This blog started out on the subject of How to use your Brane-Power Ammy Induction Apps — merely wear the Ammy of choice, download and run the corresponding Ammy Induction from your iPhone or Android, but then, in the middle of it, came The Announcement about SpaceBuddhaa’s resignation from the Cloister, on facebook, and I’m including some commentary on it. Relax, it’s nothing to get hung about. Read on.
I had planned to spend the rest of the night composing the scripts for the Ammy Inductions, but it looks like I’ve eaten up the time with this blog. I’ll get to them later, after breakfast, when Oz is here to record them.
I depend on Oz for this kind of project; couldn’t do it without him.
Naturally, I can’t do all the inductions at once — there are several hundred ammies — so it’ll take a while, maybe several months, to get through just the major ones.
Each induction will require around ten hours of studio time, including Oz’s mixing and mastering time, and Claude’s time to fit it into a downloadable smartphone app. There is no faster way to do it.
The sound requirements need a bit of bending to make them work on a tiny earbud, so the better earbud you buy, the more effective the sound modulation and the more realistic the vibrations. It’s the sound vibrations that affect the Ammy. I’ll explain:
Everything is sound. The whole universe is sound. Sound is the technical means by which vibration is turned into manifestation.
Sure, it sounds simple, but have you ever tried to weave something out of nothing?
Just this one relatively young and little universe demonstrates clearly that it can be done, there’s no question about that. I wouldn’t be typing and you wouldn’t be driving the kids to soccer matches if it couldn’t be done.
The question is, can you make a universe with any class?
Sure, it’s possible. If you enjoy the Ashram, you’ll see before you a demonstration of a tool that can be used to teach the average spiritual being how to create a decent and workable world.
It’s not just buildings and trees and water and fountains. It’s how things look, how they feel, how they affect you when you’re in the environment and most of all, it’s the people.
The average Creator builds a shachermacher shop universe, one that’s meant to be sold and marketed and exploited, such as Second Life, where the sales pitch is all about sex and violence, like most videogames, and don’t ever forget that Second Life is a videogame. My games are not videogames. There is a profound difference, and the difference is in the sex.
Without it, most Second Life destination points remain spookily quiet.
Most Second Life World-Makers rely upon the Lonely Hearts Effect. People are bored, lonely, dissatisfied with their lives, their relationships and their situation. Dance clubs in Second Life offer a way to meet folks, with the idea in the back of the mind always, to find a partner and/or to line up a partner when the present relationship peters out — a little senior life joke there.
Oh, yes, they make a sexy club, have friends come in looking sexy and interesting, or hire folks or entice them into their space by offering Linden rewards for fishing and other activities that keep them in the space, thus attracting others, because PEOPLE WANT TO BE WHERE OTHER PEOPLE ARE.
As a Creator, never forget that.
The point I’m making here is that building leads to Creation, and that an experienced Creator is not going to build what most people want, in order to attract & please them, therefore filling up their space with people with no regard for why they came there.
An experienced Creator will find the folks and THEN build the world.
This requires that there be a need and a desire for a Working World, and there is. Most folks are unable to admin such a world, and I never ask anyone to do anything beyond their present Level of Commitment, as you well know.
Within that world, certain laws obtain, especially if the Creator of that world is familiar with code and editing functions, and I am, and I’m willing and able to teach that to anyone willing and able to learn it.
Those laws can be subjective, leading to sex & violence and speed dating, or objective, leading to the creation of a bridge between worlds, which is the whole point of my work here.
Using my Ammy Inductions, you can connect with anyone, anything, anywhere, at any time.
The real Power of the Ammies comes from the heart. It’s best to wear your Ammy over or near the heart to get the micro Quantum effect. I should explain… the heart is a fairly powerful radio transmitter — did you know that?
Literally, the Ammies derive their power from the heart.
I know it sounds scientifically ridiculous, but soon it won’t sound weird, because some scientists are presently looking into just this effect, but the radio waves coming out of the heart are profoundly affected and modulated by the warmth of the heart.
Cold, calculating creatures wearing domination ammies shall not inherit the Urth. Unfortunately, the underbidder always wins the contract. Reflect on that when you’re flying here for a workshop, sometime.
Yes, I’m back in the Ashram, and I’m making some important changes. If you have a favorite spot or event in the Ashram, why not let me know about it, before I blitz it away with my rebuilding and refining project. I just happened to be able to get back into the Ashram a week or so ago for the first time in about six months — something blocked me from going in there and being able to stay in there.
Now, as it happens, I’ll have to go in there anyhow, because, as you know by now, SpaceBuddhaa is not coming back here to the Cloister, not now, not ever. This is sad, but she has her own life to lead, and a wonderful partner with whom to live it, and I bless their relationship and hope for them the very best.
I won’t have much time to spend on the Ashram at the moment, because I’ll be working on the Ammy Inductions for, as I said, at least several weeks, but after that, I’ll address some of the changes that need to be made, among which is the procedure for those who have passed.
SpaceBuddhaa mentioned that it was very hard to find help in this, and she had to depend upon only two people for this, one of whom was her new partner, so really she had help from only Kyle, to help Magick Phoenix, at this time of crisis and emotional turmoil for all of them, obviously, or the result we see would never have happened.
Apart from that personal news, on the daily front, I’m heavily engaged in the work on the house, as is everyone here.
I’ll update you quickly on the progress of that:
Over the past five months, I’ve been reorganizing the library on the balcony in the barn. It’s a collection of some 5,000 volumes, mostly my father’s science fiction collection. It’s being put together for donation to a university that is interested in his papers.
About three months ago, I went through every single book we own, and am still in the process of re-structuring the library and all the book areas. I’m getting Tamara’s and Michele’s help in this, so things are going well and more rapidly than I’d feared.
The halls have been recarpeted and the wood floors scoured down, sanded, stained and oiled. The woodwork is being oiled and where necessary, repaired, stained, sanded, etc.
I’ve taken down all the artwork in the dining room and hallways, and replaced it; I’ll be changing the artwork in the house, except the large architectural pieces, every month.
In the atrium, you’ll now see the 11-foot tall metal sculpture I made over a three year period. It’s for sale, at $150,000. I’ll put some photos up when I have a chance, or perhaps someone at a workshop will score a snapshot for facebook — I don’t do facebook, and have depended upon SpaceBuddhaa to do all that for me — she assures me that she will reliably continue to do that, in spite of new family obligations, as a child is involved.
You wouldn’t recognize the Cloister Granny House, as it’s now, by decision of the Board, to be called. Of course you wouldn’t recognize it, because only Cloister members go inside. What it will be used for from now on is a Shrine or Chapel. The front room will be finished as a miniature temple & reading space.
It will be the Prayer Center of our Ashram. No one will be living there — the only reason it was maintained is for use as a Temple. I don’t go up there often, so was unaware of this. Fact is, it’s hard for me to walk up there and I doubt I’ve been there more than twice a year over the years.
By Order of the Cloister, (it’s in the Minutes) the Granny House is from this moment on, to be used strictly as a Temple and Reading Space.
I’ve been thinking about my offer to help someone open a bakery or restaurant. Forget it; too much work. Downloadable Pizza is where to put your money.
I’m putting mine behind work-efforts, and if you’re smart, you’ll do that, too. Don’t forget, your situation is not relevant to your work, except insofar as it limits your participation in some cases.
In short, as I advised SpaceBuddhaa, don’t let your sex-life interfere with your work, and vice-versa. It’s just a small change in life-circumstance, and should have no impact — the fact is, all of her work has been online the past five or six years, so she can do her work just about anywhere — what a great position to be in!
She has plans to make a living, but I don’t know what they’ll include, and they may live in the U.S. or in Canada, who knows? It doesn’t really matter. No matter how they spend their days in organic space, they can put their Avatars in the Ashram, and their work is done, and that’s the magic of the Ashram!
I try to get my art students to separate self-esteem issues from their canvases. Mostly it works, but for some, it’s mighty hard. It really isn’t connected, and your family obligations don’t need to interfere with your work efforts. You can easily do both, and that’s a fact, don’t let nobody tell you different.
In Renunciate Status, you basically don’t have a life.
If by “Life” you mean you crave lots and lots of tender affection, you’ll be mightily disappointed in the cloistered life; there isn’t time for that. It’s like the life of a doctor — you’re always on call, as you’ve seen from our corporate death-rate the past few months.
No personal life leads to boredom, unless you’re made of sterner stuff.
Lessee, what else did I rummage through in the past few weeks??? Oh, yes, I’ve waded through two storage units, with two more to go, plus the big storage unit in which we have our restaurant range and other furniture, and when I’ve visually cataloged the mess, I’ll be asking that we sell off just about everything, including our wonderful hardwood oaken dining room chairs, eight or ten of them, I think.
Yes, asking.
Most folks don’t know this, but I don’t run the Institute, never have, never will. It’s run by a board, and they DO make ALL the corporate decisions, including whether they still want to keep hiring me as the current Rabbi.
Yes, Rabbi. What’ wrong with you? Ain’t you paid attention these past zillion years???
I’m also selling off ALL my rare books in the “for sale” section of my library. No sense keeping them around, I just don’t use them, and they deserve use and appreciation, so they must go into the marketplace.
My personal library will be very small by the time I’ve finished cleaning house. I’ve also been working on the barn; the first things to go will be the clutter around the fishtank. That big dark thing that’s always been in the way of my unsteady progress through the barn is the cash-register stand from my shop, and it’s there because it was used by SpaceBuddhaa to make her tea.
Frankly, I’ve had my eye on that thing for years, now, but never said so. It seemed so important, so silently, I put my Genius Overmind to work on The Tea Service Problem in the barn. I set this internal process in motion back in 2009, hoping to come up with an acceptable plan for a tea-making space somewhere in the barn, but not right smack-dab in the middle of the traffic area, and until tonight, hadn’t thought of a plan.
Sounds like something out of James Thurber, one of my favorite authors — and it is. I always wanted to put that damn thing out of my path and back to work in the atrium, where its sister sales cases were sitting, waiting, wondering what happened to Betsy??? She was on the truck, then suddenly vanished without a trace, lo, these many years.
But like all of James Thurber’s book characters, I remained silent. I said nothing, biding my time. I knew that someday, I would hatch a brilliant plan, and we’d have a TEA MAKING STATION somewhere out of the middle of the barn, and that would be that.
I waited and waited and waited for inspiration to come, but it never did.
Fortunately for my already quite busy brain, it turned out by a peculiar twist of fate — those are the only kind that are available, by the way –that, thanks to this new life situation for SpaceBuddhaa, I no longer have to try to figure out some kind and natural and caring way of making the giant black tea station go away.
As you no doubt know, if you do nothing, it’s generally the best plan. Things have a way of working out.
And by golly, as of today, we simply don’t make tea in the barn anymore. I had the thing dragged down to the house without objection from any quarter remaining on the battlefield.
My objection to the tea-making has always been that it makes my unsteady walks through the barn in the middle of the night even more difficult, but more importantly, it endangers all copies of our video and audio media storage, and all our corporate files.
We’d lose our ability to function if something happened. The tea-station is now in the atrium, where it belongs. My barn is therefore a lot clearer, and we’ll be able to have house concerts again. What I’m getting at is that if you’re visiting us from now on, you’ll have to get your tea from the kitchen.
I managed to locate most of the very expensive padded folding chairs we bought to hold our audiences in the barn for house concerts. They were in 11 different places, a total of 60 chairs, which is the maximum we can hold in a house concert, unless it’s outdoors, which brings up another point.
I’ve gone back into the Zen Garden with a vengeance. I’m finishing the large pond, Dan and Bill did a major job upgrading the waterfall and stream, which is working perfectly now, thanks to Mama Jewel’s support & guidance!
I’ve gone through all the donation art, thinking we’d have an online auction. I have come to understand that this is not happening at the present time, so I’ll be returning the art to storage. I really need the room, and I can haul it back out again at a moment’s notice. I’ve re-arranged the things in order of value and general public interest, and there are some serious treasures there, believe it.
My office has been re-arranged, and during the next workshop, I’ll ask for help to bring my oaken filing cabinets up here so I can go through my “unpublished works” files and prepare some manuscripts for publication.
If you’ve ever been in my bedroom, what the hell are you doing there? What I meant to say was, my entrance hall used to be totally cluttered. It is now unobstructed, making a wonderful pathway for unstable elderly feet, and I do okay in there, also.
I now have a clear area for rare art prints, thanks to Michele’s amazing efforts, and two terrific PRO print bins in which to store them in a way that a customer could see the material in them, just as you’d make a presentation in any art gallery, except it’s in the house.
I have as yet no student willing or able to learn the rare print business, but I’m not worried — those things earn better percentages than money in a CD or trust fund. I know the difference, as a former NASD trade newsletter writer, but unfortunately, you can’t tell the customer that. Smart clients know what they’re doing, and understand that the market goes up, the market goes down.
I’ve gone through my entire collection of over 3,500 rare prints, and I’m starting to catalog them for eventual sale. Again, I’m in no hurry to move them, because every day they sit here, they earn interest, in a manner of speaking. The market reached an all-time low, and is now working its way back up, like the stock and gold markets, from a position of fear.
I’ve redone the Rembrandt Room, and it’s well on its way to becoming an art “backroom” sales area, and a bookstore from which Tamara can run her online bookstore. The rooms behind it are currently used for art storage, and I’ve found some wonderful things back there that somehow got lost over the decades.
The atrium is being reworked with the sales counters that came out of my gallery, and I’ll be using them to display my copper, silver and gold jewelry and my melt-art copper enamels.
I’ve remade the upstairs studio; it now has an area for coins, and a bench for jewelry, another work-bench for melt-art, another for sculpture, and Michele and I cleared a huge area for myself, using what was going to be Space-Buddhaa’s space to make her hoodies, tops and t-shirts, and that’s where I’ll paint my newly-acquired blank shirts, tops and pants for tattoo fashions.
I figured that with SpaceBuddhaa gone, I’d never be able to get the product out there, and with the changes going on here, we’re short-handed enough that there just isn’t anyone with the spare time, interest and ability to help with the fashion project, right?
Turns out, I’m wrong. When I turned out my fashion cowboy hats, Tiffany came to the rescue, and thanks to James Rodney’s help, we have some incredible fashion shots — this snapper, taken by Grishy, is not one of them — Grishy did not have an actual camera, so the action-shots are a bit blurry.
You can see her photo shoot on Jim’s website, and she’s gotten an actual modeling job from this event!!! She and her boyfriend are delighted at this wonderful turn of events, and I’m so happy that she now has an alternative to the grim prospect of being a cosmetician all the rest of her life!
My wonderful and beautiful friend Jaimie at Ben Franklin — there’s a video that Yanesh made of her and me doing something; it’s somewhere on one of my youtube channels — has offered to model my fashions, and of course, so has my friend Amy, who is the most ravishingly amazing cosmetic and fashion professional. She runs a beauty supply shop and knows just about everything about the fashion industry.
I will of course depend on suggestions and such coming from outside, but it’s not the same as working side-by-side with someone, and at the moment, I’m looking for partners in the fashion biz, because I’m NOT connected to the social media, not at all.
I can’t even get on facebook, nor do I try. To me, it’s a welter of visual information and stimuli that I just can’t tolerate — it’s not about age, it’s about preference.
My tendencies don’t include social media, nor do they include romantic interludes or inter-personal intrigues or dramas. As a result, I’m not now, nor was I ever, cut out to be a fashionista, but as fate would have it, I am now just exactly that, so sitting here with the bag in my lap, the part of fashionista I will play.
Rather than return all the dry goods I’d ordered for SpaceBuddhaa, I’ll complete them and put them up on the market. I will revive my Leslie Ann LA Fashions, and I’ll do it double, because I’ll be doing the work of at least two to catch up with the finances in the fashion biz– not noted for big returns.
I’d be happy to hear offers for modeling. I can’t pay cash, but I offer tea and chocolates and we’ll feed you a dinner or a lunch. For Dinner & Dancing, you’re on your own.
As far as painting the items, heck darn, I can whip through those things in no time flat. I’ve been overwhelmed by inventory thousands of times and each time managed to market the stuff out for full retail, and I can do it again.
Over the past five months, anticipating a huge spring effort at the return of SpaceBuddhaa, which we all know now will not happen ever again, I’ve bought a large number of tee shirts, hoodies, tank-tops, spaghetti-strap tops, denim jackets (my personal favorite — I made one for myself to wear, it’s the best denim jacket I’ve ever seen) and of course the ever-popular denim micro-shorts and flare bell jeans.
I also did a LOT of shopping at the fire-station thrift store, finding all sorts of incredible denim items, mostly short shorts and a surprisingly large number of low-rise jeans, all with the idea in mind that SpaceBuddhaa would give them her special touch.
I now have a large pile — no, make that a mountain — of clothing in my pastel studio, and I have a brush and a new box of 12 bottles of gold fleck textile paint from Ben Franklin’s. I bought the supplies yesterday, and got the tee shirts out of storage. I’m hoping to wade through the entire pile in a couple of weeks. It’s well over 200 items, and I’m the one who’s got to bring them into the market now. We have a lot invested there, and it’s incumbent upon me to recover that investment.
I figure I’ll have many hours ahead of me this fall, producing Orbs, writing Inductions and working on the Ashram. It’s all headwork and eyeball strain, and I’ll want to break away from the video screen now & then.
So I’ll get up and go upstairs to the tattoo fashions area in my upstairs studio, and I’ll handpaint the items, one by one, as I feel like doing, with whatever design seems fun to make at the time.
I’ll be producing tattoo fashions whenever I feel the need to take a break from programming and writing, which is often, about every 20 minutes, unless I’m on a streak, in which case, it can be 8 hours without picking my head up to take a look around.
Yeah, game programming, especially multi-level, which is what I do, can be intense.
Anyhow, I have a lot of fashion materials here, and I’ve started working on it this very night and no, you can’t help with this project; it’s my own fashion karma I have to work out here, the result of over-buying and under-production, something I’m curing already even as we speak.
It’s my pile of potatoes, and I’ll peel them as I can and no, I’m not giving them away. My purpose all along has been to develop some sort of community fund-raising project, and tattoo fashions ranks high among those projects, although it’s not really my bag, to make a rather far-reaching purse joke.
I’m also producing a large number of small canvases for use as greeting card graphics. If you have a favorite subject, please let me know. Some of the actual original canvases might be for sale. I’m trying to help the Cloister raise the money needed to repair the tub. It leaks and must be replaced.
My plan for this winter has changed rather radically over the past few days, as you can well imagine, and I’ll be only too happy to give you a rundown on that:
I had been remodeling — with plenty of help from Dick, Claude, Dan, Tamara and so many more friends — and had the idea of making the art storage units into windowed studios or mini-dojos, with the concept that workshops could then use those as mini classrooms or studio areas.
One plan was to bring the kilns over from the 35 acres and rekindle the ceramics studio. This was predicated on the idea that I wouldn’t be doing much fashion painting next spring, but apparently I will be. I don’t think the ceramics have a prayer in hell, unless we have a gallery into which I can place them.
I had made plans for a bonsai workshop for the spring, timed to coincide with other events, but those other events are now not happening, due to this change of situation, so I’m free to reschedule the Bonsai workshop to a time more suitable for transplanting and cutting, which was originally scheduled for a fashion show, and that’d be March, a tough month for workshops, but your last chance to replant successfully with some of the more delicate plants.
Gosh, this is getting chatty. I guess I should sign off, but I did want to mention a few more changes going on around here.
One item is that we’re thinking of changing the daily costume for the cloister members in the Ashram, so you can easily identify them as cadre, which is the military term for “leader”. I was “Cadre” as a corporal (in this photo) and as a sergeant, at Fort Ord, Monterey, California, back in 1962. Here’s the photo:
That’s me on the front right, with the temporary stripes. I was a platoon leader. All five of us ended up in the Army Security Agency, but none of us knew the others’ plans. We met at Fort Devens a few months after this photo was taken, in September of 1962.
Okay, I gotta get back to work. I wish our new couple the best of luck in their new relationship, and hope they will have many happy years together, raising a family and making a life for themselves. SpaceBuddhaa has assured me that she will continue doing her duties at the Ashram and, although not Cloister, she is to be considered Ashram Admin with limited powers, and may not enter restricted Cloister areas.
So, the bottom line — If you want a mountain moved, you still have to come to me, but you would anyway. Nobody but Leslie Ann can move mountains in there, not even Claude. We didn’t make it that way, we live with what the Second Life environment is set up to do.
For me and those remaining in the cloister there is no essential change, nor has there ever been. We do our daily work as we must. For us, there is nowhere else to go and nothing else to do. When the organization is as big as this one is, things happen all the time. You get used to it, and this is not the first time a Cloister member has left to live a family life; it’s hard, almost impossible, to dedicate yourself to a life of “no life at all”, at least not a life perceptible by ordinary standards. We will miss you, SpaceBuddhaa, and we all wish you well.
If you want to help in this case, we need some assistance paying the very large legal bill from SpaceBuddhaa’s immigration case, which we lost, obviously. It’s just under ten thousand dollars. We expect to be paying this bill for the next ten years.
Fair Warning Department – if you still have things you want to do, do them. Think of me standing here at the doorjamb, like that Universal Studios movie hunchback giving you the warning at the castle door: “Go back, before it’s too late!!!”
Well, for us, it’s too late. We have no life, and we’re happy that way. Be careful what you wish for — you may get it. Love and Blessings Abound, and there’s plenty of room for life-changes for others, but not for us. And that’s the way, uh-huh, uh-huh, we like it.
Just to assure you from the Cloister, we’re all alive and well, we’re happy working and being with each other, and we’re all doing fine.
For us, even if one of us had died rather than merely change life circumstances, it would still be Business as usual. We take it in stride, and carry on.
It’s not the first time, nor the last.
So to business — Greeting Card sales are rising, and the Cloister members are very chipper with the announcement that we’ve gone over $1100 on sales of just the Bardo Guides cards alone! Thank you, Dr. Paul!!! He has agreed to give a demo at the Labor Day workshop!
He will show how to achieve the state of Tantric Oneness using a simple card-sales transactional technique!
We will have lectures at the Chen-Rig Temple. BTW, the changes in the temple had nothing whatever to do with SpaceBuddhaa’s resignation from the Cloister. I had wanted to make those changes when I put the temple in, but wasn’t able, for some reason, to get into the Ashram until about a week ago, when Claude repaired my modem and router, which had apparently blown out but didn’t look it, so for six months I had no internet connection, basically.
Maybe it’s just as well. Events seem to play out perfectly for the Plan of the Work, and I never question the outcome.
We’re concentrating on getting ready for the upcoming Labor Day Movements Workshop at this year’s convention; we expect a lot of folks at this time, so make a reservation now, because space is limited. We’re not renting outside meeting spaces, it’s all happening here, and thanks to our house reworking program, we’ve got the space to do it.
But there is a limit to the amount of hospitality we can offer — there’s only so many square feet of space here.
Food is included in the price of admission, and I’ll be cooking some, but not all, of the meals, and I’ll be introducing some amazing dishes I learned to make with the help of friends from Tibet, Afghanistan and Ethiopia. These are incredible work foods containing powerful Prana.
The foods and the recipes will be featured in our new cookbook recipe greeting cards. This is a project in which the entire remaining Cloister is involved.
Food is included in the price — or not, as you choose; there’s an adjusted donation for those who do not wish to eat at my table (I’ll take no offense). Anyhow, food is included, as I said, but not transportation, outside food, lodgings or entertainment.
I do accept tips when I perform; the latest tip I got was “Don’t play the horses.” Good advice on any level. I never do. In the Bardos, I ride alone.
Hi, yo, Wildfire! Awayyyyyyy!!!!
See You At The Top!!!
old gorby