeing you homie knocked up by a dude?

It’s gross, but comical.  If you want this calendar to make sure your man NEVER forgets what you went through then CLICK HERE…

Which Calendar would you purchase if you had to pick one?

Would you concider this pop art?


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Sexy Vatican: Hot priest calendar 2014 released (voiceofrussia.com)

PHOTOS: These Sexy, Young (And Real) Priests Want To Teach You All About The Vatican (queerty.com)

The Vatican Releases ‘Roman Calendar’ Featuring the Most Handsome Priests (sandystrachan.wordpress.com)

Strange But True: Vatican Beefcake Calendar (disinfo.com)

The post 5 Calendar’s to Feed Your Man-Appetite appeared first on Celebnmusic247.

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